The Message Catalog provides a listing of all error codes, including operational, administrative and GUI, that may be encountered while using SIOS Protection Suite for Linux and, where appropriate, provides additional explanation of the cause of the error code and necessary action to resolve the issue. This full listing may be searched for any error code received, or you may go directly to one of the following individual Message Catalogs:
Recovery Kit for EC2 Message Catalog
File System Kit Message Catalog
Oracle Listener Kit Message Catalog
DataKeeper Kit Message Catalog
Quick Service Protection Kit Message Catalog
In addition to utilizing the Message Catalog described above, the following topics detail troubleshooting issues, restrictions, etc., that may be encountered:
Communication Paths Going Up and Down
Incomplete Resource Priority Modification
No Shared Storage Found when Configuring a Hierarchy
Recovering from a Server Failure
Recovering from a Non-Killable Process
Recovering from a Panic During a Manual Recovery
Recovering Out-of-Service Hierarchies
Resource Tag Name Restrictions
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