Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.
Code | Severity | Message | Cause/Action |
112000 | FATAL | Usage: “%s %s”. Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Invalid parameters passed to the SAP create script. Action: Please provide appropriate parameters for the SAP create script. |
112004 | ERROR | The “%s” parameter was not specified for the “%s” function on “%s”. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters, otherwise consult the troubleshooting documentation. | Cause: Invalid parameters were specified when trying to create an internal SAP object. Action: Provide either the SID and instance or the LifeKeeper resource tag name. |
112013 | ERROR | The file “%s” does not exist or was not readable on “%s”. Verify that the specified file exists and/or is readable. | Cause: The sapservices file either does not exist or is not readable. Action: Verify that the sapservices file exists and is readable. |
112017 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112019 | ERROR | The update of the resource information field for resource with tag “%s” has failed on “%s”. View the resource properties manually using ins_list -t <tag> to verify the resource is functional. | Cause: Unable to update the LifeKeeper resource information field for the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the resource exists and that LifeKeeper is running on the given server. |
112022 | ERROR | An error occurred trying to find the IP address “%s” on “%s”. Verify the IP address or DNS name exists in DNS or the hosts file | Cause: Unable to find the given IP address or host name on the given server. Action: Verify that the IP address or DNS name exists in DNS or in the local hosts file. |
112024 | FATAL | There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on \”$me\”. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted. | Cause: At least one NFS shared file system listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS parameter is currently unavailable. Action: Verify that the NFS server is alive, all necessary NFS-related services are running, and that all necessary file systems are being exported. |
112028 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112029 | ERROR | Cannot access canextend script “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: The SAP canextend script either does not exist or is not executable. Action: Verify that the SAP canextend script exists and is executable. |
112037 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. | Cause: Unable to create an internal SAP object to represent the given SAP instance. Action: Verify that the SAP instance is properly installed and configured and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112040 | ERROR | The SAP Directory “%s” (“%s”) does not exist on “%s”. Verify the directory exists, or create the appropriate directory. | Cause: The given SAP installation directory does not exist on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112041 | ERROR | The required utility or executable “%s”, was not found or was not executable on “%s”. Verify the SAP installation and location of the required utility. | Cause: The saphostexec or saposcol utility either could not be found or is not executable. Action: Verify that the SAP Host Agent package is installed correctly and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112042 | ERROR | One or more SAP / LK validation checks has failed on “%s”. Please update the version of SAP on this host to include the SAPHOST and SAPCONTROL Packages. | Cause: The saphostexec or saposcol utility either could not be found or is not executable. Action: Verify that the SAP Host Agent package is installed correctly and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112048 | ERROR | The SAP instance “%s” is already under LifeKeeper protection on server “%s”. Choose another SAP Instance to protect or specify the correct SAP instance. | Cause: The given SAP instance is already protected by LifeKeeper on the given server. Action: Choose an SAP instance which is not already under LifeKeeper protection. |
112049 | ERROR | Error getting SAP “%s” value from “%s” on “%s”. Verify the value exists in the specified file. | Cause: Unable to determine the location of the SAP Mount (sapmnt) directory. Action: Verify that all necessary file systems are mounted and that the all necessary SAP instance profiles are accessible. |
112051 | ERROR | The “%s” or “%s” value in the file “%s” is still set to the physical server name on “%s”. The value(s) must be set to a virtual server name. | Cause: The given host name parameter is set to a physical server host name on the given server. Action: Set the given host name parameter to a virtual host name. |
112053 | ERROR | Detected multiple instance directories for the SAP SID “%s” with Instance ID “%s” in directory “%s” on “%s”. Multiple Instance directories with the same Instance ID is not a supported configuration. | Cause: Multiple SAP instances with the same instance number were detected under the same SAP SID. Action: Reconfigure the SAP environment so that each instance under a given SAP SID has a unique instance number. |
112056 | ERROR | The NFS export for the path “%s” required by the instance “%s” for the “%s” directory does not have an NFS hierarchy protecting it on “%s”. You must create a NFS hierarchy to protect the SAP NFS Exports before creating the SAP hierarchy. | Cause: The NFS export for the given file system is not currently protected by LifeKeeper. Action: Create a LifeKeeper NFS hierarchy for the given exported file system and reattempt SAP resource creation. |
112057 | ERROR | Unable to create a file system resource hierarchy for the file system “%s” on “%s”. | Cause: Unable to create a LifeKeeper file system resource hierarchy to protect the given file system on the given server. Action: Check the LifeKeeper and system logs for more information. |
112058 | ERROR | Unable to create a dependency between parent tag “%s” and child tag “%s” on “%s”. | Cause: Unable to create a LifeKeeper dependency between the given resources on the given server. Action: Check the LifeKeeper logs for more information. |
112060 | ERROR | All attempts at local recovery for the SAP resource “%s” have failed on “%s”. A failover to the backup server will be attempted. | Cause: Unable to recover the given SAP resource on the given server. Action: A failover of the SAP resource hierarchy will be attempted automatically. No user intervention is required. |
112061 | ERROR | The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same. Please specify the correct values for the target and template servers. | Cause: The template and target servers provided during SAP resource extension are the same. Action: Provide the correct names for the template and target servers and reattempt the extend operation. |
112062 | ERROR | Unable to find the home directory “%s” for the SAP user “%s” on “%s”. Verify SAP is installed correctly. | Cause: Unable to find the home directory for the given SAP user on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is installed correctly and that the appropriate SAP administrative user for the given SID exists on the server. |
112063 | ERROR | The SAP user “%s” does not exist on “%s”. Verify the SAP installation or create the required SAP user specified. | Cause: The given SAP administrative user does not exist on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and create the required SAP administrative user if necessary. |
112064 | ERROR | The group id for user “%s” is not the same on template server “%s” and target server “%s”. Please correct the group id for the user so that it matches between the template and target servers. | Cause: The group ID’s for the given SAP administrative user on the template and target servers do not match. Action: Modify the group ID of the given SAP administrative user so that it is the same on the template and target servers. |
112065 | ERROR | The id for user “%s” is not the same on template server “%s” and target server “%s”. Please correct the user id for the user so that it matches between the template and target servers. | Cause: The user ID’s for the given SAP administrative user on the template and target servers do not match. Action: Modify the user ID of the given SAP administrative user so that it is the same on the template and target servers. |
112066 | ERROR | The start and stop files are missing from “%s” on “%s”. Verify that SAP is installed correctly. | Cause: Unable to locate necessary SAP executables or the SAP instance profile. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and configured and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112069 | ERROR | The command “%s” is not found in the “%s” perl module (“%s”) on “%s”. Please check the command specified and retry the operation. | Cause: The given command was not found in the sap perl module on the given server. Action: If this error resulted from a user-initiated command line action, verify that the correct routine name was provided to the remoteControl script. If this error occurred during normal LifeKeeper operation, please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112071 | ERROR | The file “%s” exists, but was not read and write enabled on “%s”. Enable read and write permissions on the specified file | Cause: The given file does not have read/write permissions enabled on the given server. Action: Enable read/write permissions on the given file. |
112073 | ERROR | Unable to create an internal object for the SAP instance using SID=”“%s”“, Instance=”“%s”“ and Tag=”“%s”“ on “%s”. The values specified for the object initialization (SID, Instance, Tag, and System) were not valid. | Cause: Unable to create an internal SAP object to represent the given SAP instance. Action: Verify that the SAP instance is properly installed and configured and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112074 | WARN | Warning: The profile file %s for SID %s and Instance %s has Autostart is enabled on %s. Disable Autostart for the specified instance by setting Autostart=0 in the profile file | Cause: The Autostart parameter is enabled in the given instance profile on the given server. Action: Disable Autostart for the given SAP instance by setting ‘Autostart = 0’ in the instance profile. |
112076 | ERROR | Unable to start the sapstartsrv service for SAP SID $sid and SAP instance $Instance on $me. Verify that the sapservices file is correct and the process can be started manually. | Cause: Unable to start the SAP Start Service (sapstartsrv) process for the given SAP instance. Action: Verify that the sapservices file contains the appropriate command to start the sapstartsrv process and that the process can be started manually. |
112077 | ERROR | Unable to stop the sapstartsrv service for SAP SID %s and SAP instance %s on %s. Verify that the sapservices file is correct and the process can be stopped manually. | Cause: Unable to stop the SAP Start Service (sapstartsrv) process for the given SAP instance. Action: Verify that the sapservices file contains the appropriate command to start the sapstartsrv process and that the process can be stopped manually. |
112086 | ERROR | The ERS resource corresponding to resource %s is in-service and maintaining backup locks on a remote system. Bringing resource %s in-service on %s would result in a loss of the backup lock table. Please bring resource %s in-service on the system where the corresponding ERS resource is currently in-service in order to maintain consistency of the lock table. In order to force resource %s in-service on %s, either (i) run the command \’/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/flg_create -f sap_cs_force_restore_%s\’ as root on %s and reattempt the in-service operation or (ii) take the corresponding ERS resource out of service on the remote system. Both of these actions will result in a loss of the backup lock table. | Cause: An in-service operation was attempted for an ASCS/SCS resource while its corresponding ERS instance was running and storing a backup enqueue table on a different server in the cluster. Action: Bring the ASCS/SCS resource in-service on the server where its corresponding ERS instance is running in order for it to retrieve the backup enqueue table. If the ASCS/SCS resource must be forced in-service on the given node, either (i) run the command ‘/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/flg_create -f sap_cs_force_restore_<ASCS/SCS Tag>’ and reattempt the in-service operation, or (ii) take the corresponding ERS resource out of service on the remote server. Both of these actions will result in a loss of the backup enqueue table. |
112089 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The GetEnqVersion routine was called for an unsupported SAP instance type. Only instance types 1 (TYPE_CS), 2 (TYPE_ERS), and 5 (TYPE_NEW_ERS) are supported. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112095 | ERROR | Error creating resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: The given resource could not be created on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible on the given server. |
112101 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112102 | ERROR | Cannot extend resource “%s” to server “%s” | Cause: The given resource cannot be extended to the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed on the target server and that any necessary shared file systems are accessible from the target system. |
112103 | ERROR | Error creating resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: The given resource could not be created on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible on the given server. |
112104 | ERROR | Cannot access extend script “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: The given extend script does not exist or is not executable on the given server. Action: Verify that all necessary recovery kits are installed and that the given extend script is executable. |
112106 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112112 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112115 | FATAL | Error getting resource information for resource \”$tag\” on server \”$sap::me\”. | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112119 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112123 | ERROR | Error getting resource information for resource “%s” on server “%s” | Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server. |
112124 | ERROR | Resource with either matching tag “%s” or id “%s” already exists on server “%s” for App “%s” and Type “%s” | Cause: A resource with the given resource tag or ID and the same app and type already exists on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP instance is not already under LifeKeeper protection on the given server. If it is not already protected, choose a different resource tag name. |
112125 | ERROR | Unable to create an SAP object for resource %s on system %s. | Cause: Unable to create an internal SAP object to represent the given resource on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible on the given server. |
112126 | ERROR | Usage: “%s %s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP canextend script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the canextend script: canextend <template server> <template tag> |
112127 | FATAL | Usage: \”$cmd $usage\” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP delete script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the delete script: delete [-U] -t <tag> -i <id> |
112128 | FATAL | Usage: “%s %s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP depstoextend script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the depstoextend script: depstoextend <template server> <template tag> |
112129 | FATAL | Usage: “%s %s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP extend script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the extend script: extend <template server> <template tag> <switchback> <target tag> |
112130 | FATAL | Usage: \”$cmd $usage\” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP quickCheck script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the quickCheck script: quickCheck -t <tag> -i <id> |
112131 | FATAL | Usage: “%s %s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP recover script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the recover script: recover -d <tag> |
112132 | FATAL | Usage: \”$cmd $usage\”. Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP remoteControl script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the remoteControl script: remoteControl <tag> <remote instance> <remote cmd> <remote cmd option> <primary system> <primary tag> |
112133 | FATAL | Usage: “%s %s”. Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP remove script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the remove script: remove -t <tag> -i <id> |
112134 | FATAL | Usage: \”$cmd $usage\”. Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP restore script. Action: Specify the correct parameters for the restore script: restore -t <tag> -i <id> |
112135 | ERROR | Usage: “%s” “%s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAPInstanceCmd routine. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112136 | ERROR | Usage: “%s” “%s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAPInstanceCmd routine. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112137 | ERROR | Usage: “%s%s” Specify the correct usage for the requested command. | Cause: Incorrect usage of the CleanUp routine. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112138 | ERROR | The SAP Instance “%s” and all required processes were not started successfully during the “%s” on server “%s”. Please check the LifeKeeper and system logs for additional messages and retry the operation. | Cause: At least one required process for the given SAP instance did not start successfully on the given server. Action: Correct any issues found in the LifeKeeper or system logs or SAP trace files and retry the operation. |
112140 | ERROR | The \”<tag>\” parameter was not specified for the \”$func\” function on \”$me\”. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters, otherwise consult the troubleshooting documentation. | Cause: The tag parameter was not specified in the GetLK routine on the given server. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112141 | ERROR | The “%s” parameter was not specified for the “%s” function on “%s”. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters, otherwise consult the troubleshooting documentation. | Cause: Either the SID or instance parameter was not specified in the StatusSapServer routine on the given server. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112142 | ERROR | The “%s” parameter was not specified for the “%s” function on “%s”. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters, otherwise consult the troubleshooting documentation. | Cause: Either the SID, instance, or instance number parameter was not provided to the StartSapServer routine on the given server. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112143 | ERROR | The “%s” parameter was not specified for the “%s” function on “%s”. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters, otherwise consult the troubleshooting documentation. | Cause: Either the SID, instance, or instance number parameter was not specified in the StopSapServer routine on the given server. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112173 | ERROR | The file “%s” does not exist or was not readable on “%s”. Verify that the specified file exists and/or is readable. | Cause: The given file does not exist or is not readable on the given server. Action: Verify that the file exists and/or modify its permissions so that it is readable. |
112174 | ERROR | The file “%s” does not exist or was not readable on “%s”. Verify that the specified file exists and/or is readable. | Cause: The given file does not exist or is not readable on the given server. Action: Verify that the file exists and/or modify its permissions so that it is readable. |
112175 | ERROR | The file “%s” does not exist or was not readable on “%s”. Verify that the specified file exists and/or is readable. | Cause: The given file does not exist or is not readable on the given server. Action: Verify that the file exists and/or modify its permissions so that it is readable. |
112194 | ERROR | There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on “%s”. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted. | Cause: At least one critical NFS shared file system whose mount point is listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS entry in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is currently unavailable. Action: Verify that all necessary NFS shared file systems are accessible and restart any NFS server which is not currently operational. |
112196 | WARN | There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on “%s”. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted. | Cause: At least one critical NFS shared file system whose mount point is listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS entry in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is currently unavailable. Action: Verify that all necessary NFS shared file systems are accessible and restart any NFS server which is not currently operational. |
112201 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs | Cause: No resource tag argument was provided to the GetLKEquiv routine. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112202 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: All user information fields in the internal SAP object are already populated. Action: No action is required. |
112203 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs | Cause: The SAP instance number was not provided to the IsInstanceRunning routine. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112204 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: Unable to determine either the appropriate saphostexec or saposcol command to use. Action: If using the SAP_SRVHOST_CMD, SAP_HOSTCTL_CMD, or SAP_OSCOL_CMD LifeKeeper tunable values to provide the appropriate commands for a version of SAP NetWeaver prior to SAP kernel 7.3, ensure that these tunable values are set appropriately. |
112205 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The SAP instance was not provided to the SAPRemExec routine on the given system. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112206 | ERROR | The internal object value “%s” was empty. Unable to complete “%s” on “%s”. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: No action was provided to the SAPRemExec routine on the given system. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112208 | ERROR | Error getting SAP “%s” value from “%s” on “%s”. Verify the value exists in the specified file. | Cause: Unable to obtain the virtual IP or host name from the given profile on the given server. Action: Verify that the appropriate entry exists in the profile. |
112209 | ERROR | Error getting SAP \“default (DFLTInfo)\” value from \”$DPFL\” on \”$me\”. Verify the value exists in the specified file. | Cause: Unable to obtain information about the SAP instance from the given profile on the given server. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that the given profile exists and is read-enabled. |
112210 | ERROR | The “%s” or “%s” value in the file “%s” is still set to the physical server name on “%s”. The value(s) must be set to a virtual server name. | Cause: The given host name parameter is set to a physical server host name on the given server. Action: Set the given host name parameter to a virtual host name. |
112214 | ERROR | “%s”: Unable to determine the status of the path “%s” (“%s”) on “%s”. The path on %s may require the execution of the command: mount <ip>:<export> %s. Verify the installation and mount points are correct on this server. | Cause: The status of the file system on the given path could not be determined. Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted. |
112219 | ERROR | The file “%s” exists, but was not read and write enabled on “%s”. Enable read and write permissions on the specified file | Cause: The given file does not have read/write permissions enabled on the given server. Action: Enable read/write permissions on the given file. |
112220 | ERROR | Unable to start the sapstartsrv service for SAP SID %s and SAP instance %s on %s. Verify that the sapservices file is correct and the process can be started manually. | Cause: Unable to start the SAP Start Service (sapstartsrv) process for the given SAP instance. Action: Verify that the sapservices file contains the appropriate command to start the sapstartsrv process and that the process can be started manually. |
112221 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112222 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112223 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112224 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112225 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112226 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112227 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112228 | ERROR | %s was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type(s) %s. Additional information is available in the LifeKeeper and system logs. | Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type. Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support. |
112976 | ERROR | There is no LifeKeeper protected resource with tag $tag on system $me. | Cause: The resource tag provided to the SAP canfailover script does not correspond to any existing LifeKeeper resource. Action: Verify that the resource tag name is correct and execute the command again. |
112977 | ERROR | Resource $tag is not a $app/$typ resource. Please use the $ins_app/$ins_typ resource-specific canfailover script instead. | Cause: The resource provided to the SAP canfailover script is not an appsuite/sap resource. Action: Use the appropriate type-specific canfailover script for the given resource. |
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