1. Log in to SIOS20LKNODE01 as sios20\lkadmin.
  1. Select Start > Oracle-OraDB19Home1 to launch the Database Configuration Assistant.
  1. Follow the prompts to enter the details as described in the following table.
Database Operation Create a database Select
Creation Modes Advanced configuration Select
Deployment Type Database type Oracle Single Instance database
Template General Purpose or Transaction Processing
Database Identification Global database name orcl
SID orcl
Create as Container dtabase Check
Use Local Undo tablespace for PDB Check
Create a Container database with one or more PDBs Select
Number of PDBs 1
PDB name Pdb
Storage Option Default settings
Fast Recovery Option Default settings
Network Configuration Listener selection ORCL
Data Vault Option Default settings
Configuration Options Default settings
Management Options Default settings
User Credentials Use the same administrative password for all accounts Select
Oracle home user password Enter password of SIOS20\oracle
Creation Option Default settings


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