Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.
Code | Severity | Message | Cause/Action |
123006 | FATAL | Unknown version %s of IP address | Cause: The IP address does not appear to be valid for either IPv4 or IPv6. Action: Provide a valid IP address. |
123008 | ERROR | No pinglist found for %s. | Cause: Problem while opening the pinglist for this IP address. Action: Make sure you have provided a pinglist for this IP address. |
123009 | ERROR | List ping test failed for virtual IP %s | Cause: No response was received from any of the addresses in the ping list. Action: Check network connectivity of this node and the systems on which the IPs in the ping list reside. |
123013 | ERROR | Link check failed for virtual IP %s on interface %s. | Cause: The requested interface is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present on the phycial layer connection. Action: Check the physical connections for the interface and bring the physical layer link up. |
123015 | ERROR | Link check failed for virtual IP %s on interface %s. | Cause: The requested interface is a bonded interface, and one of the slaves is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present on the phycial layer connection. Action: Check the physical connections for the slave interface and bring the physical layer link up. |
123024 | ERROR | IP address seems to still exist somewhere else. | Cause: The IP address appears to be in use elsewhere on the network. Action: Either select a different IP address to use or locate and disable the current use of this IP address. |
123037 | ERROR | must specify machine name containing primary hierarchy | Cause: Not enough arguments were provided to creIPhier. Action: Supply all of the needed arguments to creIPhier. |
123038 | ERROR | must specify IP resource name | Cause: Not enough arguments were passed to creIPhier. Action: Supply all of the needed arguments to creIPhier. |
123039 | ERROR | must specify primary IP Resource tag | Cause: The argument specifying the primary IP Resource tag was missing from the "creIPhier" command. Action: Supply all of the needed arguments. |
123042 | ERROR | An unknown error has occurred in utility validmask on machine %s. | Cause: There was an unexpected error running the "validmask" utility. Action: Check adjacent log messages for additional details. |
123045 | ERROR | An unknown error has occurred in utility getlocks. | Cause: There was an unexpected error running the "getlocks" utility. Action: Check adjacent log messages for additional details. |
123053 | ERROR | Cannot resolve hostname %s | Cause: A hostname was provided for the IP address, but the system was unable to resolve the name to an IP address. Action: Check the correctness of the hostname and verify that name resolution (DNS or /etc/hosts) is working correctly and returns the IP for the hostname. |
123055 | ERROR | An unknown error has occurred in utility %s on machine %s. | Cause: There was a failure while creating the IP resource. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
123056 | ERROR | create ip hierarchy failure: perform_action failed | Cause: Unexpected error trying to restore the IP address during creation. Action: Check adjacent log messages for additional details. |
123059 | ERROR | Resource already exists on machine %s | Cause: Attempted to create an IP address that already exists. Action: Reuse the existing resource or manually remove the IP address if it exists or use a different IP address. |
123060 | ERROR | ins_create failed on machine %s | Cause: An unexpected failure occurred while creating an IP resource. Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details. |
123064 | ERROR | An unknown error has occurred in utility %s on machine %s. | Cause: There was a failure while creating a dependency for the IP resource. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
123066 | ERROR | An error occurred during creation of LifeKeeper application=comm on %s. | Cause: A failure occured while calling "app_create." Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
123068 | ERROR | An error occurred during creation of LifeKeeper resource type=ip on %s. | Cause: A failure occured while calling "typ_create." Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
123089 | ERROR | Link check failed for virtual IP %s on interface %s. | |
123091 | ERROR | the link for interface %s is down | Cause: The requested interface is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present on the phycial layer connection. Action: Check the physical connections for the interface and bring the physical layer link up. |
123093 | ERROR | the ping list check failed | Cause: No response was received from any of the addresses in the ping list. Action: Check network connectivity of this node and the systems on which the IPs in the ping list reside. |
123095 | ERROR | broadcast ping failed | Cause: No replies were received from a broadcast ping. Action: Verify that at least one host on the subnet will respond to broadcast pings. Verify that virtual IP is on the correct network interface. Consider using a pinglist instead of a broadcast ping. |
123096 | ERROR | $msg | Cause: The broadcast ping used to determine the viability of the virtual IP failed. Action: Please ensure that the ping list for this resource is properly configured in the properties panel or that broadcast ping checking is disabled by adding NOBCASTPING=1 to the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file. |
123097 | ERROR | exec_list_ping(): broadcast ping failed. | Cause: The broadcast ping used to determine the viability of the virtual IP failed. Action: Ensure that the ping list for this resource is properly configured in the properties panel or that broadcast ping checking is disabled by adding NOBCASTPING=1 to the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file. |
123299 | ERROR | Unable to open %s. Reason %s | |
123410 | ERROR | Usage error OSUquickCheck | |
123411 | ERROR | OSUquickCheck: both tag and id name not specified | |
123412 | ERROR | resource $Tag not found on local server | |
123414 | ERROR | The link for network interface $IPObj->{'device'} is down | |
123415 | ERROR | No pinglist found for $IPObj->{'ipaddr'} | |
123416 | ERROR | List ping test failed for virtual IP $IPObj->{'ipaddr'} |
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