The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) defines a device-independent framework for managing networks. Devices on the network are described by MIB (Management Information Base) variables that are supplied by the vendor of the device. An SNMP agent runs on each node of the network and interacts with a Network Manager node. The Network Manager can query the agent to get or set the values of its MIB variables, thereby monitoring or controlling the agent’s node. The agent can also asynchronously generate messages called traps to notify the manager of exceptional events. There are a number of applications available for monitoring and managing networks using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

SIOS Protection Suite has an event notification mechanism for registering applications that wish to be notified of specific events or alarms (see the sendevent man page). SIOS Protection Suite can be easily enabled to send SNMP trap notification of key SIOS Protection Suite events to a third party network management console wishing to monitor SIOS Protection Suite activity. SIOS Protection Suite installs an MIB file under %LKROOT%\include\LifeKeeper-MIB.txt which describes SIOS Protection Suite trap definitions.

The remote management console receiving SNMP traps must first be configured through the administration software of that system; SIOS Protection Suite provides no external SNMP configuration. The remote management server is typically located outside of the SIOS Protection Suite cluster (i.e., it is not a SIOS Protection Suite node).

SIOS Protection Suite/LifeKeeper Events Table

The following table contains the list of SIOS Protection Suite events and associated trap numbers. The entire Object ID (OID) consists of a prefix followed by a specific trap number in the following format:

prefix.0.specific trap number

The prefix is ., which expands to in the MIB tree. (7359 is SIOS’s enterprise number, followed by 1 for LifeKeeper.) For example, the LifeKeeper Startup Complete event generates the OID: .

SIOS Protection Suite Event/Description Trap # Object ID

LifeKeeper Startup Complete

Sent from a node when LifeKeeper is started on that node

100 .

LifeKeeper Shutdown Initiated

Sent from a node beginning LifeKeeper shutdown

101 .

LifeKeeper Startup Complete

Sent from a node completing LifeKeeper shutdown

102 .

LifeKeeper Manual Switchover Initiated on Server

Sent from the node from which a manual switchover was requested

110 .

LifeKeeper Manual Switchover Complete – recovered list

Sent from the node where the manual switchover was completed

111 .

LifeKeeper Manual Switchover Complete – failed list

Sent from the node where the manual switchover was completed

112 .

LifeKeeper Node Failure Detected

Sent from each node within the cluster when a node in that cluster fails

120 .

LifeKeeper Node Recovery Complete – recovered list

Sent from each node within the cluster that has recovered resources from the failed node

121 .

LifeKeeper Node Recovery Complete – failed list

Sent from each node within the cluster that has failed to recover resources from the failed node

122 .

LifeKeeper Resource Recovery Initiated

Sent from a node recovering a resource; a 131 or 132 trap always follows to indicate whether the recovery was completed or failed.

130 .

LifeKeeper Resource Recovery Failed

Sent from the node in trap 130 when the resource being recovered fails to come into service

131* .

LifeKeeper Resource Recovery Complete

Sent from the node in trap 130 when the recovery of the resource is completed

132 .

Mirror State Change

Sent from the node, who is the source of the mirror, when the mirror state changes. Displays the volume letter, mirror state and IP address of the target node.

Valid Mirror States:
-1: Invalid State
0: No Mirror
1: Mirroring
2: Mirror is resyncing
3: Mirror is broken
4: Mirror is paused
5: Resync is pending

150 .

LifeKeeper replicated volume Split-Brain detected

Sent from the node where LifeKeeper has detected mirror is Source on both sides. Displays volume letter and IP address of the target node.

160 .
The following variables are used to “carry” additional information in the trap PDU:
Trap message all .
Resource Tag 130
Resource Tag 131 .
Resource Tag 132 .
List of recovered resources 111 .
List of recovered resources 121 .
List of failed resources 112 .
List of failed resources 122 .

 * This trap may appear multiple times if recovery fails on multiple backup servers.


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