- ins_gettag [-d destsys] -i id
- ins_create [-d destsys] -a appname -r restyp [-I{AUTORES_ISP|INIT_ISP| INIT_OSU}] [-v info] -t tag -i id [-Q quickChkInt] [-DdeepChkInt] [-l localRecover{Y/N}] [ -s AUTOMATIC/INTELLIGENT]
- ins_remove [-d destsys] [-R roottag] [-a appname] [-r restyp] [-ttag] [-i id] [-v] [-I] [-N] [-G]
- ins_setin [-d destsys] -t tag [-v info]
- ins_setit [-d destsys] -t tag -I {AUTORES_ISP|INIT_ISP|INIT_OSU}
- ins_setst [-d destsys] -t tag -S {ISP|ISU|OSU} [-R reason] [-A]
- ins_list [-d destsys] [-fC] [-R top] [-a appname] [-r typ] [-t tag] [-i id]
- ins_setchkint [-d destsys] -t tag -c {q=quick|d=deep} -vinterval
- ins_setlocalrecover [-d destsys] -t tag -l {Y=enable|N=disable}
- ins_setas [-d destsys] -t tag -s {INTELLIGENT|AUTOMATIC}
Resources are used by LifeKeeper to represent volumes, applications, or system objects known by the system. Resource types are classifications of resources; resource instances are actual instances of a resource type. For example, resource types would include file system volumes, file shares, IP addresses, LAN Manager names and various servers like SQLServer. Generic, user-definable types permit users to build custom fault resilient setups. Multiple instances may exist for a resource type.
Resource instances may exist in a number of states. These states may take on the following values and meanings:
ISP | Resource is in service, protected. ISP is the normal state of resources on the primary node. |
OSU | Out of service, unimpaired. The resource is not available on this system because it was brought out of service by executing its remove script. The OSU state also is used for objects that have dependencies on children in the OSF or OSU state or when the equivalent object on the backup machine is in the ISP or ISU state. OSU is the normal state of resources on the secondary node. |
OSF | Out of service due to a failure. The resource is not available on this system because a failure has occurred trying to restore the object. |
Exit Codes
All commands exit to 0 if they are successful. Commands exit with a nonzero code and print to standard error if they fail. The following exit codes could be returned by these commands:
0 | The operation has succeeded. |
1 | A system call or library call has internally returned failure. |
2 | A user-specified syntax error occurred. |
3 | LifeKeeper internal error. |
4 | A request to perform an operation on an object that already exists. |
5 | An argument specified is illegal. |
6 | Index out-of-range. |
7 | A request has been made on an object that does not exist. |
8 | A request was made to delete a resource instance on which another non-deleted resource instance depends. |
9 | An attempt to communicate with another system failed. |
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