SAP MaxDB is a SQL-based, industrial-strength database system that can be deployed for a wide array of purposes. It is highly scalable, platform-independent and provides full transaction support. The database system was originally owned by SAP but has since been released to the Open Source community.
The SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit provides fault resilient protection for SAP MaxDB databases in an SPS for Linux environment.
Document Contents
This guide includes the following topics to help you successfully define and manage your SAP MaxDB hierarchy:
- SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit Requirements. Lists the hardware and software necessary to properly set up, install and operate the SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit.
- Overview. Describes the SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit’s features and functionality.
- Configuration Considerations. Contains information to consider before you install and configure the SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit.
- Configuring SAP MaxDB with SAP. Provides instructions for installing and configuring the SAP MaxDB software and SAP software.
- Resource Configuration Tasks. Describes the various functions you may perform on your hierarchies using the LifeKeeper GUI: create, extend, delete and unextend.
- Hierarchy Administration. Provides important recommendations for ongoing administration of the SAP MaxDB hierarchy.
- Troubleshooting. Lists and describes the error messages associated with the SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit.
- Appendix. Provides requirements and instructions for setting up raw devices for use with the SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit.
SIOS Protection Suite Documentation
The following SPS product documentation is available from the SIOS Technology Corp. website:
SPS for Linux Technical Documentation
SPS for Linux Installation Guide
Optional Recovery Kit Documentation
This documentation, along with documentation associated with optional LifeKeeper Recovery Kits, is provided on the SIOS Technology Corp. website at:
and from the Help menu in the LifeKeeper GUI.
SAP MaxDB Documentation
You can find the SAP MaxDB documentation, including the Installation Guide, User Manual and Reference Manual, at the following locations on the web:
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