Running the Commands:
- Start from /opt/LifeKeeper/bin - Run [one of the below commands] accompanied by [one of the “options”] (./dep_list^-P) |
dep_create – Creates a dependency between two resource instances
- Options/Descriptions
-p <parent tag>
-c <child tag>
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
Description: This function creates a dependency relationship between the resource instances with tags <parent tag> and <child tag> on one system.
Additional Information:
- Both resources must be on the system on which the command is run on the system specified by -d argument.
- If the destination is not specified, the current system is assumed. This implies the parent resource now requires the child for proper operation.
- Both resource instances must already exist.
dep_remove – Removes a dependency between two resource instances
- Options/Description
-p <parent tag> (OPTIONAL)
-c <child tag> (OPTIONAL)
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
Description: Removes the dependency relationship between the resource instances with tags <parent tag> and <child tag> on one system.
Additional Information:
- If dest is not specified, the current system is assumed.
- If child tag is not specified, all dependencies with parent tag are removed.
- If parent tag is not specified, all dependents with child tag are removed.
- The parent tag, the child tag, or both tags must be specified. If neither are specified, a usage error will appear.
dep_list – Lists the dependency relationship between two instances
- Options/Descriptions
-p <ofchildtag> (OPTIONAL)
-c <ofparenttag> (OPTIONAL)
-C <allchild> (OPTIONAL)
-P <allparent> (OPTIONAL)
-r <typ> (OPTIONAL)
-a <app> (OPTIONAL)
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
-f <field separator of ‘:’> (OPTIONAL)
Description: This function prints strings to stdout. It describes the dependency relationships between resource instances. Note: If dest (destination) is not specified, the current system is assumed.
When this command is ran each string will be displayed in the following form:
Parent = ______ Child = ______
There are two fields in each string that are separated by a delimiter character. Use the -f <any character> after the dep_list command to set a delimiter character to separate the two resource instances in the string. The example above shows a colon (:) as a delimiter. The first field indicates the parent tag name of the relationship and the field on the right is the child tag name.
Note: If you do not use the -f option the output still has a delimiter character of control->A (This is an unprintable character that will not show up in the string)
Additional information:
- If the -p option is specified, this command will print out only the direct parent dependents of the resource specified in ofchildtag.
- If the -c option is specified, this command will print out only the direct child dependencies of the resource specified in ofparenttag.
- If the -C option is specified, this command will print out all direct and indirect child dependencies of the resource specified in allchild.
- If the -P option is specified, this command will print out all direct and indirect parent dependencies of the resource specified in allparent.
- If no -p, -c, -P, or -C option is specified, all dependencies are printed.
- Specifying the -r option lists all the dependencies of child typ.
- Specifying the -a option lists all the dependencies of application app.
eqv_create – Creates an equivalency between two nodes
- Options/Descriptions
-t <tag>
-o <tag on equivalent system>
-S <equivalent system>
-p <Priority> (OPTIONAL)
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
-r <Priority on equivalent system (OPTIONAL)
Description: Creates an equivalency in the configuration database between the resource specified by <tag> on the local system, unless a <dest> system is specified via the -d arg, and the resource on the <equivalent system> specified by <tag on equivalent system>.
Additional Information:
- If the <dest> argument is specified the command runs on the <dest> system, otherwise it runs on local system. See examples below on how using the -d arg impacts the values specified.
- The <Priority> and <Priority on equivalent system> arguments represent the resource priorities on the equivalent systems.
- The <Priority> and <Priority on equivalent system> options will default to 1 and 2 respectively if not provided.
- LifeKeeper will automatically add a equivalency on a remote system specified by the -S <equivalent system>
- For the equivalency type, -e arg, LifeKeeper currently supports only SHARED.
To create an equivalency between TagOnNodeA and TagOnNodeB run the following (both are run on NodeA):
- eqv_create -t TagOnNodeA -p 1 -s NodeB -o TagOnNodeB -r 10 -e SHARED
- eqv_create -d NodeB -t TagOnNodeB -p 10 -s NodeA -o TagOnNodeA -r 1 -e SHARED
eqv_remove – Removes an equivalency of a given resource between two nodes
- Options/Descriptions
-S <equivalent system>
-t <tag>
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
-o <tag on equivalent system> (OPTIONAL)
Description: Removes an equivalency in the configuration database between the resource specified by <tag> on the local system, unless a <dest> system is specified via the -d arg, and the resource on the <equivalent system> specified by <tag on equivalent system>.
Additional Information:
- If the <dest> argument is specified the command runs on the <dest> system, otherwise it runs on local system. See examples below on how using the -d arg impacts the values specified.
- The <tag> represents the resource tag on the local node, unless <dest> is specified in which case the <tag> is the resource tag on <dest>.
- For the equivalency type, -e arg, LifeKeeper currently supports only SHARED.
- LifeKeeper will automatically remove the equivalency on the remote system specified by the -S <equivalent system>.
To remove an equivalency between TagOnNodeA and TagOnNodeB run the following (both are run on NodeA):
- eqv_remove -t TagOnNodeA -S NodeB -e SHARED
- eqv_remove -d NodeB -t TagOnNodeB -S NodeA -e SHARED
eqv_list - Lists equivalency relationships between resource instances
- Options/Descriptions
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
-s <system> (OPTIONAL)
-t <tag name> (OPTIONAL)
-f: <field separator of ‘:’> (OPTIONAL)
This function prints strings to stdout describing equivalency relationships between resource instances.
Additional Information:
- If <dest> is specified, then the equivalency listing will be from that system, otherwise it will be from the local system.
- If <system> is specified, then the equivalency listing will be for any equivalencies that exist between the local system.
- iwstp:varfs:remote:varfs_backup:SHARED:1:2
- iwstp:usrfs:remote:usrfs_backup:SHARED:1:2
Each line in the example above contains fields in each string that are separated by a delimiter character. Use the -f <any character> after the eqv_list command to set a delimiter character to separate the fields of the printed string(s). The above example shows a colon (:) as a delimiter. The fields are as follows (fields 1, 2, and 6 are information for the local system; fields 3, 4, and 7 pertain to the remote system, and field 5 is the equivalency type):
- Local system name where resource tag 1 of equivalency resides: iwstp
- Tag name of resource tag 1: varfs
- Remote system name where resource tag 2 of equivalency resides: remote
- Tag name of resource tag 2: varfs backup
- Equivalency type: * _SHARED._*
- Priority value for local system/resource: 1
- Priority value for the remote system/resource: 2
The remaining arguments to this function limit the information output as specified below:
- -e SHARED This option prints all SHARED equivalency information.
- -t tag This option limits the output to include only the equivalencies relating to the tag specified by the tag argument.
hry_setpri - Sets the priority of a given node or hierarchy on the node
- Options/Descriptions
-t <tag(s)>
-p <priority>
-d <dest> (OPTIONAL)
-q <Details in Description> (OPTIONAL)
-l: <Details in Description> (OPTIONAL)
Description: This function sets the resources instances in the specified <tag(s)> resource hierarchy to <priority>. By default the change will be performed on the local node unless -d <dest> is specified.
Additional Information:
- All associated equivalences are updated.
- The <priority> must not be in use by any existing equivalency.
- The hierarchy is identified by the root resource <tag(s)> specified by the -t option. If multiple root hierarchies exist with common resources all the roots must be specified via a comma separated list of tags such as “-t H1,H2”. No imbedded spaces are allowed.
- The new priority is specified using the -p option.
- If the -q option is specified, all normal output to stdout is suppressed.
- If the -l option is specified, a list of systems this hierarchy is resident on, and their associated priorities is displayed. For example:
teak 10
ash 20
plum 30
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