First navigate to the WebSphere MQ resource properties panel or the resource context menu described above. The resource must be in service to modify the Server Connection Channel value. Then click on Server Connection Channel Configuration icon or menu item. The following dialog will appear:
Now select the Server Connection Channel to use and click Next. You will be asked if you want to change to the new Server Connection Channel, click Continue. Next, the LifeKeeper GUI will set the Server Connection Channel for the selected queue manager on each server in the cluster.
Command Line
To set the Server Connection Channel via command line use the following command:
/opt/LifeKeeper/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/mqseries/bin/mq_modqmgrparam -c -s -i TEST.QM -p CHANNEL -v LK.TEST.SVRCONN
This will set (-s) the Server Connection Channel (-p) on each node of the cluster (-c) to LK.TEST.SVRCONN for queue manager TEST.QM (-i).
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