This section provides a list of messages that you may encounter with the use of the SPS MQ Recovery Kit. Where appropriate, it provides an additional explanation of the cause of an error and necessary action to resolve the error condition.
Because the MQ Recovery Kit relies on other SPS components to drive the creation and extension of hierarchies, messages from these other components are also possible. In these cases, please refer to the Message Catalog which provides a listing of all error codes, including operational, administrative and GUI, that may be encountered while using SIOS Protection Suite for Linux and, where appropriate, provides additional explanation of the cause of the error code and necessary action to resolve the issue. This full listing may be searched for any error code received, or you may go directly to one of the individual Message Catalogs for the appropriate SPS component.
Common Error Messages
Error Number | Error Message | Action |
119001 | Queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed to start on server “SERVER” with return code “Code” | The start command was successful, but the check after the start failed. Check the IBM WebSphere MQ alert log on SERVER for possible errors and correct them. |
119002 | Queue manager with TAG “TAG” start command failed on server “SERVER” with return code “Code”. | The start command for the queue manager TAG returned with non zero value. Check the IBM WebSphere MQ alert log on SERVER for possible errors and correct them. The return code Code is the return code of the strmqm command. |
119006 | Command server start command for queue manager “TAG” failed on server “SERVER” with return code “Code”. | The start command for the command server returned with none zero value. Check the IBM WebSphere MQ alert log on SERVER for possible errors and correct them. The return code Code is the return code of the runmqsc command. For WebSphere MQ v6.0, verify that the command server startup type is “MANUAL”. See section Configuration Requirements for details. |
119007 | Listener for queue manager “TAG” failed to start on server “SERVER”. | Check the IBM WebSphere MQ alert log on SERVER for possible errors and correct them. |
119008 | Listener start command for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER” with return code “CODE”. | Check the IBM WebSphere MQalert log on SERVER for possible errors and correct them. |
119013 | Could not create queue manager object for queue manager “QMGR” with TAG “TAG”. | Check the LifeKeeper and WebSphere MQ error logs. |
119014 | Could not create listener object for queue manager “QMGR” with TAG “TAG”. | Check the LifeKeeper and WebSphere MQ error logs. |
119015 | No value forthe “PARAMETER” specified. | Run the LifeKeeper MQ Recovery Kit script with the correct arguments. |
119016 | Instance with ID “ID” does not exist on server “SERVER”. | Check the resource hierarchy. |
119017 | Instance with TAG “TAG” does not exist on server “SERVER”. | Check the resource hierarchy. |
119018 | Invalid parameters specified. | Run the script with the correct options. |
119019 | Too few parameters specified | Run the script with the correct options. |
119021 | Failed to set “VALUE” for resource instance “TAG” on server “SERVER”. | Check the LifeKeeper log for possible errors setting the value. |
119025 | Failed to update instance info for queue manager with TAG “TAG” on server “SERVER”. | When the server is up and running again, retry the operation to synchronize the settings. |
119026 | The following program required does not exist or is not executable: “EXECUTABLE”. Check failed. | The program EXECUTABLE cannot be found. Verify all installation requirements are met and install all required packages. See section Configuration Requirements for details. |
119032 | Script: usage error (error message) | Start the script Script with the correct arguments |
119033 | Script: error parsing config file “ConfigFile”. | Make sure ConfigFile exists and is readable. |
119034 | CHECKTYPE check for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER” because the MQUSER could not be determined. This is probably because of a removed configuration file – ignoring. | The CHECKTYPE check for queue manager with tag TAG failed. Make sure the global configuration file (mqs.ini) exists and is readable. If it is removed, recreate the mqs.ini configuration file. |
119035 | CHECKTYPE check for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER” because no TCP PORT directive found in config file “CONFIGFILE” – ignoring. | Make sure the queue manager configuration file (qm.ini) exists and contains a TCP section as required during installation. Add the TCP section to the queue manager configuration file. |
119042 | “CHECKTYPE” check for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER” because no TCP PORT information was found via runmqsc. | Verify that the port information for the listener objects has been defined and is accessible via runmqsc. |
119043 | TCP Listener configuration could not be read, reason: “REASON”. | Verify that MQ is running and the port information for the listener objects has been defined and is accessible via runmqsc. |
119044 | No TCP Listener configured, no TCP PORT information was found via runmqsc: “MESSAGE”. | Verify that the port information for the listener objects has been defined and is accessible via runmqsc. |
Error Number | Error Message | Action |
001022 | END failed hierarchy “CREATE” of resource “TAG” on server “SERVER” with return value of “VALUE”. | Check the LifeKeeper log on server “SERVER” for possible errors creating the resource hierarchy. The failure is probably associated with the queue manager not starting. |
119020 | Create MQSeries queue manager resource with TAG “TAG” for queue manager “QMGR” failed. | Check the LifeKeeper log for possible errors creating the resource. The failure is probably associated with the queue manager not starting. |
119022 | Failed to create dependency between “PARENT” and “CHILD”. | Check the LifeKeeper log for possible errors creating the dependency. |
119023 | Creating the filesystem hierarchies for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed. File systems: “Filesystems”. | Check the LifeKeeper log for possible errors creating the filesystem hierarchies. |
119029 | No TCP section configured in “CONFIGFILE” on server “SERVER”. | Add the TCP section to the queue manager configuration file on server SERVER. See section Configuration Requirements for details. |
119031 | Queue manager “DIRTYPE” directory (“DIRECTORY”) not on shared storage. | Move the directory DIRECTORY to shared storage and retry the operation. |
119038 | Creation of queue manager resource with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER”. | Check the LifeKeeper log on server SERVER for possible errors, correct them and retry the operation. |
119039 | TCP section in configuration file “FILE” on line “LINE1” is located before LOG section on line “LINE2” on server “SERVER”. | It’s recommended for the TCP section to be located after the LOG: section in the queue manager configuration file. Move the TCP section to the end of the queue manager configuration file and retry the operation. |
119040 | Creation of MQSeries queue manager resource by create_ins was successful but no resource with TAG “TAG” exists on server “SERVER”. Sanity check failed. | Check the LifeKeeper log for possible errors during resource creation. |
119041 | Creation of MQSeries queue manager resource was successful but no resource with TAG “TAG” exists on server “SERVER”. Final sanity check failed. | Check the LifeKeeper log for possible errors during resource creation. |
Error Number | Error Message | Action |
119024 | Instance “TAG” can not be extended from “TEMPLATESYS” to “TARGETSYS”. Reason:REASON | Correct the failure described in REASON and retry the operation. |
119027 | The user “USER” does not exist on server “SERVER”. | Create the user USER on SERVER with the same UID as on the primary server and retry the operation. |
119028 | The user “USER” has a different numeric UID on server “SERVER1” (SERVER1UID) then it should be (SERVER2UID). | Change the UID so that USER has the same UID on all servers and reinstall WebSphere MQ on the server where you have changed the UID and retry the operation. |
119029 | No TCP section configured in “CONFIGFILE” on server “SERVER”. | Add the TCP section to the queue manager configuration file on server SERVER. See section Configuration Requirements for details. |
119030 | Queue manager “QMGR” not configured in “CONFIGFILE” on server “SERVER”. | The queue manager QMGR you are trying to extend is not configured in the global configuration file on the target server SERVER. Add the queue manager stanza to the config file CONFIGFILE on server SERVER and retry the operation. |
119036 | Link “LINK” points to “LINKTARGET” but should point to “REALTARGET” on server “SERVER”. | For file system layout 3 symbolic links must point to the same location on the template and target server SERVER. Correct the link LINK on server SERVER to point to REALTARGET and retry the operation. |
119037 | Link “LINK” that should point to “REALTARGET” does not exist on system “SERVER”. | For file system layout 3 symbolic links must also exist on the target server. Create the required link LINK to REALTARGET on server SERVER and retry the operation. |
Error Number | Error Message | Action |
119003 | Failed to stop queue manager with TAG “TAG” on server “SERVER”. | The queue manager “TAG” on server “SERVER” could not be stopped through the Recovery Kit. For further information and investigation, change the logging level to DEBUG. Depending on the machine load the shutdown timeout values possibly have to be increased. |
119004 | Some orphans of queue manager with TAG “TAG” could not be stopped on server “SERVER”. Tried it “tries” times. | Try killing the orphans manually and restart the Queue Manager again. For further information change the logging level to DEBUG. |
119010 | Listener for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed to stop on server “SERVER”. | This message will only appear if the monitoring for the listener is enabled. For further information change the logging level to DEBUG. |
Resource Monitoring
Error Number | Error Message | Action |
119005 | Queue manager with TAG “TAG” on server “SERVER” failed. | Check the IBM WebSphere MQ alert log on SERVER for possible errors. This message indicates a queue manager crash |
119009 | Listener for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER”. | This message will only appear if monitoring of the listener is enabled. For further information change the logging level to FINE. |
119011 | “CHECKTYPE” PUT/GET Test for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed on server “SERVER” with return code “Code” | This message will only appear if the PUT/GET Test is enabled and the test queue exists. For further information change the logging level to FINE and check theIBM WebSphere queue manager error log (/var/mqm/errors) on SERVER for possible errors and correct them. Verify that the file systems are not full. |
119012 | Client connect test for queue manager with TAG “TAG” on server “SERVER” failed with return code “Code”. | This message will only appear if Listener management is enabled. This message indicates a problem with the listener or the queue manager. Check the log for possible errors and correct them. The return code Code is the return code of the amqscnxc command. |
Warning Messages
Error Number | Error Message | Action |
119201 | Listener for queue manager with TAG “TAG” is NOT monitored on server “SERVER”. | This is a warning that listener management is not enabled. |
119202 | Queue manager with TAG “TAG” is not running on server “SERVER” but some orphans are still active. This is attempt number “ATTEMPT” at stopping all orphans processes. | This is a warning that MQ was not stopped properly. |
119203 | Another instance of recover is running, exiting “EXITCODE”. | Recovery was started, but another recovery process was already running, so this process will not continue. |
119204 | Queue manager server connect check for queue manager with TAG “TAG%” timed out after “SECONDS” seconds on server “SERVER”. | If you see this message regulary increase the value of MQS_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT_SC in /etc/defaul/LifeKeeper. See section Changing the Server Connection Channel for details. |
119205 | Queue manager client connect check for queue manager with TAG “TAG” timed out after “SECONDS” seconds on server “SERVER”. | If you see this message regulary increase the value of MQS_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT_CC in /etc/defaul/LifeKeeper. See section Changing the Server Connection Channel for details. |
119206 | Server “SERVER” is not available, skipping. | A server was not online while updating a queue manager configuration setting. Wait for the server to be online again and repeat the configuration step. |
119207 | “CHECKTYPE” PUT/GET test for queue manager with TAG “TAG” failed because test queue “QUEUE” does not exist (reason code “REASONCODE”) – ignoring. | Create the test queue QUEUE configured or reconfigure the test queue to an existing queue. See section Configuration Requirements for details on creating the test queue. |
119208 | Channel “CHANNEL” does not exist for queue manager with TAG “TAG” (reason code “REASONCODE”) – ignoring. | Create the channel “CHANNEL” which does not appear to exist. By default the channel SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN is used. See the WebSphere MQ documentation for details on how to create channels. |
119209 | PUT/GET test for queue manager with TAG “TAG” skipped because no test queue is defined. | Configure a LifeKeeper test queue for queue manager TAG, |
19210 | The following program required to perform the PUT/GET test does not exist or is not executable: “EXECUTBALE”. Test skipped. | Install a C compiler on the system and make sure it is in the root users PATH environment variable. Run the script “LKROOT/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/mqseries/bin/compilesamples” to compile the modified sample amqsget and amqsgetc programs. |
119211 | Queue manager “CHECKTYPE” PUT/GET test for queue manager with TAG “TAG” timed out after “SECONDS” seconds on server “SERVER”. | If you see this message regulary increase the value of MQS_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT_PUTGET in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. See section Changing the Server Connection Channel for details. |
119212 | QuickCheck for queue manager with TAG “TAG” timed out after SECONDS seconds on server “SERVER”. | If you get this message regularly increase the value of MQS_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper |
119213 | mqseriesQueueManager::getMQVersion:: ERROR unexpected dspmqver output (OUTPUT) – using installation info instead (Queue QUEUE, Queuemanager QMGR). | Reading the MQ version failed via runmqsc. If you get this message regularly, increase the value of MQS_DSPMQVER_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. |
119214 | mqseriesQueueManager::getMQVersion:: ERROR unexpected output retrieving MQ version information (Queue QUEUE, Queuemanager QMGR). Unexpected results * | Check if the following command yields some output when running as the mqm user: dspmqver –b –p1 –f2. Also, as the mqm user run the command dspmqinst and check what it returns. |
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