Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.

Code Severity Message Cause/Action
000200 ERROR pam_start() failed
000201 ERROR pam_authenticate failed (user %s, retval %d
000202 ERROR pam_end() failed?!?!
000203 ERROR Did not find expected group ‘lkguest’
000204 ERROR Did not find expected group ‘lkoper’
000205 ERROR Did not find expected group ‘lkadmin’
000208 ERROR pam_setcred establish credentials failed (user %s, retval %d

Cause: Unable to establish valid login credentials for user {user}. The pam_setcred call returned: {retval}.

Action: Check /var/log/security and /var/log/messages for more information.

000209 ERROR pam_setcred delete credentials failed (user %s, retval %d

Cause: Unable to clear login credentials for user {user}. The pam_setcred call returned: {retval}.

Action: Check /var/log/security and /var/log/messages for more information.

000902 ERROR Error removing system name from loopback address line in /etc/hosts file. You must do this manually before starting the GUI server.

Cause: System name did not get removed from /etc/hosts file.

Action: Remove system name manually then restart the GUI server, then enter the following:
run <action name>

000918 ERROR LifeKeeper GUI Server error during Startup

Cause: The GUI server terminated due to an abnormal condition.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

001052 FATAL Template resource "%s" on server "%s" does not exist

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

001053 ERROR Cannot access canextend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to run pre-extend checks because it was unable to find the script CANEXTEND on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

001054 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

001055 ERROR Cannot access extend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource hierarchy because it was unable to the find the script EXTEND on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

001057 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

001059 ERROR Resource with tag "%s" already exists

Cause: The name provided for a resource is already in use.

Action: Either choose a different name for the resource, or use the existing resource.

001060 ERROR Resource with either matching tag "%s" or id "%s" already exists on server "%s" for App "%s" and Type "%s"

Cause: The name or id provided for a resource is already in use.

Action: Either choose a different name or id for the resource or use the existing resource.

001061 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected failure occurred while creating a resource.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

001081 WARN IP address \"$ip\" is neither v4 nor v6

Cause: The IP address provided is neither an IPv4 nor an IPv6 address.

Action: Please check the name or address provided and try again.
If a name was provided, verify that name resolution returns a valid IP address.

004024 ERROR

Cause: LCD failed to fetch resource information for resource id {id} during resource recovery.

Action: Verify the input resource id and retry the recovery operation.

004028 ERROR %s occurred to resource \"%s\"

Cause: Local recovery failed for resource {resource}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004055 ERROR attempt to remote-remove resource \"%s\" that can’t be found

Cause: Remotely removing a resource from service failed while attempting to find the resource by tag name {tag}.

Action: Check input tag name and retry the recovery operation.

004056 ERROR attempt to remote-remove resource \"%s\" that is not a shared resource

Cause: Remotely removing a resource from service failed given that the tag name {tag} is not a shared resource.

Action: Check input tag name and retry the recovery operation.

004060 ERROR attempt to transfer-restore resource \"%s\" that can’t be found

Cause: Remote transfer of an in service resource failed given tag name {tag}.

Action: Check input tag name and retry the recovery operation.

004061 ERROR attempt to transfer-restore resource \"%s\" that is not a shared resource with machine \"%s\"

Cause: LifeKeeper failed to find a shared resource by {tag} name during remote transfer of a resource in service from a remote {machine}.

Action: Check input tag name and retry the recovery operation.

004089 ERROR ERROR: Parallel recovery initialization failed.\n

Cause: Parallel recovery failed to initialize the list of resources in the hierarchy.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004091 ERROR ERROR: fork failed. continuing to next resource\n

Cause: Parallel recovery failed to fork a new process attempting to restore a single resource.

004093 ERROR ERROR: reserve failed. continuing to next resource\n

Cause: Parallel recovery failed to reserve a single resource from the collective hierarchy.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004096 ERROR ERROR: clone %d is hung, attempting to kill it\n

Cause: A single sub process of a resource recovery is hung during parallel recovery of a whole resource hierarchy.

Action: A kill of the hanging sub process will be executed automatically.

004097 ERROR ERROR: Could not kill clone %d\n

Cause: Failed to kill the hung sub process.

004116 ERROR %s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed attempting to create the intermediate folder. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the intermediate folder is not created.

004117 ERROR open(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to open a temporary file. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file is not successfully opened.

004118 ERROR write(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to write to a temporary file. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file writing is failed.

004119 ERROR fsync(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to fsync a temporary file. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the "fsync" is failed.

004120 ERROR close(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to close a temporary file. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file closing is failed.

004121 ERROR rename(%s, %s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to rename a temporary file {file} to original file {file}. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file renaming is failed.

004122 ERROR open(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to open an intermediate directory {directory}. This is a system error."

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the directory open is failed.

004123 ERROR fsync(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to fsync an intermediate directory {directory}. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the directory "fsync" is failed.

004124 ERROR close(%s

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed while attempting to close an intermediate directory {directory}. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the directory close is failed.

004125 ERROR wrote only %d bytes of requested %d\n

Cause: Writing an on-disk version of an in-memory data object failed as the final size {size} bytes of written data is less than the requested number {number} of bytes.

Action: Check log for the related error information in detail and determine why the data writing is failed.

004126 ERROR open(%s

Cause: Attempting to open a data file failed during the reading of an on-disk version of the data object into the buffer. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file open is failed.

004127 ERROR open(%s

Cause: Attempting to open a temporary data file failed during the reading of an on-disk version of the data object into the buffer. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file open is failed.

004128 ERROR read(%s

Cause: Reading a data file failed during the loading of an on-disk version of the data object into the buffer. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file reading is failed.

004129 ERROR read buffer overflow (MAX=%d)\n

Cause: The read buffer limit {max} was reached while attempting to read an on-disk version of the data object into the buffer.

Action: Check the LifeKeeper configuration and restart the LifeKeeper.

004130 ERROR close(%s

Cause: Failed to close a data file during reading an on-disk version of the data object into the buffer. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file close is failed.

004131 ERROR rename(%s, %s

Cause: Failed to rename a temporary data file during reading an on-disk version of the data object into the buffer. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the file renaming is failed.

004132 ERROR Can’t open %s : %s

Cause: Failed to open a directory {directory} with error {error} during reading an on-disk version of the application and resource type information into the buffer. This is a system error.

Action: Check log for the error information in detail and determine why the open directory is failed.

004133 ERROR path argument may not be NULL

Cause: The command "lcdrcp" failed during a file copy because the input source path is missing.

Action: Check the input source path and retry "lcdrcp".

004134 ERROR destination path argument may not be NULL

Cause: The "lcdrcp" command failed during a file copy because the input destination path is missing.

Action: Check the input destination path and retry "lcdrcp".

004135 ERROR destination path can’t be zero length string

Cause: Input destination path was empty during file copy when using "lcdrcp".

Action: Check the input destination path and retry "lcdrcp".

004136 ERROR open(%s

Cause: Failed to open source file path during file copy using "lcdrcp". This is a system error.

Action: Check the existence/availability of the input source path and retry "lcdrcp". Also check the related log for error information in detail.

004137 ERROR fstat(%s

Cause: Failed to fetch file attributes using "fstat" during file copy by "lcdrcp". This is a system error.

Action: Check the log for error information in detail.

004138 ERROR file \"%s\" is not an ordinary file (mode=0%o

Cause: Detected source file as a none ordinary file during file copy using "lcdrcp".

Action: Check the input source file path and retry "lcdrcp".

004151 FATAL lcdMalloc failure

Cause: Failed to allocate memory with requested size in shared memory.

Action: A fatal error will be produced.

004152 ERROR having \"%s\" depend on \"%s\" would produce a loop

Cause: Adding the requested dependency would produce a loop of dependent relationship.

Action: Correct the requested dependency and retry the dependency creation.

004164 ERROR Priority mismatch between resources %s and %s. Dependency creation failed.

Cause: The priorities for {resource1} and {resource2} do not match.

Action: Resource priorities must match. Change one or both priorities to the same value and retry creating the dependency.

004176 ERROR %s

Cause: The command "doabort" failed to create the {directory} for writing the core file. This is a system error.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004182 ERROR received signal %d\n

Cause: Received signal {signum}.

004186 ERROR %s: ::receive(%d) protocol error on incoming_mailbox %s

Cause: In function {function}, attempting to receive message within timeout {timeout} seconds failed due to a non-idle status of incoming mailbox {mailbox}.

Action: Check the status of the connections inside the cluster and retry the process.

004190 ERROR %s: ::receive(%d) did not receive message within %d seconds on incoming_mailbox %s

Cause: In function {function}, attempting to receive message within timeout {timeout} seconds failed with incoming mailbox {mailbox}.

Action: Check the status of the connections inside the cluster and retry the process.

004204 ERROR attempt to send illegal message

Cause: Sending message failed due to a illegal message.

004205 ERROR destination system \"%s\" is unknown

Cause: Sending message failed due to an unknown destination system name {system}.

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system and check the logs for related errors. Retry the same process after the system is full initialized.

004206 ERROR destination mailbox \"%s\" at system \"%s\" is unknown

Cause: Sending message failed due to an unknown mailbox {mailbox} on destination system name {system}. This error may be caused by sending a message before the LCD is fully initialized.

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system and check the logs for related errors. Retry the same process after the system is full initialized.

004208 ERROR destination system \"%s\" is alive but the \"%s\" mailbox process is not listening.

Cause: Sending message failed. The network connection to destination system {system} is alive but the contact to the destination mailbox is lost.

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system and check the logs for related errors. Retry the same process after the system is full initialized.

004209 ERROR destination system \"%s\" is dead.

Cause: Sending message failed due to losing connection with the destination system {system}.

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system and check the logs for related errors. Retry the same process after the system is full initialized.

004211 ERROR can’t send to destination \"%s\" error=%d

Cause: Sending message to destination system {system} failed due to internal error {error}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004217 ERROR destination system \"%s\" is out of service.

Cause: Sending message failed due to losing connection with the destination system {system}.

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system and check the logs for related errors. Retry the same process after the system is full initialized.

004221 ERROR destination system \"%s\" went out of service.

Cause: Sending message failed due to losing connection with the destination system {system}.

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system and check the logs for related errors. Retry the same process after the system is full initialized.

004228 ERROR Can’t get host name from getaddrinfo(

Cause: Creating network object failed due to a failure when getting host name using "getaddrinfo()".

Action: Check the configuration and status of the system. Do the same process again.

004234 ERROR IP address pair %s already in use

Cause: Creating network object failed due to the IP address pair {pair} is already used for a TCP communication path.

Action: Check the input IP address pair and do the network creation again.

004258 WARN Communication to %s by %s FAILED

Cause: Communication to system {system} by communication path {path} failed.

Action: Check system configuration and network connection.

004261 WARN COMMUNICATIONS failover from system \"%s\" will be started.

Cause: A failover from system {system} will be started due to all the communications path are down.

Action: Check system configuration and network connection status. Confirm the system status when failover is done.

004292 ERROR resource \"%s\" %s

Cause: A resource could not be brought in service because its current state is unknown.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004293 ERROR resource \"%s\" %s

Cause: A resource could not be brought into service because its current state disallows it.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004294 ERROR resource \"%s\" requires a license (for Kit %s/%s) but none is installed

Cause: The resource’s related recovery kit requires a license.

Action: Install a license for the recovery kit on the server where the resource was to be brought into service.

004297 ERROR secondary remote resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" is already in-service, so resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" can’t be brought in-service.

Cause: A resource {resource} could not be brought into service on machine {machine} because its secondary remote resource {resource} is already in service on machine {machine}.

Action: Manually change the remote resource out of service and do in service on local resource again.

004298 ERROR remote resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" is still in-service, restore of resource \"%s\" will not be attempted!\n
004300 ERROR restore of resource \"%s\" has failed

Cause: A resource could not be brought into service.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004311 ERROR can’t perform \"remove\" action on resources in state \"%s\"

Cause: A resource could not be put out of service due to the current state being {state}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004313 ERROR remove of resource \"%s\" has failed

Cause: A resource {resource} could not be put out of service.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004318 ERROR %s,priv_globact(%d,%s): script %s FAILED returning %d

Cause: A global action script failed with the specified error code.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004332 ERROR action \"%s\" has failed on resource \"%s\"

Cause: A resource action failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004351 ERROR a \"%s\" equivalency must have one remote resource

Cause: Creating of a {eqvtype} equivalency failed due to the two input tag names exist on the same system.

Action: Correct the inputs resource tag names and do the same process again.

004356 WARN Use unsupported option %s for remove. This option may be removed in future upgrades.
004376 FATAL wait period of %u seconds for LCM to become available has been exceeded (lock file \"%s\" not removed

Cause: The LCM daemon did not become available within a reasonable time and the LCD cannot operate without the LCM.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004386 ERROR initlcdMalloc;shmget

Cause: A shared memory segment could not be initialized.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Review the product documentation and ensure that the server meets the minimum requirements and that the operating system is configured properly.

004439 WARN intermachine recovery skipped for %s. Failed to obtain resource_state_change lock.\n
004444 WARN License key (for Kit %s/%s) has EXPIRED

Cause: Your license has expired.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

004445 WARN License key (for Kit %s/%s) will expire at midnight in %ld days

Cause: Your license is about to expire.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

004466 ERROR system \"%s\" not defined on machine \"%s\".

Cause: The specified system name is not known.

Action: Verify the system name, and try the operation again.

004467 ERROR system \"%s\" unknown on machine \"%s\"

Cause: The specified system name is not recognized.

Action: Verify the system name, and try the operation again.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.


Cause: An action or event script produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004512 ERROR

Cause: An error occured on the remote machine.

Action: Check the logs on the remote machine for additional details.

004565 ERROR can’t set resource state type to ILLSTATE

Cause: An attempt was made to put a resource in an illegal state.

Action: Do not try to put a resource into an illegal state.

004567 ERROR split brain detected while setting resource \"%s\" to \"%s\" state (SHARED equivalency to resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" which is in state \"%s\"). Setting local resource ISP but aborting the operation.

Cause: Changing resource {resource} to state {state} failed since its SHARED equivalent resource {resource} on machine {machine} is in state {state}.

Action: A split brain situation has occurred. The failover operation has been aborted. You should manually put the split brain resources (ISP on multiple systems) in the proper state.

004607 ERROR no resource instance has tag \"%s\"

Cause: No resource with the provided tag exists.

Action: Provide a valid tag, or check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004608 ERROR no resource instance has identifier \"%s\"

Cause: No resource exists with the provided identifier.

Action: Provide a valid identifier, or check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004619 ERROR resource with tag \"%s\" already exists with identifier \"%s\"

Cause: The provided tag name already exists.

Action: Choose a different tag name.

004620 ERROR resource with identifier \"%s\" already exists with tag \"%s\"

Cause: The provided identifier already exists.

Action: Choose a different identifier to use for this resource.

004643 ERROR Instance tag name is too long. It must be shorter than %d characters.

Cause: Tag name is too long.

Action: Provide a tag name that is less than 256 characters.

004646 ERROR Tag name contains illegal characters

Cause: Tag name contains an illegal character.

Action: Specify a tag name that does not include one of these characters: _-./

004691 ERROR can’t set both tag and identifier at same time

Cause: Both a tag and an identifier were specified.

Action: Provide only one of tag or identifier.

004745 ERROR failed to access lkexterrlog path=%s

Cause: The utility "lkexterrlog" can not be accessed for collecting system information.

Action: Check the installation of package "steeleye-lk" and make sure the utility "lkexterrlog" is accessible.

004746 ERROR lkexterrlog failed runret=%d cmdline=%s

Cause: The execution of utility "lkexterrlog" failed when collecting system information.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004782 ERROR Resource \"%s\" was in state \"%s\" before event occurred – recovery will not be attempted

Cause: The resource is already in service. Recovery will not be attempted.

004783 ERROR Resource \"%s\" was already in state \"%s\" before event occurred

Cause: A resource was not in an appropriate state to allow recovery.

Action: Put the resource in the ISP state if recovery is still needed.

004786 ERROR %s on failing resource \"%s\"

Cause: An error occured why attempting to recover a resource.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004788 EMERG failed to remove resource ‘%s’. SYSTEM HALTED.

Cause: A error occur that prevented a resource from being taken out of service during a recovery. The system has been restarted to ensure the resource is not active on two systems.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004793 ERROR lcdsendremote transfer resource \"%s\" to \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" failed (rt=%d

Cause: A failure occured while transfering a resource and it’s dependencies to another system.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Check the log on the other system for related errors.

004797 ERROR Restore of SHARED resource \"%s\" has failed

Cause: There was an error while restoring a resource.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

004806 ERROR Restore in parallel of resource \"%s\" has failed; will re-try serially

Cause: Parallel recovery failed. Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

Action: No action is required. The system will continue to recover serially. If the recovery fails, check for error messages related to the resources which failed to recover to find out what further actions to take.

004819 ERROR read_temporal_recovery_log(): failed to fopen file: %s. fopen() %s.

Cause: The opening of the temporal recovery log file {file} in preparation for loading into it into memory failed with the error {error}.

Action: Check system log files and correct any reported errors before retying the operation.

004820 ERROR read_temporal_recovery_log(): failed to malloc initial buf for temporal_recovery_stamp.

Cause: Loading the temporal recovery log information into memory failed when attempting to acquire memory to store the log information.

Action: Check system log files and correct any reported errors before retying the operation.

004821 ERROR read_temporal_recovery_log(): failed to reallocate buffer for temporal_recovery_stamp.

Cause: Loading the temporal recovery log information into memory failed when attempting to increase the amount of memory required to store the log information.

Action: Check system log files and correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

004822 ERROR write_temporal_recovery_log(): failed to open file: %s.

Cause: The update of the temporal recovery log file was terminated when the open of the temporary file {temporary name} failed.

Action: Check system log files and correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

004823 ERROR rename(%s, %s) failed.

Cause: The update of the temporal recovery log file was terminated when the rename of the temporary file {temporary name} to the real log file {real name} failed.

Action: Check system log files and correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

004827 ERROR b
004829 FATAL err=%s line=%d Semid=%d numops=%zd perror=%s

Cause: The modification of semaphore ID {semaphore} failed with error {err} and error message description {perror}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Also, check the system log files and correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

004860 ERROR restore ftok failed for resource %s with path %s

Cause: The attempt to generate an IPC key for use in semaphore operations for resource {tag} using path {path} failed. This is a system error.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Also check system log files and correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

004861 ERROR semget failed with error %d

Cause: The attempt to retrieve the semaphore identification associated with the instances files has failed. This is a system error.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Also check system log files and correct any reported errors before retying the operation.

004862 ERROR semctl SEMSET failed with error %d

Cause: The attempt to create and initialize a semaphore used during the recovery process has failed with the error {error number}. This is a system error.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Also, check system log files and correct any reported errors before retying the operation.

004863 ERROR semop failed with error %d

Cause: The attempt to set a semaphore used during the recovery process has failed with the error {error number}. This is a system error.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Also, check system log files and correct any reported errors before retying the operation.

004864 ERROR semctl SEMSET failed with error %d

Cause: The attempt to release a semaphore used during the recovery process has failed with the error {error number}. This is a system error.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Also, check system log files and correct any reported errors before retying the operation.

004865 ERROR restore action failed for resource %s (exit: %d

Cause: The attempt to bring resource {tag} In Service has failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Correct any reported errors and retry the operation.

004872 ERROR Remote remove of resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" failed (rt=%d

Cause: The request to take resource {tag} Out of Service on {server} for transfer to the local system has failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details on the local system. Also, check the log messages on {server} for further details on the failure to remove the resource.

004875 ERROR remote remove of resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" failed

Cause: The request to take resource {tag} Out of Service on {server} for transfer to the local system has failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details on the local system. Also, check the log messages on {server} for further details on the failure to remove the resource.

004876 ERROR remote remove of resource \"%s\" on machine \"%s\" failed

Cause: The request to take resource {tag} Out of Service on {server} for transfer to the local system has failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details on the local system. Also, check the log messages on {server} for further details on the failure to remove the resource.

005045 ERROR tli_fdget_i::execute unable to establish a listener port

Cause: A network connection could not be properly configured.

Action: Verify that all network hardware and drivers are properly configured. If this message continues and resources cannot be put into service, contact Support.

005055 ERROR tli_fdget_o::execute – async connect failure

Cause: A network connection could not be properly configured.

Action: Verify that all network hardware and drivers are properly configured. If this message continues and resources cannot be put into service, contact Support.

005061 ERROR tli_fdget_o::execute – bind socket

Cause: A network connection could not be properly configured.

Action: Verify that all network hardware and drivers are properly configured. If this message continues and resources cannot be put into service, contact Support.

005090 WARN system_driver::add_driver: cmd=%s\n
005108 WARN system_driver::rm_driver: cmd=%s\n
005145 ERROR opening the file

Cause: A pipe could not be opened or created.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

005164 ERROR tli_handler::handle-error:sending/receiving data message

Cause: A message failed to be sent or received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error but if this error continues and servers can’t communicate then verify the network configuration on the servers.

005165 WARN errno %d\n

Cause: A message failed to be sent or received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error but if this error continues and servers can’t communicate then verify the network configuration on the servers.

005166 WARN poll 0x%hx\n

Cause: A message failed to be sent or received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error but if this error continues and servers can’t communicate then verify the network configuration on the servers.

005167 WARN handler for sys %s\n

Cause: A message failed to be sent or received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error but if this error continues and servers can’t communicate then verify the network configuration on the servers.

005225 WARN so_driver::handle_error: sending/receiving data message errno %d: %s

Cause: A message failed to be sent or received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error, but if this error continues and servers cannot communicate, verify the network configuration on the servers.

005235 WARN found tcp connection to iwstp\n
005236 WARN didn’t find tcp connection to iwstp\n
005237 WARN lcm_handler retry send from %s:%s to %s:%s (%d)\n
005238 WARN detected duplicate request from %s:%s to %s:%s\n
005239 WARN lcm_handler retry timer set to %d based on lcd remote timeout of %d s (%d s
005240 WARN lcm_handler retry count/time (%d/%zu) has exceeded the maximum. Giving up…\n
005241 WARN dup_list: %s %s %s %s %d %d (%d
005242 WARN clean up stale dup_list entry (%d s): %s:%s to %s:%s last: %s
005243 WARN add new dup_list entry %s:%s to %s:%s %d %d (%d
005244 WARN closing fd %d\n
005245 WARN openpoll fd %d\n
006012 ERROR quickCheck script ‘%s’ (%d) failed to exit after %lu seconds. Forcibly terminated. Please examine the script or adjust the LKCHECKINTERVAL parameter in %s.

Cause: A quickCheck script is probably taking too long or hanging.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

006014 ERROR LKCHECKINTERVAL parameter is too short. It is currently set to %ld seconds. It should be at least %ld seconds. Please adjust this parameter in %s and execute ‘kill %d’ to restart the lkcheck daemon.
006102 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: $LKROOT/bin/sendevent

Cause: This is output from a "sendevent "(event generator) command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

006103 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: $LKROOT/bin/sendevent

Cause: This is output from a "sendevent" (event generator) command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

006104 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: $LKROOT/bin/sendevent

Cause: This is output from a "sendevent" (event generator) command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

006502 ERROR CPU usage has exceeded the threshold ($threshold%) for $count check cycles.
006504 ERROR Could not open /proc/meminfo
006505 ERROR Memory usage has exceeded the threshold ($threshold%) for $count check cycles.
006508 ERROR [$SUBJECT event] mail returned $err
006509 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
006511 ERROR snmptrap returned $err for Trap 190
006512 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
006514 ERROR [$SUBJECT event] mail returned $err
006515 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
006517 ERROR snmptrap returned $err for Trap 200
006518 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
006520 ERROR Failed to update error count in $cpu_file: $!
006521 ERROR Failed to update error count in $mem_file: $!
006523 ERROR The SNHC_CPUCHECK_THRESHOLD setting is not valid. Please set SNHC_CPUCHECK_THRESHOLD to a value between 10 and 99 in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. If not set, the value will default to 99.
006524 ERROR The SNHC_CPUCHECK_TIME setting is not valid. Please set SNHC_CPUCHECK_TIME to a value between 1 and 100 in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. If not set, the value will default to 1.
006525 ERROR The SNHC_MEMCHECK_THRESHOLD setting is not valid. Please set SNHC_MEMCHECK_THRESHOLD to a value between 10 and 99 in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. If not set, the value will default to 99.
006526 ERROR The SNHC_MEMCHECK_TIME setting is not valid. Please set SNHC_MEMCHECK_TIME to a value between 1 and 100 in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. If not set, the value will default to 1.
006528 ERROR Could not open /proc/stat
006529 ERROR Could not open /proc/stat
006530 ERROR Could not use $tmp_path
007053 ERROR malloc failed. Assume that it is a monitoring target device.
007058 ERROR %s: %s failed on ‘%s’, result:%d, Sense Key = %d.

Cause: A SCSI device couldn’t be reserved or have its status checked. This may be because the storage is malfunctioning or because the disk has been reserved by another server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and verify that resources are being handled properly.

007059 ERROR %s: %s failed on ‘%s’, result:%d.

Cause: A SCSI device couldn’t be reserved or have its status checked. This may be because the storage is malfunctioning or because the disk has been reserved by another server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and verify that resources are being handled properly.

007060 EMERG %s: failure on device ‘%s’. SYSTEM HALTED.

Cause: A SCSI device couldn’t be reserved or have its status checked. This may be because the storage is malfunctioning or because the disk has been reserved by another server. THE SERVER WILL BE REBOOTED/HALTED.

Action: Verify that the storage is functioning properly and, if so, that resources were handled properly and have been put in service on another server.

007072 ERROR %s: failed to open SCSI device ‘%s’, initiate recovery. errno=0x%x, retry count=%d.

Cause: The protected SCSI device could not be opened. The device may be failing or may have been removed from the system.

Action: The system will be halted or a failover to the backup node will be initiated. The default action in this case is a failover, but this can be modified with the SCSIERROR tunable.

007073 ERROR %s: failed to open SCSI device ‘%s’, RETRY. errno=%d, retry count=%d.

Cause: The protected SCSI device could not be opened. The device may be failing or may have been removed from the system.

Action: This error is not critical. The operation will be retried in 5 seconds. If the problem persists, the system will perform a halt or resource failover.

007075 ERROR %s: RESERVATION CONFLICT on SCSI device ‘%s’. ret=%d, errno=0x%x, retry count=%d.

Cause: A SCSI device couldn’t be reserved due to a conflict with another server. This may be because the storage is malfunctioning or because the disk has been reserved by another server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and verify that resources are handled properly.

007077 ERROR %s: DEVICE FAILURE on SCSI device ‘%s’, initiate recovery. ret=%d, errno=0x%x, retry count=%d.

Cause: A SCSI device couldn’t be reserved or have its status checked. This may be because the storage is malfunctioning or because the disk has been reserved by another server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and verify that resources are handled properly.

007078 ERROR %s: DEVICE FAILURE on SCSI device ‘%s’, RETRY. ret=%d, errno=0x%x, retry count=%d.

Cause: A SCSI device couldn’t be reserved or have its status checked. This may be because the storage is malfunctioning or because the disk has been reserved by another server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and verify that resources are handled properly.

010002 WARN flag $flag not present, send message again.

Cause: This message indicates an incomplete process that will be retried.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for repeated errors.

010003 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: $LKBIN/ins_remove

Cause: This message is part of the output from an "ins_remove" command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may not be a true error.

010006 WARN flg_list -d $i took more than $pswait seconds to complete…

Cause: A flag list operation on a server took much longer than expected. There may be a problem communicating with the other server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

010007 ERROR flag $flag not present, switchovers may occur.

Cause: One of the servers in the cluster could not be told to disallow failover operations from the current server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and monitor the cluster for unexpected behavior.

010008 WARN flag $flag not present, send message again.

Cause: A process is incomplete but will be retried.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and for repeated warnings/errors.

010023 FATAL LifeKeeper failed to initialize properly.

Cause: There was a fatal error while attempting to start LifeKeeper.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

010025 ERROR `printf ‘Unable to get a unique tag name on server "%s" for template resource "%s"’ $MACH $DISK`

Cause: A suitable tag during the create process for a storage resource could not be automatically generated.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. Retry the operation if there are no other errors.

010034 FATAL Unable to start lcm.

Cause: A core component of the software could not be started.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details and try to resolve the reported problem.

010038 WARN Waiting for LifeKeeper core components to initialize has exceeded 10 seconds. Continuing anyway, check logs for further details.

Cause: Some parts of the software are taking longer than expected to start up.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

010039 WARN Waiting for LifeKeeper core components to initialize has exceeded 10 seconds. Continuing anyway, check logs for further details.

Cause: Some parts of the software are taking longer than expected to start up.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

010046 ERROR The dependency creation failed on server $SERVER:" `cat $TEMP_FILE`

Cause: A dependency relationship could not be created on the given server.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem

010063 ERROR $REMSH error

Cause: A command to request data to backup from another server failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010085 ERROR lkswitchback($MACH): Automatic switchback of \"$loctag\" failed

Cause: The resource was not switched back over as expected.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010102 ERROR admin machine not specified

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "getlocks" operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation. If this error happens during normal operation, contact Support.

010107 WARN Lock for $m is ignored because system is OOS

Cause: A lock was ignored because the system for which the lock was created is not alive.

Action: Check the logs for related errors. This may be a harmless error.

010108 ERROR lock acquisition timeout

Cause: Acquiring a lock tool longer than expected/allowed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010109 ERROR could not get admin locks." `cat /tmp/ER$$`

Cause: The software failed to acquire a lock that is required to manage resources.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010112 ERROR lcdrcp failed with error no: $LCDRCPRES

Cause: A file could not be copied to another server.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010116 ERROR unable to set !lkstop flag

Cause: A flag could not be set to indicate that the server is being stopped by user request.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010121 ERROR Extended logs aborted due to a failure in opening $destination. ($syserrmsg

Cause: The execution of utility "lkexterrlog" failed when opening the extended log file.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010132 ERROR Unable to retrieve reservation id from "%s". Error: "%s". Attempting to regenerate.

Cause: Unable to open the file /opt/LifeKeeper/config/.reservation_id to retrieve the unique id used for SCSI 3 persistent reservations.

Action: None. An attempt will be made to regenerate the ID and update the file.

010135 ERROR The current reservation ID of "%s" is not unique within the cluster. A new ID must be generated by running "%s/bin/genresid -g" on "%s".

Cause: The reservation id defined for the system is not unique within the cluster and cannot be used.

Action: Take all resources out of service on this node and then run "/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/genresid -g" to generate a unique reservation id.

010136 ERROR Unable to store reservation id in "%s". Error: "%s"

Cause: Unable to open the file /opt/LifeKeeper/config.reservation_id to store the unique id used for SCSI 3 persistent reservations.

Action: Correct the error listed as the reason the open failed and then take all resources out of service on this node and then run "/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/genresid -g" to generate a new unique reservation id.

010137 ERROR Failed to generate a reservation ID that is unique within the cluster.

Cause: The generated reservation id is already defined on another node in the cluster and must be unique within the cluster.

Action: Take all resources out of service on this node and then run "/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/genresid -g" to generate a new unique reservation id.

010138 ERROR $message
010139 WARN $message
010140 ERROR $COMMAND_SNMPTRAP returned $exitcode for Trap $oid:$result
010141 ERROR LK_TRAP_MGR is specified in /etc/default/LifeKeeper, but $COMMAND_SNMPTRAP command is not in PATH.
010142 ERROR $COMMAND_EMAIL returned $exitcode:$result
010143 ERROR LK_NOTIFY_ALIAS is specified in /etc/default/LifeKeeper, but $COMMAND_EMAIL command is not in PATH.
010144 ERROR can’t opendir $LICENSE_DIR: $!
010145 ERROR lktest failed
010146 ERROR lkcheck failed
010147 ERROR ins_list failed: exit code = $exit_code
010159 ERROR Maintenance mode disable currently in progress, can’t enable maintenance mode. If this problem persists, consider using the —force option.
010160 ERROR Maintenance mode enable currently in progress, can’t disable maintenance mode. If this problem persists, consider using the —force option.
010161 ERROR $tag is not a valid resource tag on the local machine, aborting. Please check the spelling and try again.
010163 ERROR $cmd script not found or not executable on system $sys.
010165 ERROR An error occurred while running \’$LKROOT/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/sap/bin/$cmd -m=${opt_mode}${tag_cmd}${force_cmd}\’ on system $sys (exit code: $remexec_ret). Please inspect the logs on that system for more information.
010168 WARN Maintenance mode was not fully ${opt_mode}d for at least one resource on system $sys.
010172 ERROR Maintenance mode was not fully ${opt_mode}d for the requested resources on at least one system in the cluster.
010173 ERROR LifeKeeper is not running on system $me. Unable to ${opt_mode} maintenance mode. Aborting.
010179 ERROR Maintenance mode action \’${opt_mode}\’ did not complete successfully for resource $tag on system $me.
010181 ERROR An error occurred while attempting maintenance mode action \’${opt_mode}\’ on system $me for resources: @{local_hier_tags}.
010187 ERROR Resource $tag has not been extended to system $sys.
010222 ERROR scsifree(%s): LKSCSI_Release(%s) unsuccessful

Cause: A SCSI device that appeared to be reserved was not released as expected.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve any reported problems. This error may be benign if the system is functioning properly.

010231 ERROR scsiplock(%s): reserve failed.

Cause: A reservation on a SCSI device could not be acquired.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010250 ERROR Failed to exec command ‘%s’

Cause: The "lklogmsg" tool failed to execute a sub-command {command}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve any reported problems. Verify that the sub-command exists and is a valid command or program. If this message happens during normal operation, contact Support.

010256 ERROR scsi_tur(%s): open failed.
010260 ERROR scsi_tur(%s): test unit ready failed.
010402 EMERG local recovery failure on resource $opts{‘N’}, trigger VMware HA…

Cause: When in LifeKeeper Single Server Protection operation, a resource could not be recovered and VMware-HA is about to be triggered to handle the failure (if VMware-HA is enabled).

Action: No action is required. VMware should handle the failure.

010413 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$

Cause: This is the output from an "snmptrap" command that may have failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010420 EMERG local recovery failure on resource $opts{‘N’}, trigger reboot…

Cause: When in LifeKeeper Single Server Protection operation, a resource could not be recovered and a reboot is about to be triggered to handle the failure.

Action: No action is required.

010440 ERROR [$SUBJECT event] mail returned $err

Cause: This indicates a notification email could not be sent via the "mail" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010443 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$

Cause: This is the output from a "mail" command that may have failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010445 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$

Cause: This is the output from a "mail" command that may have failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010463 ERROR LifeKeeper: name of machine is not specified, ARGS=$ARGS

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "comm_down" event.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration and retry the operation.

010471 ERROR COMM_DOWN: Attempt to obtain local comm_down lock flag failed

Cause: During the handling of a communication failure with another node, a local lock could not be acquired. This will likely stop a failover from proceeding.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. If failovers are not taking place properly, contact Support.

010482 ERROR LifeKeeper: name of machine is not specified, ARGS=$ARGS

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "comm_up" event.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration and retry the operation.

010484 WARN flg_list -d $MACH check timed-out ($delay seconds).

Cause: "flg_list" command reached its timeout value {delay} seconds.

010487 WARN flg_list -d $MACH check timed-out, unintended switchovers may occur.

Cause: "flg_list" command reached its timeout value.

Action: Switch back the resource tree if unintended switchover occurs.

010492 WARN $m

Cause: One of other servers looked dead to this server {server}, but witness servers did not agree.

Action: Ensure other server is dead and switch over the resource manually.

010494 ERROR LifeKeeper: COMM_UP to machine $MACH completed with errors.

Cause: An unexpected failure occurred during "COMM_UP" event.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

010503 ERROR lcdrecover hung or returned error, attempting kill of process $FPID

Cause: "lcdrecover" took too long or errored out.

010506 ERROR Intelligent Switchback Check Failed

Cause: Failed 5 times to perform "lcdrecover."

Action: Switch over the resource tree manually.

010535 ERROR LifeKeeper: name of machine is not specified, ARGS=$ARGS
010600 ERROR removing hierarchy remnants
010627 WARN Equivalency Trim: does not have a full complement of equivalencies. Hierarchy will be unextended from
010629 WARN Your hierarchy exists on only one server. Your application has no protection until you extend it to at least one other server.
010712 ERROR Unextend hierarchy failed

Cause: A resource hierarchy failed to be unextended from a server.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

010746 ERROR $ERRMSG Target machine \"$TARGET_MACH\" does not have an active LifeKeeper communication path to machine \"$aMach\" in the hierarchy." >&2

Cause: A hierarchy cannot be unextended because the target server does not have adequate communication with the other servers in the cluster.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Ensure that all servers have communication paths to each other.

010763 ERROR lock failed
011000 ERROR appremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011001 ERROR depremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011002 ERROR eqvremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011003 ERROR flgremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011004 WARN Illegal creation of resource

Cause: This will not occur under normal circumstances.

011009 ERROR insremote: unknown change field command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011010 ERROR insremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011011 FATAL %s

Cause: LifeKeeper could not get IPC key.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

011012 FATAL semget(%s,%c

Cause: LifeKeeper could not get semaphore set id.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

011013 FATAL shmget(%s,%c

Cause: System could not allocate a shared memory segment.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

011014 FATAL prefix_lkroot("out"

Cause: A system error has occurred while accessing /opt/LifeKeeper/out.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/out is not accessible.


Cause: You are running a demo license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011016 ERROR lic_single_node_msg

Cause: You have a license for LifeKeeper Single Server Protection but you do not have LifeKeeper Single Server Protection installed.

Action: Either install LifeKeeper Single Server Protection or obtain a license that matches the product you are running.

011018 ERROR lic_init_fail_msg, lc_errstring(lm_job

Cause: License manager initialization failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

011020 EMERG lic_init_fail_msg, lc_errstring(lm_job

Cause: License manager initialization failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

011021 EMERG lic_error_msg, lc_errstring(lm_job

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011022 EMERG lic_error_msg, lc_errstring(lm_job

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011023 EMERG lic_no_rest_suite, ""

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011024 EMERG lic_error_msg, lc_errstring(lm_job

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011025 EMERG lic_no_license, ""

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find valid license keys.

Action: Ensure license keys are valid for the server and retry the operation.

011026 EMERG lic_error_msg, lc_errstring(lm_job

Cause: There is an unknown problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011027 EMERG lic_no_license, ""

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011028 ERROR lang_error_msg

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011029 FATAL can’t set reply system

Cause: A message failed to be sent.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error.

011030 FATAL can’t set reply mailbox

Cause: A message failed to be sent.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error.

011031 ERROR Failure reading output of ‘%s’ on behalf of %s

Cause: A system error has occurred while accessing temporary file /tmp/OUT.{pid}.

Action: Determine why /tmp/OUT.{pid} is not accessible.

011032 ERROR Failure reading output of ‘%s’

Cause: A system error has occurred while accessing temporary file /tmp/ERR.{pid}.

Action: Determine why /tmp/ERR.{pid} is not accessible.

011033 ERROR event \"%s,%s\" already posted for resource with id \"%s\"

Cause: This message is for information only.

011034 ERROR no resource has id of \"%s\"

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find the {id} resource.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the "sendevent" operation.

011044 ERROR flagcleanup:fopen(%s

Cause: A system error has occurred while reading /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg is not readable.

011045 ERROR flagcleanup:fopen(%s

Cause: A system error has occurred while writing /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg is not writable.

011046 ERROR flagcleanup:fputs(%s

Cause: A system error has occurred while writing /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg is not writable.

011047 ERROR flagcleanup:rename(%s,%s

Cause: A system error has occurred while renaming /opt/LifeKeeper/config/.flg to /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg was not able to be renamed.

011048 ERROR flagcleanup:chmod(%s

Cause: A system error has occurred while changing permissions in /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg.

Action: Determine why LifeKeeper could not change permissions in /opt/LifeKeeper/config/flg.

011049 ERROR License check failed with error code %d

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011051 ERROR lcdinit: clearing Disk Reserve file failed

Cause: A system error has occurred while writing /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/scsi/resources/disk/disk.reserve.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/scsi/resources/disk/disk.reserve is not writable.

011052 FATAL malloc() failed

Cause: The system could not allocate memory for LifeKeeper.

Action: Increase the process limit for the data segment.

011053 FATAL lcm_is_unavail

Cause: A system error has occurred while writing /tmp/LK_IS_UNAVAIL.

Action: Determine why /tmp/LK_IS_UNAVAIL is not writable.

011054 FATAL lk_is_unavail

Cause: A system error has occurred while writing /opt/LifeKeeper/config/LK_IS_ON.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/config/LK_IS_ON is not writable.

011055 FATAL usr_alarm_config_LK_IS_ON

Cause: A system error has occurred while writing /tmp/LCM_IS_UNAVAI.

Action: Determine why /tmp/LCM_IS_UNAVAI is not writable.

011056 ERROR License check failed with error code %d

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011057 ERROR lcdremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: A message failed to be received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error, but if this error continues and servers cannot communicate, verify the network configuration on the servers.

011059 FATAL Could not write to: %s

Cause: A system error has occurred while accessing /opt/LifeKeeper/config/LK_START_TIME.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper/config/LK_START_TIME is not accessible.

011060 FATAL received NULL message

Cause: A message failed to be received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error, but if this error continues and servers cannot communicate, verify the network configuration on the servers.

011061 ERROR unknown data type %d(‘%c’) on machine \"%s\"\n

Cause: A message failed to be received.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details. This may be a temporary error, but if this error continues and servers cannot communicate, verify the network configuration on the servers.

011062 WARN LifeKeeper shutdown in progress. Unable to perform failover recovery processing for %s\n

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to fail over the given resource during shutdown.

Action: Switch over the resource tree to other server manually.

011063 WARN LifeKeeper resource initialization in progress. Unable to perform failover recovery processing for %s\n

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to fail over the given resource during start up.

Action: Switch over the resource tree manually after LifeKeeper starts up.

011068 ERROR ERROR on command %s

Cause: An error occurred while running the "rlslocks" command.

Action: Check adjacent messages for more details.

011070 ERROR ERROR on command %s

Cause: An error occurred while running the "getlocks" command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for more details.

011080 FATAL out of memory

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Increase the process limit for the data segment.

011081 FATAL Failed to ask ksh to run: %s

Cause: A system error has occurred while invoking ksh.

Action: Make sure the pdksh (v8.0 and earlier) or the steeleye-pdksh (v81 and later) package is installed.

011082 ERROR Failed to remove: %s

Cause: A system error has occurred while removing /tmp/LCM_IS_UNAVAIL.

Action: Determine why /tmp/LCM_IS_UNAVAIL is not removable.

011083 ERROR Failed to remove: %s

Cause: A system error has occurred while trying to unlink /tmp/LK_IS_UNAVAIL.

Action: Determine why /tmp/LK_IS_UNAVAIL is not removable.

011084 FATAL Failed to generate an IPC key based on: %s

Cause: A system error has occurred while accessing /opt/LifeKeeper.

Action: Determine why /opt/LifeKeeper is not accessible.

011085 ERROR semget(%s,%c) failed

Cause: A system error has occurred while removing a semaphore.

Action: Try to remove the semaphore manually.

011086 ERROR shmget(%s,%c) failed

Cause: A system error has occurred while removing a shared memory segment.

Action: Try to remove the shared memory segment manually.

011087 ERROR semctl(IPC_RMID) failed

Cause: A system error has occurred while removing a semaphore.

Action: Try to remove the semaphore manually.

011088 ERROR shmctl(IPC_RMID) failed

Cause: A system error has occurred while removing a shared memory segment.

Action: Try to remove the shared memory segment manually.

011089 FATAL Execution of lcdstatus on remote system <%s> failed\n

Cause: The remote {node} is down, inaccessible via the network or some other system problem occurred on the remote node.

Action: Bring the remote node back online, or check adjacent messages for additional information, or check the logs on the remote node for additional information.

011090 FATAL

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011091 WARN

Cause: This will not occur under normal circumstances.

011092 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011093 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011094 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011095 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011096 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011097 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011098 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011099 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011100 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011101 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011102 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011103 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011104 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011105 FATAL

Cause: There is a problem with your license.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

011111 ERROR action \"%s\" on resource with tag \"%s\" has failed

Cause: The {action} for resource {tag} has failed.

Action: See adjacent error messages for further details.

011112 ERROR

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find the network device.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

011113 ERROR netremote: unknown subcommand type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011114 ERROR netremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011117 ERROR sysremote: system \"%s\" not found on \"%s\"

Cause: An invalid system name was provided.

Action: Recheck the system name and rerun the command.

011118 ERROR sysremote: unknown subcommand type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011119 ERROR sysremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011120 ERROR typremote: unknown command type %d(‘%c’)\n

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Try restarting the product.

011129 ERROR Failure during run of ‘%s’ on behalf of %s

Cause: Command execution failed.

Action: See message details to determine the problem.

011130 ERROR %s

Cause: The command {command} produced unexpected output.

Action: Action should be determined by the content of adjacent error messages.

011131 EMERG demo_update_msg

Cause: There is a problem with your demo license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011132 EMERG demo_tamper_msg

Cause: You have a demo license and clock tampering has been detected.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011133 EMERG demo_tamper_msg

Cause: You have a demo license and clock tampering has been detected.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011134 EMERG demo_expire_msg

Cause: The demo license for this product has expired.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011135 EMERG demo_tamper_msg

Cause: You have a demo license and clock tampering has been detected.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011136 EMERG buf

Cause: You are running a demo license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011138 EMERG buf

Cause: You are running a demo license.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011142 WARN LifeKeeper Recovery Kit %s license key NOT FOUND

Cause: An Application Recovery Kit license for {kit} was not found.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.


Cause: The command "eventslcm" produced unexpected output.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

011151 EMERG &localebuf3

Cause: This version of the LifeKeeper core package is restricted to being used within the territories of the People’s Republic of China or Japan.

011152 EMERG Localized license failure

Cause: There was a mis-match between your locale and the locale for which the product license was created.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license which matches your locale.

011154 EMERG Single Node flag check failed.

Cause: You have a license for LifeKeeper Single Server Protection but you do not have LifeKeeper Single Server Protection installed.

Action: Either install LifeKeeper Single Server Protection or obtain a license that matches the product you are running.

011155 EMERG lic_master_exp_msg, ""

Cause: Your license key for this product has expired.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011162 EMERG lic_restricted_exp_msg, ""

Cause: Your license key for this product has expired.

Action: Contact Support to obtain a new license.

011163 EMERG Single Node license check failed

Cause: You have a license for LifeKeeper Single Server Protection but you do not have LifeKeeper Single Server Protection installed.

Action: Either install LifeKeeper Single Server Protection or obtain a license that matches the product you are running.

011164 EMERG demo_expire_msg, DEMO_UPGRADE_MSG

Cause: Your license key for this product has expired.

Action: Please contact Support to obtain a permanent license key for your product.

011165 ERROR LifeKeeper initialize timed out in tag \"%s\"
015000 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: /opt/LifeKeeper/sbin/chpst

Cause: An error has ocurred with the "steeleye-lighttpd" process. Specific details of the error are included in the actual log message.

Action: Correct the configration and "steeleye-lighttpd" will automatically be restarted.

103001 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The db2nodes.cfg does not contain any server names.

Action: Ensure the db2nodes.cfg is valid.

103002 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the version for the requested instance "%s"

Cause: "db2level" command did not return DB2 version.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103003 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103004 ERROR Unable to get the information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103005 ERROR Unable to get the information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103006 ERROR Unable to get the instance information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103007 ERROR Unable to get the instance home directory information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance home directory path.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103008 ERROR Unable to get the instance type information for resource "%s"

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit found invalid instance type.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103009 ERROR LifeKeeper has encountered an error while trying to get the database configuration parameters for database \"$DB\"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "db2 get db cfg for $DB" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103012 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to start the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested startup of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" operation.

103013 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to start the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested startup of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" operation.

103015 ERROR An entry for the home directory "%s" of instance "%s" does not exist in "/etc/fstab"

Cause: The home directory of instance of Multiple Partition database should exist in "/etc/fstab".

Action: Ensure the home directory exists in "/etc/fstab".

103016 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to mount the home directory for the DB2 instance "%s"

Cause: Failed to mount the home directory of instance of Multiple Partition database.

Action: Ensure the home directory is mounted and retry the operation.

103017 ERROR Unable to get the instance nodes information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance nodes.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103018 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to start database partition server "%s" for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested startup of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" operation.

103020 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to stop the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested shutdown of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "remove" operation.

103021 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to stop the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested shutdown of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "remove" operation.

103023 ERROR Unable to get the instance nodes information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance nodes.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103024 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to stop database partition server "%s" for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested shutdown of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "remove" operation.

103026 ERROR Unable to get the instance nodes information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance nodes.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103027 FATAL The argument for the DB2 instance is empty

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the create operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103028 FATAL Unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

103029 FATAL Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103030 FATAL LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103031 ERROR The path "%s" is not on a shared filesystem

Cause: The instance home directory should be on a shared filesystem.

Action: Ensure the path is on shared filesystem and retry the create operation.

103032 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the DB tablespace containers for instance "%s" or the log path for one of its databases

Cause: LifeKeeper could not determine the location of the database table space containers or verify that they are located in a path which is on a mounted filesystem.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

103033 ERROR The path "%s" is not on a shared filesystem

Cause: The path of database table space container should be on a shared filesystem.

Action: Ensure database table space container is on a shared filesystem and retry the operation.

103034 ERROR A DB2 Hierarchy already exists for instance "%s"

Cause: An attempt was made to protect the DB2 instance that is already under LifeKeeper protection.

Action: You must select a different DB2 instance for LifeKeeper protection.

103035 ERROR The file system resource "%s" is not in-service

Cause: The file system which the DB2 resource depends on should be in service.

Action: Ensure the file system resource is in service and retry the "create" operation.

103036 ERROR Unable to create the hierarchy for raw device "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {raw device} .

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

103037 ERROR A RAW hierarchy does not exist for the tag "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the raw resource {tag} .

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103038 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the DB2 hierarchy "%s" and the Raw hierarchy "%s"

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent DB2 resource and the child Raw resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

103039 ERROR LifeKeeper could not disable the automatic startup feature of DB2 instance "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the DB2 setting.

Action: The DB2AUTOSTART will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic startup of the instance at system boot.

103040 ERROR DB2 version "%s" is not installed on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find DB2 installed location.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103041 ERROR The instance owner "%s" does not exist on target server "%s"

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the DB2 instance owner from template server during a "canextend" or "extend" operation failed.

Action: Verify the DB2 instance owner exists on the specified server. If the user does not exist, it should be created with the same uid and gid on all servers in the cluster.

103042 ERROR The instance owner "%s" uids are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The user id on the target server {target server} for the DB2 instance owner {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The user ids for the DB2 instance owner {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The user id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103043 ERROR The instance owner "%s" gids are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The group id on the target server {target server} for the DB2 instance owner {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The group ids for the DB2 instance owner {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The group id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103044 ERROR The instance owner "%s" home directories are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The home directory location of the user {user} on the target server {target server} does not match the DB2 instance owner’s home directory on the template server {template server}.

Action: The home directory location of the DB2 instance owner {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The location mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103045 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the DB2 "SVCENAME" parameter for the DB2 instance

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "db2 get dbm cfg" command.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103046 ERROR Unable to get the value of the DB2 "SVCENAME" parameter for the DB2 instance %s.

Cause: The DB2 "SVCENAME" parameter is set to null.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103047 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the contents of the "/etc/services" file on the server "%s"

Cause: "/etc/services" on the template server does not contain the service names for the DB2 instance.

Action: The service names in "/etc/services" for the DB2 instance must match on all servers in the cluster. The service names mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103048 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the contents of the "/etc/services" file on the server "%s"

Cause: "/etc/services" on the target server does not contain the service names for the DB2 instance.

Action: The service names in "/etc/services" for the DB2 instance must match on all servers in the cluster. The service names mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103049 ERROR The "/etc/services" entries for the instance "%s" are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The "/etc/services" entries for the instance are mismatched.

Action: The service names in "/etc/services" for the DB2 instance must match on all servers in the cluster. The service names mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103050 ERROR The home directory "%s" for instance "%s" is not mounted on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find db2nodes.cfg for Multiple Partition instance.

Action: Ensure the home directory is mounted and retry the operation.

103051 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information from the template server.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103052 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to add instance "%s" and/or its variables to the DB2 registry

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "db2iset" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103053 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103054 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103055 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103056 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103058 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103059 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103060 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

103061 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103062 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find the node for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103063 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 install path

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find DB2 for the instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103064 ERROR Usage: nodes -t tag -a add_nodenum | nodes -t tag -d delete_nodenum | nodes -t tag -p
103065 ERROR Invalid input provided for "%s" utility operation, characters are not allowed.

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "nodes" command.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103066 ERROR Unable to get the information for resource "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag}.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103067 ERROR The DB2 instance "%s" is not a EEE or Multiple Partition instance

Cause: The resource {tag} is single partition instance.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103069 ERROR Node "%s" is already protected by this hierarchy

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "nodes" command.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103070 ERROR Node number "%s" is the last remaining node protected by resource "%s". Deleting all nodes is not allowed.

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "nodes" command.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103071 ERROR LifeKeeper is unable to get the equivalent instance for resource "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "nodes" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103072 ERROR Unable to set NodesInfo for resource "%s" on "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "nodes" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103073 ERROR Unable to set NodesInfo for resource "%s" on "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "nodes" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103074 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103075 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103076 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103077 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

103078 ERROR The database server is not running for instance "%s"

Cause: A process check for the DB2 instance did not find any processes running.

Action: The DB2 instance must be started.

103079 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103080 ERROR One or more of the database partition servers for instance "%s" is down

Cause: All database partition servers should be running.

Action: Ensure all database partition servers are running and retry the operation.

103081 ERROR DB2 local recovery detected another recovery process in progress for "%s" and will exit.
103082 ERROR Failed to create flag "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create a flag for controlling DB2 local recovery processing.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

103083 ERROR Failed to remove flag "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to remove a flag for controlling DB2 local recovery processing.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

103084 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance \"$Instance\" home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

104002 FATAL $msg

Cause: This message indicates an internal software error.

Action: The stack trace indicates the source of the error.

104003 FATAL $self->Val(‘Tag’) . " is not an SDR resource"

Cause: A data replication action was attempted on a non data replication resource.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104010 ERROR $self->{‘md’}: bitmap merge failed, $action

Cause: The bitmap merge operation has failed.

Action: The target server may have the mirror and/or protected filesystem mounted, or the bitmap file may be missing on the target. Check the target server.

104022 ERROR $argv1: mdadm failed ($ret

Cause: The "mdadm" command has failed to add a device into the mirror.

Action: This is usually a temporary condition.

104023 ERROR $_

Cause: The message contains the output of the "mdadm" command.

104025 ERROR failed to spawn monitor

Cause: The system failed to start the ‘mdadm -F’ monitor process. This should not happen under normal circumstances.

Action: Reboot the system to ensure that any potential conflicts are resolved.

104026 ERROR cannot create $md

Cause: The mirror device could not be created.

Action: Ensure the device is not already in use and that all other parameters for the mirror creation are correct.

104027 ERROR $_

Cause: This message contains the "mdadm" command output.

104035 ERROR Too many failures. Aborting resync of $md

Cause: The device was busy for an abnormally long period of time.

Action: Reboot the system to be sure that the device is no longer busy.

104036 ERROR Failed to start nbd-server on $target (error $port

Cause: The nbd-server process could not be started on the target server.

Action: Ensure that the target disk device is available and that its Device ID has not changed.

104037 ERROR Failed to start compression (error $port

Cause: The system was unable to start the ‘balance’ tunnel process or there was a network problem.

Action: Ensure that the network is operating properly and that TCP ports in the range 10000-10512 are opened and unused. Ensure that the software is installed properly on all systems.

104038 ERROR Failed to start nbd-client on $source (error $ret

Cause: The nbd-client process has failed to start on the source server.

Action: Look up the reported errno value and try to resolve the problem reported. For example, an errno value of 110 means "Connection timed out", which may indicate a network or firewall problem.

104039 ERROR Failed to add $nbd to $md on $source

Cause: This is usually a temporary condition.

Action: If this error persists, reboot the system to resolve any potential conflicts.

104045 ERROR failed to stop $self->{‘md’}

Cause: The mirror device could not be stopped.

Action: Ensure that the device is not busy or mounted. Try running "mdadm —stop" manually to stop the device.

104048 WARN failed to kill $proc, pid $pid

Cause: The process could not be signalled. This may indicate that the process has already died.

Action: Ensure that the process in question is no longer running. If it is, then reboot the system to clear up the unkillable process.

104050 ERROR Setting $name on $dest failed: $ret. Please try again.

Cause: The system failed to set a ‘mirrorinfo’ file setting.

Action: Check the network and systems and retry the mirror setting operation.

104052 FATAL Specified existing mount point "%s" is not mounted

Cause: The mount point became unmounted.

Action: Ensure that the mount point is mounted and retry the operation.

104055 ERROR Failed to set up temporary $type access to data for $self->{‘tag’}. Error: $ret

Cause: The filesystem or device was not available on the target server. The mirrored data will not be available on the target server until the mirror is paused and resumed again.

Action: Reboot the target server to resolve any potential conflicts.

104057 ERROR Failed to undo temporary access for $self->{‘tag’} on $self->{‘sys’}. Error: $ret. Please verify that $fsid is not mounted on server $self->{‘sys’}.

Cause: The filesystem could not be unmounted on the target server.

Action: Ensure that the filesystem and device are not busy on the target server. Reboot the target server to resolve any potential conflicts.

104062 FATAL Cannot find a device with unique ID "%s"

Cause: The target disk could not be identified.

Action: Ensure that the appropriate storage recovery kits are installed on the target server. Ensure that the Device ID of the target disk has not changed.

104066 FATAL Cannot get the hardware ID of device "%s"

Cause: A unique ID could not be found for the target disk device.

Action: Ensure that the appropriate storage recovery kits are installed on the target server. Ensure that the Device ID of the target disk has not changed.

104067 FATAL Asynchronous writes cannot be enabled without a bitmap file

Cause: An attempt was made to create a mirror with invalid parameters.

Action: A bitmap file parameter must be specified or synchronous writes must be specified.

104068 FATAL Failed to extend dependent resource %s to system %s. Error %s

Cause: The hierarchy extend operation failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104070 FATAL Unable to extend the mirror "%s" to system "%s"

Cause: The hierarchy extend operation failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104071 ERROR Failed to restore target device resources on $target->{‘sys’} : $err

Cause: The in-service operation has failed on the target server.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104074 FATAL Cannot get the hardware ID of device "%s"

Cause: There is no storage recovery kit that recognizes the underlying disk device that you are attempting to use for the mirror.

Action: Make sure the appropriate storage recovery kits are installed. If necessary, place your device name in the /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/scsi/resources/DEVNAME/device_pattern file.

104081 FATAL Cannot make the %s filesystem on "%s" (%d)

Cause: The "mkfs" command failed.

Action: Ensure that the disk device is writable and free of errors and that the filesystem tools for the selected filesystem are installed.

104082 FATAL %s

Cause: This message contains the output of the "mkfs" command.

104083 FATAL Cannot create filesys hierarchy "%s"

Cause: The resource creation failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104086 ERROR The "%s_data_corrupt" flag is set in "%s/subsys/scsi/resources/netraid/" on system "%s". To avoid data corruption, LifeKeeper will not restore the resource.

Cause: The data corrupt flag file has been set as a precaution to prevent accidental data corruption. The mirror cannot be restored on this server until the file is removed.

Action: If you are sure that the data is valid on the server in question, you can either: 1) remove the file and restore the mirror, or 2) force the mirror online using the LifeKeeper GUI or ‘mirror_action force’ command.

104092 ERROR Mirror target resource movement to system %s : status %s

Cause: The hierarchy switchover operation has failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104099 ERROR Unable to unextend the mirror for resource "%s" from system "%s"

Cause: The hierarchy unextend operation failed.

Action: Reboot the target server to resolve any potential conflicts and retry the operation.

104106 ERROR remote ‘bitmap -m’ command failed on $target->{‘sys’}: $ranges

Cause: The bitmap merge command failed on the target server. This may be caused by one of two things: 1) The bitmap file may be missing or corrupted, or 2) the mirror (md) device may be active on the target.

Action: Make sure that the mirror and protected filesystem are not active on the target. If the target’s bitmap file is missing, pause and resume the mirror to recreate the bitmap file.

104107 ERROR Asynchronous writes cannot be enabled without a bitmap file

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104108 ERROR Local Partition not available

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104109 ERROR Cannot get the hardware ID of device "%s"

Cause: A unique ID could not be determined for the disk device.

Action: Ensure that the appropriate storage recovery kits are installed on the server. Ensure that the Device ID of the disk has not changed.

104111 FATAL Insufficient input parameters for "%s" creation

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104112 FATAL Insufficient input parameters for "%s" creation

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104113 FATAL Insufficient input parameters for "%s" creation

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104114 FATAL Insufficient input parameters for "%s" creation

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104115 FATAL Insufficient input parameters for "%s" creation

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104117 FATAL Insufficient input parameters for "%s" creation

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the mirror create operation.

104118 FATAL Cannot unmount existing Mount Point "%s"

Cause: The mount point is busy.

Action: Make sure the filesystem is not busy. Stop any processes or applications that may be accessing the filesystem.

104119 FATAL Invalid data replication resource type requested ("%s"

Cause: An invalid parameter was specified for the mirror create operation.

104124 EMERG WARNING: A temporary communication failure has occurred between systems %s and %s. In order to avoid data corruption, data resynchronization will not occur. MANUAL INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED. In order to initiate data resynchronization, you should take one of the following resources out of service: %s on %s or %s on %s. The resource that is taken out of service will become the mirror target.

Cause: A temporary communication failure (split-brain scenario) has occurred between the source and target servers.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

104125 ERROR failed to start ‘$cmd $_2 $user_args’ on ‘$_3

Cause: The specified command failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104126 ERROR $_

Cause: This message contains the output of the command that was reported as failing in message 104125.

104128 FATAL comm path/server not specified

Cause: The netraid.down script was called without specifying the communication path or the server name. This script is called internally so should always have the proper parameters.

Action: Report this error to SIOS support.

104129 WARN

Cause: The replication connection for the mirror is down.

Action: Check the network.

104130 ERROR Mirror resize failed on %s (%s). You must successfully complete this operation before using the mirror. Please try again.

Cause: The mirror resize operation has failed to update the mirror metadata on the listed system.

Action: You must successfully complete the resize before using the mirror. Re-run mirror_resize (possibly using -f to force the operation if necessary).

104132 ERROR The partition "%s" has an odd number of sectors and system "%s" is running kernel >= 4.12. Mirrors with this configuration will not work correctly with DataKeeper. Please see the SIOS product documentation for information on how to resize the mirror.

Cause: The partition or disk chosen for mirror creation has an odd number of disk sectors and will have to be resized to be used with DataKeeper.

Action: Resize the partition using the ‘parted’ command or resize the disk (is possible) using platform (VMware, AWS) tools. Caution: data may be lost if this is not done carefully.

104136 ERROR Extend failed.

Cause: The hierarchy extend operation failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

104143 ERROR Mirror resume was unsuccessful ($ret

Cause: The mirror could not be established.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problems.

104144 ERROR Unable to stop the mirror access for $self->{‘md’} on system $self->{‘sys’}. Error: $ret. Use the \"mdadm —stop $self->{‘md’}\" command to manually stop the mirror.

Cause: The mirror device created on the target node when the mirror was paused could not be stopped.

Action: Ensure that the device is not busy or mounted. Try running "mdadm —stop" manually to stop the device.

104145 WARN Unable to dirty full bitmap. Setting fullsync flag.

Cause: A full resync could not be done by dirtying the full bitmap. The fullsync flag will be used instead. This is a non-fatal error as a full synchronization will still be done.

Action: None

104146 EMERG WARNING: The target system %s for mirror %s has the target mirror %s currently active. In order to avoid data corruption, data resynchronization will not occur. MANUAL INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED. In order to initiate data resynchronization, you should reboot system %s.

Cause: The mirror is configured on the target system.

Action: The target system should be rebooted. DataKeeper should then be able to resync the mirror.

104147 EMERG WARNING: The target system %s for mirror %s has the target disk %s currently mounted. In order to avoid data corruption, data resynchronization will not occur. MANUAL INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED. In order to initiate data resynchronization, you should unmount %s on %s. A full resync will occur.

Cause: The mirror disk is mounted on the target system.

Action: The mirror disk should be unmounted on the target system, in order to initiate a full mirror resync. A full resync is required because untracked changes have occurred on the disk.

104148 EMERG The storage configuration for mirror "%s (%s)" does not have a unique identifier and may have potential for data corruption in some environments in certain circumstances. Please refer to the SIOS Product Documentation for details on DataKeeper storage configuration options.

Cause: The disk chosen for mirroring does not provide a UUID to the operating system. DataKeeper cannot mirror a disk without a UUID.

Action: You may be able to create a GPT partition table on the disk to provide a UUID for the disk partitions.

104149 ERROR snmptrap returned $err for Trap 142
104150 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
104152 ERROR [$SUBJECT event] mail returned $err
104153 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
104155 EMERG The mirror %s cannot be forced online at this time. The underlying disk %s is mounted, indicating possible data corruption. MANUAL INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED. You must unmount %s on %s and restore the mirror to the last known mirror source system. A full resync will need to be performed from the source system to %s.

Cause: You have mounted the underlying mirrored disk on the target system.

Action: You must unmount the disk immediately in order to avoid data corruption.

104156 WARN Resynchronization of "%s" is in PENDING state. Current sync_action is: "%s"

Cause: The resynchronization of the md device is detected in PENDING state.

Action: LifeKeeper will try to fix the issue by forcing a resynchronization. Check the logs for related errors. When successful assure that the PENDING state has been cleared in /proc/mdstat and the resynchronization is in progress or has been completed for the datarep resource.

104157 WARN /etc/sysconfig/raid-check update failed. Please %s \"md%d\" to SKIP_DEVS.

Cause: Unable to make changes in /etc/sysconfig/raid-check to add or remove an entry to the list of MD devices to skip (SKIP_DEVS).

Action: Check system logs for any errors related to raid-check or SKIP_DEVS. Manually add or remove md listed.

104158 EMERG WARNING: The local disk partition $self->{‘part’} for data replication device\n$self->{‘md’} has failed. MANUAL INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED.

Cause: The local device for a mirror failed. The recovery action has been set to "nothing" in LKDR_FAILURE requiring manual intervention to recover.

Action: Check system logs and LifeKeeper logs for errors related to the local disk.

104163 WARN The "%s_data_corrupt" flag is set in "%s/subsys/scsi/resources/netraid/" on system "%s". The mirror is being forced online.

Cause: The mirror is being forced online, overriding the data_corrupt flag. The data on the specified system will be treated as the latest data. If this is not correct then this can lead to data corruption or data loss.

Action: None

104164 ERROR The "%s_data_corrupt" flag for related mirror resource "%s" is set in "%s/subsys/scsi/resources/netraid/" on system "%s". To avoid data corruption, LifeKeeper will not restore this mirror or any related mirrors in the hierarchy.

Cause: The data_corrupt flag exists for one or more mirrors in the hierarchy. To avoid corrupting additional data none of the mirrors are brought in-service until all of the data_corrupt flags are resolved.

Action: Check the LifeKeeper logs to determine where each mirror was last in-service, aka where the latest data for each mirror resides. The mirrors should be brought in-service on the "previous source" where the full hierarchy was in-service and allow the mirrors to synchronize with all targets.

104165 ERROR The "%s_data_corrupt" flag for related mirror resource "%s" is set in "%s/subsys/scsi/resources/netraid/" on system "%s". The mirror resource "%s" is being forced online.

Cause: The mirror is being forced online, overriding the data_corrupt flag. The data on the specified system will be treated as the correct data to be synchronized with all targets. This can lead to data corruption or data loss if this is not the latest data.

Action: None

104170 ERROR Failed to create \"source\" flag file on shared source %s to track mirror source. This may result in a full resync.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file was not created on the specified system to track the mirror source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104171 ERROR Failed to create \"source\" flag file on %s to track mirror source. Target %s will not be added to mirror.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file was not created on the specified system to track the mirror source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104172 ERROR The \"source\" flag file on %s does not contain a valid target (%s). Full resync to remaining targets is required.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file should contain the system name of a previous source but the name listed was not found in the list of systems configured.

Action: Report this problem to SIOS support.

104173 ERROR Failed to create \"source\" flag file on %s to track mirror source.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file was not created on the specified system to track the mirror source

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104174 ERROR Failed to create \"previous_source\" flag file to track time waiting on source. Will not be able to timeout.

Cause: The ‘previous_source’ flag file was not created on the mirror source to track the mirror’s previous source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104175 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on target "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104176 ERROR The \"source\" flag file on %s to track mirror source does not exist. Full resync is required.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file should exist on the system and without it the consistency of the mirror can not be verified. A full resync is required to assure data reliability.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for error or that it is full.

104177 ERROR Failed to determine amount of time waiting on %s.

Cause: The amount of time waiting for the previous source could not be determined. Targets will be added with a full resync if the previous source is not found.

Action: none

104178 ERROR Failed to update "source" flag file on target "%s", previous source must be merged first.

Cause: The source flag file on the target is updated when it is in-sync and stopped so the the next in-service does not require the previous source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104180 ERROR Internal Error: \"previous_source\" has the local system name (%s).

Cause: The local system name should not be in the previous_source flag file.

Action: Report this error to SIOS support.

104181 ERROR Internal Error: There are no targets waiting on %s to be merged.

Cause: There are no targets waiting for a previous source to merge.

Action: Report this error to SIOS support.

104182 ERROR Failed to create \"source\" flag file on %s to track mirror source. This may result in a full resync.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104186 ERROR Failed to create \"last_owner\" flag file on %s to track mirror source. This may allow in-service of mirror on old data.

Cause: The ‘last_owner’ flag file was not created on the source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104187 WARN $REM_MACH has ${REM_TAG}_last_owner file, create flag ${FLAGTAG}_data_corrupt.

Cause: The system listed had the mirror in-service last.

Action: The system listed has the last_owner file that indicates it has the most recent data and is most likely the best system to in-service the mirror to avoid losing data.

104188 WARN $REM_MACH is not alive, create flag ${FLAGTAG}_data_corrupt.

Cause: The system listed is not alive.

Action: Since the system listed is not alive, it cannot be determined whether that system was a more recent mirror source than the local system. Therefore the local system should not automatically be allowed to bring the mirror in-service.

104200 EMERG Continue to wait for %s to merge bitmap and do partial resyncs to all targets, no timeout set.

Cause: In a multi-target configuration targets will not be configured until the previous source is available to merge its bitmap so that all targets will be able to partially resynchronize. The LKDR_WAIT_ON_PREVIOUS_SOURCE_TIMEOUT entry in /etc/defaults/LifeKeeper is set to “-1” to wait indefinitely.

Action: Check on the status of the previous source listed in the message and resolve any issues that are preventing it from rejoining the cluster.

104201 EMERG To stop waiting for the previous source (forcing a full resync to remaining waiting targets) run: \"%s/bin/mirror_action %s fullresync %s %s\" on %s.

Cause: In a multi-target configuration targets are not being configured, waiting on the previous source to rejoin the cluster.

Action: Run the command listed in the message to force an immediate full resynchronization to this target and any remaining targets waiting to be resynchronized.

104202 EMERG Continue to wait for %s to merge bitmap and do partial resyncs to all targets. Continue to wait %d more seconds.

Cause: In a multi-target configuration targets will not be configured until the previous source is available to merge its bitmap so that all targets will be able to partially resynchronize. The LKDR_WAIT_ON_PREVIOUS_SOURCE_TIMEOUT entry in /etc/defaults/LifeKeeper is set to the number of seconds to wait. If the previous source does not join the cluster in that time then targets will be added with a full resynchronization.

Action: Check on the status of the previous source listed in the message and resolve any issues that are preventing it from rejoining the cluster.

104203 EMERG To stop waiting for the previous source (forcing a full resync to remaining waiting targets) run: \"%s/bin/mirror_action %s fullresync %s %s\" on %s.

Cause: In a multi-target configuration targets are not being configured, waiting on the previous source to rejoin the cluster.

Action: Run the command listed in the message to force an immediate full resynchronization to this target and any remaining targets waiting to be resynchronized.
Note: Run this command to stop waiting even if the target listed is deleted and never returning.

104207 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the source listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104208 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on target "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104209 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the source listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104210 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on target "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104211 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on target "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104212 ERROR The \"source\" flag file on %s to track mirror source does not exist. Full resync to remaining targets is required.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file should exist on the system and without it the consistency of the mirror can not be verified. A full resync is required to assure data reliability. All targets not already being mirrored will require a full resync.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for error or that it is full.

104214 ERROR Failed to create \"source\" flag file on %s to track mirror source.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file was not created on the specified system to track the mirror source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104216 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on target "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104217 ERROR Failed to create \"source\" flag file on shared source %s to track mirror source. This may result in a full resync.

Cause: The ‘source’ flag file was not created on the specified system to track the mirror source.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104218 ERROR Failed to create "data_corrupt" flag file on target "%s".

Cause: The ‘data_corrupt’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full

104221 ERROR Failed to create \"last_owner\" flag file on %s to track mirror source. This may allow in-service of mirror on old data.

Cause: The ‘last_owner’ flag file was not created on the target listed.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104222 ERROR Failed to create "last_owner" flag file to track mirror source". This may allow in-service of mirror on old data.

Cause: The ‘last_owner’’ flag file is used to know where the mirror was last in-service.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104223 ERROR Failed to create "last_owner" flag file to track mirror source". This may allow in-service of mirror on old data.

Cause: The ‘last_owner’’ flag file is used to know where the mirror was last in-service.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104224 ERROR Failed to create \"previous_source\" flag file.

Cause: The ‘previous_source’ flag file was not created. This is needed to merge the previous source bitmap to avoid a full resync.

Action: Check the LKROOT (/opt/LifeKeeper) file system for errors or that it is full.

104227 ERROR Failed to set %s to %s.

Cause: This message indicates a failure to set a sysfs parameter for the nbd driver (/sys/block/nbdX).

Action: It may be necessary to adjust one or more of:


in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to avoid this error.

104232 ERROR Mirror resize failed on %s (%s). Could not set size to %d.

Cause: The mirror resize operation failed.

104233 ERROR Mirror resize failed on %s (%s). Could not set bitmap to %s and bitmap-chunk to %d.

Cause: The mirror resize operation failed.

104234 ERROR The mirror %s failed to resize. You must successfully complete this operation before using the mirror. Please try again.

Cause: The mirror resize operation failed.

104235 ERROR mirror_resize of mirror %s failed due to signal "%s".

Cause: The mirror resize operation failed.

104236 EMERG Resource "%s" is "OSF". The mirror "%s" will wait to replicate data until all resources in the hierarchy%s are in-service. This may indicate inconsistent data. Verify the data is correct before replicating data; replication will continue when all resources in the hierarchy%s are in-service. A full resync may be necessary (see "LKDR_WAIT_TO_RESYNC" in /etc/default/LifeKeeper).

Cause: The specified resource is OSF. This prevents replication until this resource is repaired. The LKDR_WAIT_TO_RESYNC setting in /etc/default/LifeKeeper determines what resources must be in-service before replication is allowed.

Action: Determine the cause of the corruption and repair. This may involve bringing the resource in-service on another node. A full resync is most likely required once the data is repaired.

104237 WARN Resource "%s" is "OSU". The mirror "%s" will wait to replicate data until all resources in the hierarchy%s are in-service. To replicate data immediately run: "%s/bin/mirror_action %s resume" on "%s" (see "LKDR_WAIT_TO_RESYNC" in /etc/default/LifeKeeper).

Cause: The specified resource is not in-service and is required before replication is resumed during a restore operation.

Action: Bring the required resources in-service to resume replication. Replication can also resume using the GUI command to resume or using the mirror_action command.

104238 ERROR Unable to read $nbd_taint_file. Assuming that the SIOS ‘nbd’ kernel module is not loaded.

Cause: The /sys/module/nbd/taint file could not be opened for reading.

Action: Verify that the /sys/module/nbd/taint file exists and is read-enabled.

104239 EMERG $failure_msg

Cause: At least one kernel module required by SIOS DataKeeper failed to load.

Action: Verify that the current running kernel is supported by this version of SIOS Protection Suite for Linux. If the kernel was recently updated, re-run the SIOS Protection Suite for Linux setup script located on the SIOS installation media to install kernel modules that are compatible with the current running kernel.

104242 ERROR Unable to read /proc/modules. Assuming that the SIOS ‘$module’ kernel module is not loaded.

Cause: Unable to read /proc/modules.

Action: Verify that the /proc/modules file exists and is read-enabled.

104243 ERROR Internal script or routine $caller was called for unsupported kernel module ‘$module’. Supported kernel modules for this script or routine are: $module_list.

Cause: The given script or routine was called for an unsupported kernel module.

Action: This is an internal error. Please contact SIOS Customer Support.

104244 ERROR Output from ‘modprobe $module’ command: $pretty_modprobe_out

Cause: Failed to load the given kernel module using the modprobe command.

Action: Inspect the output provided in the log message from the failed modprobe attempt and resolve any issues found there.

104251 ERROR There is no LifeKeeper protected resource with tag $tag on system $me.

Cause: The given tag does not correspond to a LifeKeeper protected resource on the given system.

Action: Verify that the resource tag and system name are correct.

104252 ERROR Resource $tag is not a $app/$typ resource. Please use the $ins_app/$ins_typ resource-specific canfailover script instead.

Cause: The scsi/netraid-specific canfailover script was called for a non-scsi/netraid resource.

Action: Use the canfailover script, if it exists, corresponding to the appropriate app and type of the given resource.

107015 ERROR Exported file system $opt_t cannot be accessed on $me.
112000 FATAL Usage: "%s %s". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Invalid parameters passed to the SAP create script.

Action: Please provide appropriate parameters for the SAP create script.

112004 ERROR Neither the SID/instance pair nor the tag parameter were specified for the internal "%s" routine on %s. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters. Otherwise, consult the troubleshooting documentation.

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified when trying to create an internal SAP object.

Action: Provide either the SID and instance or the LifeKeeper resource tag name.

112013 ERROR Unable to open file "%s" on %s. Verify that the specified file exists and/or is readable.

Cause: The sapservices file either does not exist or is not readable.

Action: Verify that the sapservices file exists and is readable.

112017 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112019 ERROR The attempt to update the resource information field for resource %s has failed on %s. View the resource properties manually using "ins_list -t <tag>" to verify that the resource is functional.

Cause: Unable to update the LifeKeeper resource information field for the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the resource exists and that LifeKeeper is running on the given server.

112022 ERROR An error occurred while trying to find the IP address corresponding to "%s" on %s. Verify the IP address or host name exists in DNS or the hosts file.

Cause: Unable to find the given IP address or host name on the given server.

Action: Verify that the IP address or DNS name exists in DNS or in the local hosts file.

112024 FATAL There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on $me. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted.

Cause: At least one NFS shared file system listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS parameter is currently unavailable.

Action: Verify that the NFS server is alive, all necessary NFS-related services are running, and that all necessary file systems are being exported.

112028 ERROR Unable to determine the user name for the SAP administrative user for resource %s on %s.

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112029 ERROR The canextend script "%s" either does not exist or is not executable on %s.

Cause: The SAP canextend script either does not exist or is not executable.

Action: Verify that the SAP canextend script exists and is executable.

112037 ERROR Unable to create an internal object for the SAP instance using SID %s, instance %s, and tag %s on server %s. Verify that all necessary SAP file systems are mounted and accessible before reattempting the operation.

Cause: Unable to create an internal SAP object to represent the given SAP instance.

Action: Verify that the SAP instance is properly installed and configured and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112040 ERROR The SAP Directory "%s" ("%s") does not exist on %s. Verify that the directory exists and that the SAP software is properly installed.

Cause: The given SAP installation directory does not exist on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112041 ERROR The required utility "%s" was not found or was not executable on %s. Verify the SAP installation and location of the required utility.

Cause: The saphostexec or saposcol utility either could not be found or is not executable.

Action: Verify that the SAP Host Agent package is installed correctly and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112042 ERROR One or more SAP or LifeKeeper validation checks has failed on %s. Please update the SAP software on this host to include the SAPHOST and SAPCONTROL packages.

Cause: The saphostexec or saposcol utility either could not be found or is not executable.

Action: Verify that the SAP Host Agent package is installed correctly and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112048 ERROR The SAP instance %s is already under LifeKeeper protection on server %s. Choose another SAP instance to protect or specify the correct instance.

Cause: The given SAP instance is already protected by LifeKeeper on the given server.

Action: Choose an SAP instance which is not already under LifeKeeper protection.

112049 ERROR Unable to locate the SAP Mount directory on %s. Verify that all SAP file systems are mounted and accessible before reattempting the operation.

Cause: Unable to determine the location of the SAP Mount (sapmnt) directory.

Action: Verify that all necessary file systems are mounted and that the all necessary SAP instance profiles are accessible.

112050 ERROR Detected multiple virtual IP addresses/host names for instance %s on %s. Verify that the instance is configured correctly.

Cause: Multiple virtual IPs or hostnames were detected for the given SAP instance on the given server.

Action: Verify that the virtual IP or hostname associated to the instance is configured correctly.

112051 ERROR The host name associated to instance %s under SID %s (%s) is a full or partial match to the local physical host name (%s). For a highly-available cluster deployment, this must be set to a virtual host name (see SAP Note 962955). The host name associated to the instance may be found either as the "%s" value in the instance profile (%s) or as the value of "%s" or "%s" in the default profile (%s). The parameter \‘SAP_IGNORE_HOSTNAME_CHECK=1\’ may be set in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to override this check.

Cause: The given host name parameter is set to a physical server host name on the given server.

Action: Set the given host name parameter to a virtual host name.

112053 ERROR Detected multiple instances under SID %s with the same instance number (%s) on %s. Each instance within a particular SID must have a unique instance number.

Cause: Multiple SAP instances with the same instance number were detected under the same SAP SID.

Action: Reconfigure the SAP environment so that each instance under a given SAP SID has a unique instance number.

112056 ERROR The NFS export for the path "%s" required by the instance %s for the "%s" directory does not have an NFS hierarchy protecting it on %s. You must create an NFS hierarchy to protect this NFS export before creating the SAP resource hierarchy.

Cause: The NFS export for the given file system is not currently protected by LifeKeeper.

Action: Create a LifeKeeper NFS hierarchy for the given exported file system and reattempt SAP resource creation.

112057 ERROR Unable to create a file system resource hierarchy for the file system "%s" on %s.

Cause: Unable to create a LifeKeeper file system resource hierarchy to protect the given file system on the given server.

Action: Check the LifeKeeper and system logs for more information.

112058 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag "%s" and child tag "%s" on "%s".

Cause: Unable to create a LifeKeeper dependency between the given resources on the given server.

Action: Check the LifeKeeper logs for more information.

112060 ERROR All attempts at local recovery for the SAP resource %s have failed on %s. A failover to the backup server will be attempted.

Cause: Unable to recover the given SAP resource on the given server.

Action: A failover of the SAP resource hierarchy will be attempted automatically. No user intervention is required.

112061 ERROR The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same. Please specify the correct values for the target and template servers.

Cause: The template and target servers provided during SAP resource extension are the same.

Action: Provide the correct names for the template and target servers and reattempt the extend operation.

112062 ERROR Unable to find the home directory "%s" for the SAP administrative user "%s" on %s. Verify that the SAP software is installed correctly.

Cause: Unable to find the home directory for the given SAP user on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is installed correctly and that the appropriate SAP administrative user for the given SID exists on the server.

112063 ERROR The SAP administrative user "%s" does not exist on %s. Verify that the SAP software is installed correctly or create the required SAP user on %s.

Cause: The given SAP administrative user does not exist on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and create the required SAP administrative user if necessary.

112064 ERROR The group ID for user "%s" is not the same on template server "%s" and target server "%s". Please correct the group ID for the user so that it is the same on the template and target servers.

Cause: The group ID’s for the given SAP administrative user on the template and target servers do not match.

Action: Modify the group ID of the given SAP administrative user so that it is the same on the template and target servers.

112065 ERROR The user ID for user "%s" is not the same on template server "%s" and target server "%s". Please correct the user ID so that it is the same on the template and target servers.

Cause: The user ID’s for the given SAP administrative user on the template and target servers do not match.

Action: Modify the user ID of the given SAP administrative user so that it is the same on the template and target servers.

112066 ERROR Required SAP utilities could not be found in "%s" on %s. Verify that the SAP software is installed correctly.

Cause: Unable to locate necessary SAP executables or the SAP instance profile.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and configured and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112069 ERROR The command "%s" is not found in the "%s" perl module ("%s") on %s. Please check the command specified and retry the operation.

Cause: The given command was not found in the sap perl module on the given server.

Action: If this error resulted from a user-initiated command line action, verify that the correct routine name was provided to the remoteControl script. If this error occurred during normal LifeKeeper operation, please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112071 ERROR The file "%s" exists, but was not read and write enabled on server %s. Enable read and write permissions on the specified file.

Cause: The given file does not have read/write permissions enabled on the given server.

Action: Enable read/write permissions on the given file.

112073 ERROR Unable to create an internal object for the SAP instance using either SID "%s" and instance "%s" or tag "%s" on server "%s". Either the values specified for the object initialization (SID/instance pair or tag, system) were not valid, or an error occurred while attempting to gather information about the SAP instance. If all specified parameters are correct, verify that all necessary SAP file systems are mounted and accessible before reattempting the operation.

Cause: Unable to create an internal SAP object to represent the given SAP instance.

Action: Verify that the SAP instance is properly installed and configured and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112074 WARN WARNING: The profile "%s" for SID %s and instance %s has Autostart enabled on %s. Disable Autostart for the specified instance by setting Autostart=0 in the profile.

Cause: The Autostart parameter is enabled in the given instance profile on the given server.

Action: Disable Autostart for the given SAP instance by setting ‘Autostart = 0’ in the instance profile.

112076 FATAL Unable to start the sapstartsrv service for SID $sid and instance $Instance on $me. Verify that the sapservices file is correct and that the process can be started manually.

Cause: Unable to start the SAP Start Service (sapstartsrv) process for the given SAP instance.

Action: Verify that the sapservices file contains the appropriate command to start the sapstartsrv process and that the process can be started manually.

112077 ERROR Unable to stop the sapstartsrv service for SAP SID %s and SAP instance %s on %s. Verify that the sapservices file is correct and the process can be stopped manually.

Cause: Unable to stop the SAP Start Service (sapstartsrv) process for the given SAP instance.

Action: Verify that the sapservices file contains the appropriate command to start the sapstartsrv process and that the process can be stopped manually.

112078 ERROR ERSv1 is only supported in two-node clusters. Resource %s is unable to be extended to system %s. Upgrade to ERSv2 in order to extend the hierarchy to three or more nodes.

Cause: Unable to extend an SAP resource representing an ERSv1 instance to three or more nodes.

Action: In order to extend an SAP resource representing an ERS instance to three or more nodes, upgrade to ERSv2. Upgrade instructions are provided in the online product documentation.

112082 WARN Instance %s is running a different version of the enqueue server than its corresponding enqueue replication server. This configuration is not supported by SAP and will lead to unexpected resource behavior. See SAP Note 2711036 – "Usage of the Standalone Enqueue Server 2 in an HA Environment" for more details. Please review the online product documentation for instructions on how to modify the instance profiles for the enqueue server and enqueue replication server so that they use the same version.

Cause: The versions of the enqueue server and enqueue replication server do not match.

Action: Consult the online product documentation for instructions on how to modify the instance profiles so that the enqueue server and enqueue replication server are using the same version.

112086 ERROR The ERS resource corresponding to resource %s is in-service and maintaining backup locks on a remote system. Bringing resource %s in-service on %s would result in a loss of the backup lock table. Please bring resource %s in-service on the system where the corresponding ERS resource is currently in-service in order to maintain consistency of the lock table. In order to force resource %s in-service on %s, either (i) run the command \’/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/flg_create -f sap_cs_force_restore_%s\’ as root on %s and reattempt the in-service operation or (ii) take the corresponding ERS resource out of service on the remote system. Both of these actions will result in a loss of the backup lock table.

Cause: An in-service operation was attempted for an ASCS/SCS resource while its corresponding ERS instance was running and storing a backup enqueue table on a different server in the cluster.

Action: Bring the ASCS/SCS resource in-service on the server where its corresponding ERS instance is running in order for it to retrieve the backup enqueue table. If the ASCS/SCS resource must be forced in-service on the given node, either (i) run the command ‘/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/flg_create -f sap_cs_force_restore_<ASCS/SCS Tag>’ and reattempt the in-service operation, or (ii) take the corresponding ERS resource out of service on the remote server. Both of these actions will result in a loss of the backup enqueue table.

112089 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance types TYPE_CS, TYPE_ERS, or TYPE_NEW_ERS (1, 2, or 5).

Cause: The GetEnqVersion routine was called for an unsupported SAP instance type. Only instance types 1 (TYPE_CS), 2 (TYPE_ERS), and 5 (TYPE_NEW_ERS) are supported.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112092 ERROR The profile "%s" either does not exist or cannot be read on %s. Unable to determine whether enqueue replication is enabled for resource %s. Please verify that the file exists and can be read.

Cause: The given instance profile either does not exist or cannot be read on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and is read-enabled

112095 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: The given resource could not be created on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible on the given server.

112096 ERROR Resource %s is not currently in-service on server %s. Manually bring the resource in-service and retry the operation.

Cause: While attempting to create a dependency, the given resource was not in-service on the given server.

Action: Bring the resource in-service on the given server and retry the operation.

112101 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112102 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: The given resource cannot be extended to the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed on the target server and that any necessary shared file systems are accessible from the target system.

112103 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: The given resource could not be created on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible on the given server.

112104 ERROR The extend script "%s" either does not exist or is not executable on %s.

Cause: The given extend script does not exist or is not executable on the given server.

Action: Verify that all necessary recovery kits are installed and that the given extend script is executable.

112106 ERROR Unable to create an internal SAP object for resource "%s" on %s. If the tag is correct, verify that all necessary SAP file systems are mounted and accessible.

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112112 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s".

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112115 FATAL Error getting resource information for resource $tag on server $sap::me.

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112119 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s".

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112123 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s".

Cause: Unable to find information about the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the given resource exists and that all necessary file systems are mounted on the given server.

112124 ERROR Resource with either matching tag "%s" or id "%s" already exists on server %s for app "%s" and type "%s".

Cause: A resource with the given resource tag or ID and the same app and type already exists on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP instance is not already under LifeKeeper protection on the given server. If it is not already protected, choose a different resource tag name.

112125 ERROR Unable to create an SAP object for resource %s on system %s.

Cause: Unable to create an internal SAP object to represent the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible on the given server.

112126 FATAL Usage: "%s %s". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP canextend script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the canextend script: canextend <template server> <template tag>

112127 FATAL Usage: \"$cmd $usage\" Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP delete script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the delete script: delete [-U] -t <tag> -i <id>

112128 FATAL Usage: "%s %s" Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP depstoextend script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the depstoextend script: depstoextend <template server> <template tag>

112129 FATAL Usage: "%s %s". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP extend script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the extend script: extend <template server> <template tag> <switchback> <target tag>

112130 FATAL Usage: \"$cmd $usage\". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP quickCheck script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the quickCheck script: quickCheck -t <tag> -i <id>

112131 FATAL Usage: "%s %s" Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP recover script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the recover script: recover -d <tag>

112132 FATAL Usage: \"$cmd $usage\". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP remoteControl script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the remoteControl script: remoteControl <tag> <remote instance> <remote cmd> <remote cmd option> <primary system> <primary tag>

112133 FATAL Usage: "%s %s". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP remove script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the remove script: remove -t <tag> -i <id>

112134 FATAL Usage: \"$cmd $usage\". Specify the correct usage for the requested command.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the SAP restore script.

Action: Specify the correct parameters for the restore script: restore -t <tag> -i <id>

112137 ERROR The required parameter \"parent\" was either not provided or was invalid in the $func routine on $me.

Cause: Incorrect usage of the CleanUp routine.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112138 ERROR At least one required process for instance %s was not started successfully during "%s" on server %s. Please check the LifeKeeper and system logs for additional information.

Cause: At least one required process for the given SAP instance did not start successfully on the given server.

Action: Correct any issues found in the LifeKeeper or system logs or SAP trace files and retry the operation.

112140 FATAL The tag parameter was not specified for the internal \"$func\" routine on $me. If this was a command line operation, specify the correct parameters. Otherwise, consult the troubleshooting documentation.

Cause: The tag parameter was not specified in the GetLK routine on the given server.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112141 ERROR Either the SID ("%s") or instance ("%s") parameter was not specified for the "%s" routine on %s.

Cause: Either the SID or instance parameter was not specified in the StatusSapServer routine on the given server.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112142 ERROR Either the SID ("%s"), instance ("%s"), or instance number ("%s") parameter was not specified for the "%s" routine on %s.

Cause: Either the SID, instance, or instance number parameter was not provided to the StartSapServer routine on the given server.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112143 ERROR The SID, instance, or instance number parameter was not specified for the "%s" routine on %s.

Cause: Either the SID, instance, or instance number parameter was not specified in the StopSapServer routine on the given server.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112173 ERROR The file "%s" does not exist or was not readable on %s. Verify that the specified file exists and is readable.

Cause: The given file does not exist or is not readable on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and/or modify its permissions so that it is readable.

112174 ERROR The file "%s" does not exist or was not readable on %s. Verify that the specified file exists and is readable.

Cause: The given file does not exist or is not readable on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and/or modify its permissions so that it is readable.

112175 ERROR The file "%s" does not exist or was not readable on %s. Verify that the specified file exists and is readable.

Cause: The given file does not exist or is not readable on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and/or modify its permissions so that it is readable.

112194 ERROR There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on %s. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted.

Cause: At least one critical NFS shared file system whose mount point is listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS entry in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is currently unavailable.

Action: Verify that all necessary NFS shared file systems are accessible and restart any NFS server which is not currently operational.

112195 FATAL There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on $me. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted.

Cause: At least one critical NFS shared file system whose mount point is listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS entry in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is currently unavailable.

Action: Verify that all necessary NFS shared file systems are accessible and restart any NFS server which is not currently operational.

112196 WARN There was an error verifying the NFS connections for SAP related mount points on %s. One or more NFS servers is not operational and needs to be restarted.

Cause: At least one critical NFS shared file system whose mount point is listed in the SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS entry in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is currently unavailable.

Action: Verify that all necessary NFS shared file systems are accessible and restart any NFS server which is not currently operational.

112201 ERROR The internal object value "%s" was empty. Unable to complete "%s" on %s.

Cause: No resource tag argument was provided to the GetLKEquiv routine.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112203 ERROR The internal object value "%s" was empty. Unable to complete "%s" on %s. Additional information available in the LifeKeeper and system logs.

Cause: The SAP instance number was not provided to the IsInstanceRunning routine.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112204 ERROR The internal object value "%s" was empty. Unable to complete "%s" on %s.

Cause: Unable to determine either the appropriate saphostexec or saposcol command to use.

Action: If using the SAP_SRVHOST_CMD, SAP_HOSTCTL_CMD, or SAP_OSCOL_CMD LifeKeeper tunable values to provide the appropriate commands for a version of SAP NetWeaver prior to SAP kernel 7.3, ensure that these tunable values are set appropriately.

112205 ERROR The internal object value "%s" was empty. Unable to complete "%s" on %s.

Cause: The SAP instance was not provided to the SAPRemExec routine on the given system.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112206 ERROR The required action parameter was not provided. Unable to complete "%s" on %s.

Cause: No action was provided to the SAPRemExec routine on the given system.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112208 ERROR Error getting the value of "%s" or "%s" from the default profile "%s" on %s. Verify that the specified value exists.

Cause: Unable to obtain the virtual IP or host name from the given profile on the given server.

Action: Verify that the appropriate entry exists in the profile.

112209 FATAL Unable to gather required information from the SAP default profile for SID $sid ($DPFL) on $me. Verify that the default profile exists and is accessible.

Cause: Unable to obtain information about the SAP instance from the given profile on the given server.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that the given profile exists and is read-enabled.

112214 ERROR Unable to determine the status of the path "%s" ("%s") on %s. The path on %s may require the execution of the command: "mount <ip>:<export> %s". Verify that the SAP software is correctly installed and that all SAP file systems are mounted and accessible.

Cause: The status of the file system on the given path could not be determined.

Action: Verify that the SAP software is properly installed and that all necessary file systems are mounted.

112219 ERROR [HACONNECTOR:%s] Unable to write to file "%s" on %s. If the file already exists, manually enable write permissions on it.

Cause: The given file does not have read/write permissions enabled on the given server.

Action: Enable read/write permissions on the given file.

112220 ERROR Unable to start the sapstartsrv service for SID %s and SAP instance %s on %s. Verify that the sapservices file is correct and the process can be started manually.

Cause: Unable to start the SAP Start Service (sapstartsrv) process for the given SAP instance.

Action: Verify that the sapservices file contains the appropriate command to start the sapstartsrv process and that the process can be started manually.

112221 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance types TYPE_CS, TYPE_ERS, or TYPE_NEW_ERS (1, 2, or 5).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112222 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance types TYPE_CS, TYPE_ERS, or TYPE_NEW_ERS (1, 2, or 5).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112223 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type TYPE_CS (1).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112224 ERROR The internal \"%s\" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type TYPE_CS (1).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112225 ERROR The internal \"%s\" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type TYPE_NEW_ERS (5).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112226 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance types TYPE_CS, TYPE_ERS, and TYPE_NEW_ERS (1, 2, and 5).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112227 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This routine only supports SAP instance type TYPE_CS (1).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112228 ERROR The internal "%s" routine was called for a resource with unsupported instance type %s. This method supports only SAP instance type TYPE_NEW_ERS (5).

Cause: The given routine was called for an internal SAP object with an unsupported instance type.

Action: This is an internal error. Please submit an issue report to SIOS customer support.

112229 ERROR The profile \"%s\" either does not exist or cannot be read on %s. Unable to determine whether enqueue replication is enabled for resource %s. Please verify that the file exists and can be read.

Cause: The given instance profile either does not exist or cannot be read on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and is read-enabled

112325 ERROR The $SAP_CONTROL utility cannot be located. Verify that all necessary file systems are mounted and that the $SAP_CONTROL utility can be located in the $sapadmin user’s PATH.

Cause: Unable to locate the sapcontrol utility required for SAP instance administration.

Action: Verify that all necessary file systems are mounted at that the sapcontrol utility can be located in the SAP administrative user’s PATH.

112326 ERROR The \"which $SAP_CONTROL\" command for user $sapadmin returned $sapcmd as the location of the $SAP_CONTROL utility, but the utility could not be found or was not executable in this location. Verify that all necessary file systems are mounted and that the $SAP_CONTROL utility can be located in the $sapadmin user’s PATH.

Cause: Unable to locate the sapcontrol utility required for SAP instance administration.

Action: Verify that all necessary file systems are mounted at that the sapcontrol utility can be located in the SAP administrative user’s PATH.

112412 ERROR Invalid mount entry detected (‘$entry’). Verify that all mount entries in the following files on server $me have the correct format: $filesToCheckList.

Cause: The given mount entry has an invalid format.

Action: Inspect the files shown in the error message and verify that all mount entries are formatted correctly (using fstab-style entries).

112433 ERROR Unsupported SAPENQ_VERSION ($enqversion) for resource $tag on $me. Unable to obtain enqueue replication status.

Cause: An unsupported value was detected for the SAPENQ_VERSION parameter for the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that SAPENQ_VERSION is set to a valid value (1 or 2, representing the version of the enqueue server currently in use) in the info file for the given resource.

112437 ERROR Profile \"$srvpf\" not found on $me. Unable to obtain enqueue replication status for instance $inst.

Cause: The given instance profile either does not exist or cannot be read on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and is read-enabled.

112438 ERROR Unsupported SAPENQ_VERSION ($enqversion) for resource $tag on $me. Unable to obtain enqueue replication status for instance $inst.

Cause: An unsupported value was detected for the SAPENQ_VERSION parameter for the given resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that SAPENQ_VERSION is set to a valid value (1 or 2, representing the version of the enqueue server currently in use) in the info file for the given resource.

112470 ERROR The instance profile %s could not be found on %s. Verify that the SAP software is installed correctly and that all necessary file systems are mounted and accessible.

Cause: The given instance profile either does not exist or cannot be read on the given server.

Action: Verify that the file exists and is read-enabled.

112490 ERROR [HACONNECTOR] Unable to determine the corresponding tag for resource with ID \"$res\" on $me.

Cause: Unable to find a LifeKeeper SAP resource with the given resource ID on the given server.

Action: Verify that the resource ID provided as the —res argument of the fra command corresponds to a valid LifeKeeper SAP resource.

112507 ERROR [HACONNECTOR] At least one required process for the instance was not killed successfully during the fra migrate action on $me. Aborting resource migration.

Cause: The SAP instance was not successfully stopped on the given server while attempting a fra migrate action.

Action: Manually kill any processes still running for the SAP instance and reattempt the migrate action.

112517 ERROR Unable to open file ‘$critMountFile’ for writing on $me. If the file already exists, verify that it is read and write-enabled.

Cause: The given critical_nfs_mounts file cannot be opened for writing.

Action: Verify that the file is read and write-enabled.

112539 ERROR [HACONNECTOR] Unable to find rpm information for one or more packages on $me.

Cause: The HA Connector gvi ("Get Version Information") routine was unable to determine the current version number of LifeKeeper and/or the SAP Recovery Kit.

Action: Verify that the LifeKeeper Core and SAP Recovery Kit rpm information can be obtained with the rpm -q command.

112573 ERROR Failed to create or write to \"$file\" on server $me. Verify that the filesystem is not full and that the file is write-enabled.

Cause: Failed to create or write to the given file on the given server.

Action: Verify that the filesystem is not full and that if the file exists then it is write-enabled.

112575 ERROR Failed to delete file \"$file\" on server $me. Please delete the file manually.

Cause: Failed to delete the given file on the given server.

Action: Delete the file manually.

112577 ERROR Failed to remove empty directory \"$dir\" on server $me. Please remove the directory manually.

Cause: Failed to remove the given directory on the given server.

Action: Remove the directory manually.

112581 ERROR Failed to execute routine $routine with arguments \"$arg_list\" on server $sys.

Cause: Failed to execute the given SAP perl module routine with the given arguments on the given server.

Action: Verify that LifeKeeper is running and fully initialized on the given server. Inspect the LifeKeeper log for additional information.

112976 ERROR There is no LifeKeeper protected resource with tag $tag on system $me.

Cause: The resource tag provided to the SAP canfailover script does not correspond to any existing LifeKeeper resource.

Action: Verify that the resource tag name is correct and execute the command again.

112977 ERROR Resource $tag is not a $app/$typ resource. Please use the $ins_app/$ins_typ resource-specific canfailover script instead.

Cause: The resource provided to the SAP canfailover script is not an appsuite/sap resource.

Action: Use the appropriate type-specific canfailover script for the given resource.

122005 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "getlocks".

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122007 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "rlslocks".

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122009 ERROR The path %s is not a valid file.

Cause: There is no listener.ora file.

Action: Ensure the file exists and retry the operation.

122010 ERROR The listener user does not exist on the server %s.

Cause: "Stat" command could not get user id.

Action: Retry the operation.

122011 ERROR The listener user does not exist on the server %s.

Cause: UID is not in passwd file.

Action: Ensure the UID exists in passwd file and retry the operation.

122012 ERROR The listener user does not exist on the server %s.

Cause: User name is not in passwd file.

Action: Ensure the user name exists in passwd file; retry the operation.

122023 ERROR The %s command failed (%d

Cause: This message contains the return code of the "lsnrctl" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122024 ERROR $line

Cause: The message contains the output of the "lsnrctl" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122039 ERROR Usage error

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the restore operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122040 ERROR Script $cmd has hung on the restore of \"$opt_t\". Forcibly terminating.

Cause: The listener restore script reached its timeout value.

Action: Ensure listener.ora is valid and that LSNR_START_TIME (default 35 seconds) in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is set to a value greater than or equal to the time needed to start the listener.

122041 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to restore the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122045 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122046 ERROR Usage error

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the restore operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122049 ERROR The script $cmd has hung on remove of \"$opt_t\". Forcibly terminating.

Cause: The listener remove script reached its timeout value.

Action: Ensure listener.ora is valid and that LSNR_STOP_TIME (default 35 seconds) in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is set to a value greater than or equal to the time needed to stop the listener.

122051 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122055 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to quickCheck the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122057 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122064 WARN The %s level is set to %s a %s will not occur.

Cause: The minimal Listener protection level is Start and Monitor.

Action: Start the listener manually.

122066 ERROR Script has hung checking \"$tag\". Forcibly terminating.

Cause: The listener quickCheck script reached its timeout value.

Action: Ensure listener.ora is valid and that LSNR_STATUS_TIME (default 15 seconds) in /etc/default/LifeKeeper is set to a value greater than or equal to the time needed to check the listener.

122067 ERROR Usage error

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the quickCheck operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122069 ERROR Usage error

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the delete operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122072 ERROR %s: resource "%s" not found on local server

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the recover operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122074 WARN The local recovery attempt has failed but %s level is set to %s preventing a failover to another node in the cluster. With %s recovery set all local recovery failures will exit successfully to prevent resource failovers.

Cause: The optional listener recovery level is set to local recovery only.

Action: Switch over the resource tree manually.

122078 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to recover the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122082 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122083 ERROR $cmd has hung checking \"$tag\". Forcibly terminating

Cause: The recover script was stopped by signal.

Action: Ensure listener.ora is valid.

122084 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122085 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the canextend operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122086 ERROR The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same. Please specify the correct values for the target and template servers.

Cause: The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

122087 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122088 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: Failed to get listener user name from resource information.

Action: Ensure the resource info field is valid then retry the operation.

122089 ERROR The listener user %s does not exist on the server %s.

Cause: User name is not in passwd file.

Action: Ensure the user name exists in passwd file and retry the operation.

122090 ERROR The id for user %s is not the same on template server %s and target server %s.

Cause: User ID should be same on both servers.

Action: Trim user ID to the same.

122091 ERROR The group id for user %s is not the same on template server %s and target server %s.

Cause: Group ID should be same on both servers.

Action: Trim group ID to the same.

122092 ERROR Cannot access canextend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to run pre-extend checks because it was unable to find the "canextend" script on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122097 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "configActions" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122098 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122099 ERROR Unable to update the resource %s to change the %s to %s on %s.

Cause: LifeKeeper failed to put information into the info field.

Action: Restart LifeKeeper and retry the operation.

122100 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122101 ERROR Unable to update the resource %s to change the %s to %s on %s.

Cause: LifeKeeper failed to put information to info field on {server}.

Action: Restart LifeKeeper on {server} and retry the operation.

122103 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the create operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122124 ERROR END failed hierarchy "%s" of resource "%s" on server "%s" with return value of %d

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122126 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "rlslocks".

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122127 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122129 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "getlocks."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122131 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122133 ERROR Unable to create a file system resource hierarchy for the file system %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "filesyshier."

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details.

122135 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag %s and child tag %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "dep_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122140 ERROR Resource "%s" is not ISP on server "%s" Manually bring the resource in service and retry the operation

Cause: IP resource {tag} which the listener resource depends on should be ISP.

Action: Perform the steps listed in the message text.

122141 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag %s and child tag %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "dep_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122144 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "create_ins" operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122145 ERROR An error has occurred in utility %s on server %s. View the LifeKeeper logs for details and retry the operation.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "app_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122146 ERROR An error has occurred in utility %s on server %s. View the LifeKeeper logs for details and retry the operation.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "typ_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122147 ERROR An error has occurred in utility %s on server %s. View the LifeKeeper logs for details and retry the operation.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "newtag."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122148 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122149 ERROR An error has occurred in utility %s on server %s. View the LifeKeeper logs for details and retry the operation.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "ins_setstate."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122150 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122151 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "depstoextend" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122152 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "extend" operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122153 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122154 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

122155 ERROR Resource with either matching tag "%s" or id "%s" already exists on server "%s" for App "%s" and Type "%s"

Cause: During the Listener resource extension, a resource instance was found using the same {tag} and/or {id} but with a different resource application and type.

Action: Resource IDs must be unique. The resource instance with the ID matching the Oracle Listener resource instance must be removed.

122156 ERROR Cannot access extend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource hierarchy because it was unable to the find the script EXTEND on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122157 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "getConfigIps" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122158 ERROR The file %s is not a valid listener file. The file does not contain any listener definitions.

Cause: Failed to find any listener definitions.

Action: Ensure listener definition is in the listener.ora and retry the operation.

122159 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "getSidListeners" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122160 ERROR The file %s is not a valid listener file. The file does not contain any listener definitions.

Cause: Failed to find any listener definitions.

Action: Ensure listener definition is in the listener.ora and retry the operation.

122161 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "lsn-display" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122162 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122163 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the updateHelper operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122164 ERROR END failed hierarchy "%s" of resource "%s" on server "%s" with return value of %d

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to update the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122166 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "updateHelper" operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

122170 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag %s and child tag %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "dep_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122171 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag %s and child tag %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "dep_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122172 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "updIPDeps" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122173 ERROR END failed hierarchy "%s" of resource "%s" on server "%s" with return value of %d

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to update the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122175 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "rlslocks."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122177 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "getlocks."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122180 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag %s and child tag %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "dep_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122181 ERROR Unable to create a dependency between parent tag %s and child tag %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "dep_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122183 ERROR The path %s is not a valid file.

Cause: There is no listener.ora file.

Action: Ensure the file exists and retry the operation.

122185 ERROR The file %s is not a valid listener file. The file does not contain any listener definitions.

Cause: LifeKeeper failed to find any valid listener definitions.

Action: Ensure there are valid listener definitions in the listener.ora and retry the operation.

122186 ERROR The value specified for %s cannot be empty. Please specify a value for this field.

Cause: The config and/or executable {path} field is empty.

Action: Input a non-empty value for {path} and retry the operation.

122187 ERROR The path %s is not a valid file or directory.

Cause: The defined {path} is invalid.

Action: Ensure the {path} exists and retry the operation.

122188 ERROR The path %s is not a valid file or directory.

Cause: There is no {path}.

Action: Ensure the {path} exists and retry the operation.

122189 ERROR The value specified for %s cannot be empty. Please specify a value for this field.

Cause: The config and/or executable Path field is empty.

Action: Input path for the field.

122190 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "valid_rpath" operation.

Action: Verify the arguments and retry the operation.

122191 ERROR The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same.

Cause: Invalid argument of valid_rpath.

Action: Ensure arguments and retry the operation.

122192 ERROR Unable to find the configuration file "oratab" in its default locations, /etc/oratab or %s on "%s"

Cause: There is no oratab file in /etc/oratab or {path}.

Action: Ensure oratab file exists in {path} or ORACLE_ORATABLOC in /etc/default/Lifekeeper is set to a valid path.

122193 ERROR Unable to find the configuration file "oratab" in its default locations, /etc/oratab or %s on "%s"

Cause: There is no oratab file in /etc/oratab or {path}.

Action: Ensure oratab file exists in {path} or ORACLE_ORATABLOC in /etc/default/Lifekeeper is set to a valid path.

122194 ERROR Unable to find the configuration file "oratab" in its default locations, /etc/oratab or %s on "%s"

Cause: There is no oratab file in /etc/oratab or {path}.

Action: Ensure oratab file exists in {path} or ORACLE_ORATABLOC in /etc/default/Lifekeeper is set to a valid path.

122195 ERROR Unable to find the configuration file "oratab" in its default locations, /etc/oratab or %s on "%s"

Cause: There is no oratab file in /etc/oratab or {path}.

Action: Ensure oratab file exists in {path} or ORACLE_ORATABLOC in /etc/default/Lifekeeper is set to a valid path.

122196 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to remove the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

122197 ERROR Unable to find the configuration file \"oratab\" in its default locations, /etc/oratab or $listener::oraTab on \"$me\"

Cause: There is no oratab file in /etc/oratab or {path}.

Action: Ensure oratab file exists in {path} or ORACLE_ORATABLOC in /etc/default/Lifekeeper is set to a valid path.

122198 ERROR remove for $okListener failed.
122251 ERROR Update of pluggable database info field for "%s" on "%s" failed (%s).
122252 ERROR Initial connect with query buffer to database "%s" on "%s" failed, testing output.
122253 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".
122261 ERROR The Oracle resource (%s) and dependency are not set on %s.
122262 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122263 ERROR The restore of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 300 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.
122264 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal
122268 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".
122269 ERROR no dependency for Oracle on "%s".
122270 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".
122271 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122272 ERROR The remove of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 300 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.
122273 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal
122277 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122278 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".
122279 ERROR no dependency for Oracle on "%s".
122280 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".
122281 ERROR The quickCheck of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 45 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.
122282 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal
122284 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".
122285 ERROR no dependency for Oracle on "%s".
122287 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".
122288 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122291 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"
122292 ERROR The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same: "%s".
122294 ERROR Cannot access canextend script "%s" on server "%s"
122295 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122296 ERROR DB instance "%s" is not protected on "%s".
122297 ERROR Failed to create object instance for OraclePDB on "%s".
122298 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file "%s" on "%s".
122299 ERROR END failed hierarchy "%s" of resource "%s" on server "%s" with return value of %d
122301 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s" during resource create.
122302 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal
122304 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s" during resource create.
122305 ERROR Unable to determine Oracle user for "%s" on "%s".
122306 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"
122308 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle pluggable database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason
122309 ERROR %s
122311 ERROR In-service attempted failed for tag "%s" on "%s".
122312 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122313 ERROR Create of app "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".
122314 ERROR Create of typ "%s" for app "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".
122316 ERROR Create of resource tag via "newtag" on "%s" failed.
122318 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"
122320 ERROR Setting "resstate" for resource "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".
122321 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"
122322 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122323 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122324 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122325 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"
122326 ERROR Resource with either matching tag "%s" or id "%s" already exists on server "%s" for App "%s" and Type "%s"
122327 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"
122328 ERROR Cannot access extend script "%s" on server "%s"
122329 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"
122330 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122331 ERROR Failed to create object instance for OraclePDB on "%s".
122332 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122334 ERROR Backup node %s is unreachable; abort protection PDB changes.
122336 ERROR Update of protection PDB failed for "%s" on "%s".
122339 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122340 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122341 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122342 ERROR Failed to create object instance for OraclePDB on "%s".
122343 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122344 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal
122348 ERROR Failed to create flag "%s" on "%s".
122350 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".
122351 ERROR no dependency for Oracle on "%s".
122353 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".
122356 ERROR Usage: %s %s
122357 ERROR Failed to create object instance for OraclePDB on "%s".
122358 ERROR The selected oracle SID "%s" is not a CDB.
122359 ERROR No protectable PDB found for the selected SID "%s".
122360 ERROR No protected Oracle database found on "%s".
122500 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the create operation.

Action: Verify the parameters are correct and retry the operation.

122501 ERROR DB instance "%s" is already protected on "%s".

Cause: An attempt was made to protect an Oracle database instance {sid} that is already under LifeKeeper protection on {server}.

Action: You must select a different database instance {sid} for LifeKeeper protection.

122502 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122503 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The oratab file was not found at the default or alternate locations on {server}.

Action: Verify the oratab file exists and has proper permissions for the Oracle user. A valid oratab file is required to complete the "create" operation.

122504 ERROR Unable to determine Oracle user for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The Oracle Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the ownership of the Oracle database installation binaries.

Action: The owner of the Oracle binaries must be a valid non-root user on {server}. Correct the permissions and ownership of the Oracle database installation and retry the operation.

122505 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".

Cause: The database instance {sid} was not running or connections to the database were not available via the credentials provided.

Action: The database instance {sid} must be started on {server} and the proper credentials must be provided for the completion of the "create" operation.

122506 ERROR Unable to determine Oracle dbspaces and logfiles for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: A query to determine the location of required tablespaces, logfiles and related database files failed. This may have been caused by an internal database error.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122507 ERROR Unknown chunk type found for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The specified tablespace, logfile or other required database file is not one of the LifeKeeper supported file or character device types.

Action: The specified file {database_file} must reference an existing character device or file. Consult the Oracle installation documentation to recreate the specified file {database_file} as a supported file or character device type.

122508 ERROR DB Chunk "%s" for "%s" on "%s" does not reside on a shared file system.

Cause: The specified tablespace, logfile or other required database file {database_file} does not reside on a file system that is shared with other systems in the cluster.

Action: Use the LifeKeeper UI or "lcdstatus (1M)" to verify that communication paths have been properly created. Use "rpm" to verify that the necessary Application Recovery Kits for storage protection have been installed. Verify that the file is, in fact, not on shared storage, and if not, move it to a shared storage device.

122510 ERROR File system create failed for "%s" on "%s". Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {filesystem} on the specified server {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

122511 ERROR %s

Cause: The message contains the output of the "filesyshier" command.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122513 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the database resource {tag} and the necessary child resource {childtag}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Once any problems have been corrected, it may be possible to create the dependency between {tag} and {childtag} manually.

122514 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s" during resource create.

Cause: The Oracle Application Recovery Kit was unable to release the administrative lock using the "rlslocks" command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122516 ERROR Raw device resource created failed for "%s" on "%s". Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {raw device} on the specified server {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

122519 ERROR In-service attempted failed for tag "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The "perform_action" command for {tag} on {server} failed to start the database {sid}. The in-service operation has failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

122521 ERROR Create of app "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".

Cause: There was an error running the command "app_create" to create the internal application type.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122522 ERROR Create of typ "%s" for app "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".

Cause: There was an error running the command "typ_create" to create the internal resource type.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122524 ERROR Setting "resstate" for resource "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".

Cause: There was an error running the command "ins_setstate" to set the resource state to {state}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122525 ERROR The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same: "%s".

Cause: The value specified for the target and template servers for the "extend" operation were the same.

Action: You must specify the correct parameter for the {target server} and {template server}. The {target server} is the server where the {tag} will be extended.

122526 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file in "/etc" or in "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The oratab file was not found at the default or alternate locations on {server}.

Action: Verify the oratab file exists and has proper permissions for the Oracle user. A valid oratab file is required to complete the "extend" operation.

122527 ERROR Unable to retrieve the Oracle user on "%s".

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the Oracle user from {template server} during a "canextend" or "extend" operation failed.

Action: The owner of the Oracle binaries must be a valid user on {target server} and {template server}. Correct the permissions and ownership of the Oracle database installation and retry the operation.

122528 ERROR The Oracle user and/or group information for user "%s" does not exist on the server "%s".

Cause: LifeKeeper is unable to find the Oracle user and/or group information for the Oracle user {user} on the server {server}.

Action: Verify the Oracle user {user} exists on the specified {server}. If the user {user} does not exist, it should be created with the same uid and gid on all servers in the cluster.

122529 ERROR The id for user "%s" is not the same on template server "%s" and target server "%s".

Cause: The user id on the target server {target server} for the Oracle user {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The user ids for the Oracle user {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The user id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "extend" operation.

122530 ERROR The group id for user "%s" is not the same on template server "%s" and target server "%s".

Cause: The group id on the target server {target server} for the Oracle user {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The group ids for the Oracle user {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The group id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "extend" operation.

122532 ERROR No file system or raw devices found to extend for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: There were no dependent file system or raw device resources found for the Oracle resource {tag} on server {template server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122533 WARN A RAMDISK (%s) was detected in the ORACLE Database configuration for "%s" on "%s". LifeKeeper cannot protect RAMDISK. This RAMDISK resource will not be protected by LifeKeeper! ORACLE hierarchy creation will continue.

Cause: The specified tablespace, logfile or other database file {database_file} was detected as a ramdisk. No protection is available for this type of resource in the current LifeKeeper product.

Action: The ramdisk will not be protected. You must manually ensure that the required database file {database_file} will be available during all Oracle database operations.

122534 ERROR Failed to initialize object instance for Oracle sid "%s" on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122537 ERROR Update of instance info field for "%s" on "%s" failed (%s).

Cause: There was an error while running the command "ins_setinfo" to update the internal resource information field.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122538 ERROR Initial connect with query buffer to database "%s" on "%s" failed, testing output.

Cause: A connection attempt to the Oracle database {sid} to determine the database status has failed.

Action: The connection attempt failed with the specified credentials. Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122542 ERROR The "%s [ %s ]" attempt of the database "%s" appears to have failed on "%s".

Cause: The attempted Oracle action {action} using method {action_method} for the database instance {sid} failed on the server {server}.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122543 ERROR All attempts to "%s" database "%s" on "%s" failed

Cause: All efforts to perform the action {action} on the Oracle database {sid} on server {server} have failed.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122544 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to open the oratab file.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122545 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file in "/etc" or in "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The oratab file was not found at the default or alternate locations on {server}.

Action: Verify the oratab file exists and has proper permissions for the oracle user. A valid oratab file is required to complete the "extend" operation.

122546 ERROR Unable to open file "%s" on "%s" (%s).

Cause: The specified file {file} could not be opened or accessed on the server {server} due to the error {error}.

Action: Verify the existence and permissions on the specified file {file}. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122547 ERROR (cleanUpPids):Forcefully killing hung pid(s):pid(s)="%s"

Cause: The process {pid} failed to respond to the request to terminate gracefully. The process {pid} will be forcefully terminated.

Action: Use the command line to verify that the process {pid} has been terminated. Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122548 ERROR Unable to locate the DB utility (%s/%s) on this host.

Cause: The Oracle binaries and required database utility {utility} located at {path/utility} were not found on this server {server}.

Action: Verify that the Oracle binaries and required software utilities are installed and properly configured on the server {server}. The Oracle binaries must be installed locally on each node or located on shared storage available to all nodes in the cluster.

122549 ERROR Oracle internal error or non-standard Oracle configuration detected. Oracle User and/or Group set to "root".

Cause: The detected ownership of the Oracle database installation resolves to the root user and/or root group. Ownership of the Oracle installation by root is a non-standard configuration.

Action: The owner of the Oracle binaries must be a valid non-root user on {server}. Correct the permissions and ownership of the Oracle database installation and retry the operation.

122550 ERROR Initial inspection of "%s" failed, verifying failure or success of received output.

Cause: The previous Oracle query {query} or command {cmd} failed to return success.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122551 ERROR Logon failed with "%s" for "%s" on "%s". Please check username/password and privileges.

Cause: The logon with the credentials {credentials} for the database instance {sid} on server {server} failed. An invalid user {user} or password was specified.

Action: Verify that the Oracle database user {user} and password {password} are indeed valid. In addition, the Oracle database user {user} must have sufficient privileges for the attempted action.

122552 ERROR %s

Cause: The message contains the output of the "sqlplus" command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122553 ERROR Unable to open file "%s" on "%s" (%s).

Cause: The specified file {file} could not be opened or accessed on the server {server} due to the error {error}.

Action: Verify the existence and permissions on the specified file {file}. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122554 ERROR The tag "%s" on "%s" is not an Oracle instance or it does not exist.

Cause: The specified tag {tag} on server {server} does not refer to an existing and valid Oracle resource instance.

Action: Use the UI or "lcdstatus (1M)" to verify the existence of the resource tag {tag}. The resource tag {tag} must be an Oracle resource instance to use the command "ora-display."

122555 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to update the authorized user, password and database role for the Oracle resource instance.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122557 ERROR Update of user and password failed for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: A request to update the user and password for the resource tag {tag} failed. The specified credentials failed the initial validation/connection attempt on server {server}.

Action: Verify the correct credentials {user/password} were specified for the attempted operation. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122559 ERROR Update of user and password failed for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The update of the user and password information for the resource tag {tag} on server {server} failed.

Action: Verify the correct credentials {user/password} were specified for the attempted operation. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122562 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The required Oracle executable {exe} was not found on this server {server}.

Action: Verify that the Oracle binaries and required software utilities are installed and properly configured on the server {server}. The Oracle binaries must be installed locally on each node or located on shared storage available to all nodes in the cluster.

122566 ERROR Unable to find Oracle home for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The Oracle home directory {Oracle home} does not appear to contain files necessary for the proper operation of the Oracle instance {sid}.

Action: Verify using the command line that the Oracle home directory {Oracle home} contains the Oracle binaries, a valid spfile{sid}.ora or init{sid}.ora file.

122567 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected. The specified internal ID {id} does not match the expected SID {sid}.

Action: Verify the parameters are correct. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122568 ERROR DB Processes are not running on "%s".

Cause: A process check for the Oracle instance did not find any processes running on server {server}.

Action: If local recovery is enabled, the Oracle instance will be restarted locally. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122572 ERROR Failed to create flag "%s" on "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create a flag for controlling Oracle local recovery processing causing a failover to the standby node.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122574 ERROR all attempts to shutdown the database %s failed on "%s".

Cause: The shutdown of the Oracle database failed during a local recovery process most likely caused because the maximum number of database connections has been reached.

Action: Check the Oracle logs for connection failures caused by the maximum number of available connections being reached, and if found, consider increasing the value. Additionally, set the tunable LK_ORA_NICE to 1 to prevent connection failures from causing a quickCheck failure followed by a local recovery attempt.

122597 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected during pre-extend checking.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors
before retrying the pre-extend.

122598 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being created while attempting to determine the validity of the Oracle home directory.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors
before retrying the "create."

122599 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to look up the Oracle user on the template system.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors
before retrying the extend.

122600 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to display the resource properties.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the display of the resource properties.

122601 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to check for valid database authorization.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the command.

122603 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to perform health checks on the Oracle resource instance.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the quickCheck command and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the restore.

122604 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to perform a local recovery on the Oracle resource instance.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the "recover" command, and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the recover.

122606 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".

Cause: The database instance {sid} was not running or connections to the database are not available via the credentials provided.

Action: The database instance {sid} must be started on {server} and the proper credentials must be provided for the completion of the selected operation.

122607 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".

Cause: The database instance {sid} was not running or connections to the database are not available via the credentials provided.

Action: The database instance {sid} must be started on {server} and the proper credentials must be provided for the completion of the selected operation.

122608 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: The "remove" operation failed to create the resource object instance required to take the Oracle resource Out of Service.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the "remove" command and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the restore.

122609 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: The "restore" operation failed to create the resource object instance required to put the Oracle resource In Service.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the "restore" command and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore."

122610 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s" during resource create.

Cause: The Oracle Application Recovery Kit was unable to create the administrative lock using the "getlocks" command during resource creation.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create.

122611 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child File System resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122612 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child Raw resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122613 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child Raw resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122614 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child Listener resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122616 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested start up or shutdown of the Oracle database failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" or "remove" operation.

122618 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the database resource {tag} and the necessary child resource {childtag}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Once any problems have been corrected, it may be possible to create the dependency between {tag} and {childtag} manually.

122619 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the database resource {tag} and the necessary child resource {childtag}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Once any problems have been corrected, it may be possible to create the dependency between {tag} and {childtag} manually.

122625 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The quickCheck process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122626 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The remove process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122627 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The restore process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122628 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The recover process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122632 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: During a remove, the resource instance {sid} passed to the remove process does not match internal resource instance information for the {sid}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122633 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: During a restore, the resource instance {sid} passed to restore does not match internal resource instance information for the {sid}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122634 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: During resource recovery, the resource instance {sid} passed to recovery does not match internal resource instance information for the {sid}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122636 ERROR END failed hierarchy "%s" of resource "%s" on server "%s" with return value of %d

Cause: The create of the Oracle resource hierarchy {tag} failed on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122638 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The create action for the Oracle database resource {tag} on server {server} failed. The signal {sig} was received by the create process.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122640 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122641 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122642 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122643 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122644 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to retrieve resource instance information for {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors and retry the extend.

122645 ERROR Cannot access canextend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to run pre-extend checks because it was unable to find the "canextend" script on {server} for a dependent child resource.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122646 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to retrieve resource instance information for {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors and retry the extend.

122647 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122648 ERROR Resource with either matching tag "%s" or id "%s" already exists on server "%s" for App "%s" and Type "%s"

Cause: During the database resource extension, a resource instance was found using the same {tag} and/or {id} but with a different resource application and type.

Action: Resource IDs must be unique. The resource instance with the ID matching the Oracle resource instance must be removed.

122649 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122650 ERROR Cannot access extend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: The request to extend the database resource {resource} to {server} failed because it was unable to the find the script {extend} on {server} for a dependent child resource.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122651 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: The request to extend the database resouce {resource} to {server} failed because of an error attempting to extend a dependent child resource.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122654 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The health check for the database {sid} was terminated because the quickCheck process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the quickCheck process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The health check time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT. Set it to a value greater than 45 seconds to allow more time for the health check process to complete.

122655 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The request to take database {sid} "Out of Service" was terminated because the remove process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the remove process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The remove time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the remove process to complete.

122659 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The request to place database {sid} "In Service" was terminated because the restore process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the restore process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The restore time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the restore process to complete.

122663 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The recovery of the failed database was terminated because the recovery process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the recovery process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The recovery time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable values ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT and ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT. Set one or both of these to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for a recovery to complete.

122670 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to open the temporary file used in the update process.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122671 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to close the temporary file used in the update process.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122672 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to rename the temporary file back to oratab.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122673 ERROR Unable to log messages queued while running as oracle user %s on %s. Reason: $!

Cause: An unexpected error {reason} occurred while attempting to add messages to the log file. These messages were generated while running as the Oracle user.

Action: Review the reason for the failure and take corrective action.

122674 ERROR Unable to open %s Reason: %s.

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to open a connection to the Oracle database and run the database {cmd}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Additionally, check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct any reported problems.

122680 ERROR Unable to find Oracle home for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The Oracle home directory {Oracle home} does not appear to contain files necessary for the proper operation of the Oracle instance {sid}.

Action: Verify using the command line that the Oracle home directory {Oracle home} contains the Oracle binaries, a valid spfile{sid}.ora or init{sid}.ora file.

122681 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122682 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The required Oracle executable {exe} was not found on this server {server}.

Action: Verify that the Oracle binaries and required software utilities are installed and properly configured on the server {server}. The Oracle binaries must be installed locally on each node or located on shared storage available to all nodes in the cluster.

122683 ERROR Backup node %s is unreachable; abort username/password changes.

Cause: Backup node {node} is currently unreachable. Pending changes to username/password have been aborted.

Action: Ensure that SIOS LifeKeeper is running on the given backup node {node} and that all communication paths are up, then retry the operation.

122684 ERROR The restore of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 300 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

Cause: The restore for Oracle resource {resource} has timed out on server {server}. This occurs when the in-service operation has taken longer than the time allotted.

Action: The restore time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the restore process to complete.

122685 ERROR The remove of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 300 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

Cause: The remove for Oracle resource {resource} has timed out on server {server}. This occurs when the out-of-service operation has taken longer than the time allotted.

Action: The remove time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the remove process to complete.

122686 ERROR The quickCheck of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 45 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

Cause: The quickCheck for Oracle resource {resource} has timed out on server {server}. This occurs when the health check has taken longer than the time allotted.

Action: The health check time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT. Set it to a value greater than 45 seconds to allow more time for the health check process to complete.

122687 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the getalertlog script.

Action: The tag name of the Oracle resource must be provided to the script as the first command line parameter. Verify the parameters are correct and retry the operation.

122702 ERROR Failed start OHAS.
122704 ERROR Failed start ASM.
122706 ERROR Failed start Diskgroup.
122708 ERROR Failed stop Diskgroup.
122710 ERROR Failed stop ASM.
122712 ERROR Failed stop OHAS.
122713 ERROR OHAS is not running.
122714 ERROR ASM is not running.
122715 ERROR Diskgroup is not running.
122716 ERROR $usage
122717 ERROR Template resource \"$template_tag\" on server \"$template_sys\" does note exist
122718 ERROR Cannot extend resource \"$template_tag\" to server \"$me\"
122719 ERROR $usage
122720 ERROR END failed create of \"$Tag\" due to a \"$sig\" signal
122722 ERROR Unable to getlocks on $me during resouce create.
122725 ERROR Error creating resource $Tag. Error ($rc
122726 ERROR END failed hierarchy create of resource $Tag with return value of $ecode.
122728 ERROR Unable to rlslocks on $me during resource create.
122729 ERROR $usage
122730 ERROR END failed extend of \"$Tag\" due to a \"$sig\" signal
122732 ERROR Template resource \"$TemplateTag\" on server \"$TemplateSys\" does not exist
122733 ERROR Error creating resouce \"$Tag\"on server \"$me\"
122735 ERROR END failed hierarchy extend of resource $Tag with return value of $ecode.
122736 ERROR $usage
122737 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle ASM on $oracle::me
122738 ERROR Usage : $cmd $usage
122739 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle ASM on \"$me\".
122740 ERROR $usage
122742 ERROR backup node $back_dead_name is unreachable; abort protection Diskgroup changes.
122744 ERROR Update of protection Diskgroup failed for \"$tag\" on \"$oarcleasm::me\"
122746 ERROR Update of protection Diskgroup failed foor \"$tag\" on \"$remote\"
122750 ERROR Failed to init the object.
122751 ERROR Usage: %s %s
123006 FATAL Unknown version %s of IP address

Cause: The IP address does not appear to be valid for either IPv4 or IPv6.

Action: Provide a valid IP address.

123008 ERROR No pinglist found for %s.

Cause: Problem while opening the pinglist for this IP address.

Action: Make sure you have provided a pinglist for this IP address.

123009 ERROR List ping test failed for virtual IP %s

Cause: No response was received from any of the addresses in the ping list.

Action: Check network connectivity of this node and the systems on which the IPs in the ping list reside.

123013 ERROR Link check failed for virtual IP %s on interface %s.

Cause: The requested interface is showing ‘NO-CARRIER’ indicating that no link is present on the phycial layer connection.

Action: Check the physical connections for the interface and bring the physical layer link up.

123015 ERROR Link check failed for virtual IP %s on interface %s.

Cause: The requested interface is a bonded interface, and one of the slaves is showing ‘NO-CARRIER’ indicating that no link is present on the phycial layer connection.

Action: Check the physical connections for the slave interface and bring the physical layer link up.

123024 ERROR IP address seems to still exist somewhere else.

Cause: The IP address appears to be in use elsewhere on the network.

Action: Either select a different IP address to use or locate and disable the current use of this IP address.

123037 ERROR must specify machine name containing primary hierarchy

Cause: Not enough arguments were provided to creIPhier.

Action: Supply all of the needed arguments to creIPhier.

123038 ERROR must specify IP resource name

Cause: Not enough arguments were passed to creIPhier.

Action: Supply all of the needed arguments to creIPhier.

123039 ERROR must specify primary IP Resource tag

Cause: The argument specifying the primary IP Resource tag was missing from the "creIPhier" command.

Action: Supply all of the needed arguments.

123042 ERROR An unknown error has occurred in utility validmask on machine %s.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running the "validmask" utility.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for additional details.

123045 ERROR An unknown error has occurred in utility getlocks.

Cause: There was an unexpected error running the "getlocks" utility.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for additional details.

123053 ERROR Cannot resolve hostname %s

Cause: A hostname was provided for the IP address, but the system was unable to resolve the name to an IP address.

Action: Check the correctness of the hostname and verify that name resolution (DNS or /etc/hosts) is working correctly and returns the IP for the hostname.

123055 ERROR An unknown error has occurred in utility %s on machine %s.

Cause: There was a failure while creating the IP resource.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

123056 ERROR create ip hierarchy failure: perform_action failed

Cause: Unexpected error trying to restore the IP address during creation.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for additional details.

123059 ERROR Resource already exists on machine %s

Cause: Attempted to create an IP address that already exists.

Action: Reuse the existing resource or manually remove the IP address if it exists or use a different IP address.

123060 ERROR ins_create failed on machine %s

Cause: An unexpected failure occurred while creating an IP resource.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details.

123064 ERROR An unknown error has occurred in utility %s on machine %s.

Cause: There was a failure while creating a dependency for the IP resource.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

123066 ERROR An error occurred during creation of LifeKeeper application=comm on %s.

Cause: A failure occured while calling "app_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

123068 ERROR An error occurred during creation of LifeKeeper resource type=ip on %s.

Cause: A failure occured while calling "typ_create."

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

123089 ERROR Link check failed for virtual IP %s on interface %s.
123091 ERROR the link for interface %s is down

Cause: The requested interface is showing ‘NO-CARRIER’ indicating that no link is present on the phycial layer connection.

Action: Check the physical connections for the interface and bring the physical layer link up.

123093 ERROR the ping list check failed

Cause: No response was received from any of the addresses in the ping list.

Action: Check network connectivity of this node and the systems on which the IPs in the ping list reside.

123094 ERROR IP address is not assigned to interface %s.
123095 ERROR broadcast ping failed

Cause: No replies were received from a broadcast ping.

Action: Verify that at least one host on the subnet will respond to broadcast pings. Verify that virtual IP is on the correct network interface. Consider using a pinglist instead of a broadcast ping.

123096 ERROR $msg

Cause: The broadcast ping used to determine the viability of the virtual IP failed.

Action: Please ensure that the ping list for this resource is properly configured in the properties panel or that broadcast ping checking is disabled by adding NOBCASTPING=1 to the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file.

123097 ERROR exec_list_ping(): broadcast ping failed.

Cause: The broadcast ping used to determine the viability of the virtual IP failed.

Action: Ensure that the ping list for this resource is properly configured in the properties panel or that broadcast ping checking is disabled by adding NOBCASTPING=1 to the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file.

123101 ERROR IP delete failed (ip -$ver addr delete $self->{‘ip’}/$prefix dev $self->{‘device’}), returned $ret
123102 WARN IP is already configured with wrong netmask: expected %s, found %s.
123299 ERROR Unable to open %s. Reason %s
123410 ERROR Usage error OSUquickCheck
123411 ERROR OSUquickCheck: both tag and id name not specified
123412 ERROR resource $Tag not found on local server
123414 ERROR The link for network interface $IPObj->{‘device’} is down
123415 ERROR No pinglist found for $IPObj->{‘ipaddr’}
123416 ERROR List ping test failed for virtual IP $IPObj->{‘ipaddr’}
124004 FATAL resource tag name not specified

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "quickCheck" operation.

Action: Ensure that the correct arguments are passed.

124005 FATAL resource id not specified

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the "quickCheck" operation.

Action: Ensure that the correct arguments are passed.

124007 FATAL Failed to get resource information

Cause: The filesystem resource’s info field does not contain the correct information.

Action: Put the correct information in the resource’s info field or restore the system from a recent "lkbackup" to restore the original info field.

124008 ERROR getId failed

Cause: The filesystem resource could not find the underlying disk device.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details. Verify that the resource hierarchy is valid and that all required storage kits are installed.

124009 ERROR LifeKeeper protected filesystem is in service but quickCheck detects the following error

Cause: The filesystem kit has found something wrong with the resource.

Action: Check the messages immediately following this one for more details.

124010 ERROR \"$id\" is not mounted

Cause: The filesystem resource is no longer mounted.

Action: No action is required. Allow local recovery to remount the resource.

124011 ERROR \"$id\" is mounted but with the incorrect mount options (current mount option list: $mntopts, expected mount option list: $infoopts

Cause: The filesystem resource is mounted incorrectly.

Action: No action is required. Allow local recovery to remount the resource.

124012 ERROR \"$id\" is mounted but on the wrong device (current mount device: $tmpdev, expected mount device: $dev

Cause: The filesystem resource has the wrong device mounted.

Action: No action is required. Allow local recovery to remount the resource.

124015 ERROR LifeKeeper protected filesystem \"$tag\" ($id) is $percent% full ($blocksfree free blocks).

Cause: The filesystem is getting full.

Action: Remove or migrate data from the filesystem.

124016 WARN LifeKeeper protected filesystem \"$tag\" ($id) is $percent% full ($blocksfree free blocks).

Cause: The filesystem is getting full.

Action: Remove or migrate data from the filesystem.

124020 FATAL cannot find device information for filesystem $id

Cause: The filesystem resource could not find the underlying disk device.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details. Verify that the resource hierarchy is valid and that all required storage kits are installed.

124029 ERROR Failed to find child resource.

Cause: The filesystem resource could not determine its underlying disk resource.

Action: Ensure that the resource hierarchy is correct.

124032 FATAL Script has hung. Exiting.$msg

Cause: Processes had files open on a mounted filesystem that needed to be unmounted. Killing those processes has taken too long.

Action: If this error continues, try to temporarily stop all software that may be using the mount point to allow it to be unmounted. If the filesystem still cannot be unmounted, contact Support.

124042 ERROR file system $fs failed unmount$continue

Cause: Processes had files open on a mounted filesystem that needed to be unmounted. It can take multiple attempts to clear those processes.

Action: No action is required. Allow the process to continue.

124046 ERROR file system $fsname failed unmount

Cause: A filesystem could not be unmounted.

Action: If this error continues, try to temporarily stop all software that may be using the mount point to allow it to be unmounted. If the filesystem still cannot be unmounted, contact Support.

124049 ERROR Local recovery of resource has failed (err=$err

Cause: A filesystem resource has a problem that cannot be repaired locally.

Action: No action is required. Allow the resource to be failed over to another system.

124051 WARN getId failed, try count : $cnt/$try
124052 ERROR \"$id\" is mounted but filesystem is shutdown state.
124054 ERROR Failed to change mount option from \"$old_opts\" to \"$new_opts\" for migration
124103 ERROR $ERRMSG Script was terminated for unknown reason

Cause: This message should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details.

124104 ERROR $ERRMSG Required template machine name is null

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the canextend operation.

Action: Ensure that the arguments are correct. If this error happens during normal operation, please contact Support.

124105 ERROR $ERRMSG Required template resource tag name is null

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the canextend operation.

Action: Ensure that the arguments are correct. If this error happens during normal operation, please contact Support.

124106 ERROR $ERRMSG Unable to access template resource \"$TemplateTagName\

Cause: The resource’s underlying disk information cannot be determined.

Action: Ensure the hierarchy is correct on the template system before extending.

124107 ERROR $ERRMSG Resource \"$TemplateTagName\" must have one and only one device resource dependency

Cause: The resource has too many underlying devices in the hierarchy.

Action: Ensure the hierarchy is correct on the template system before extending.

124108 ERROR $ERRMSG Unable to access template resource \"$TemplateTagName\

Cause: The resource cannot be found on the template system.

Action: Ensure the hierarchy is correct on the template system before extending.

124109 ERROR $ERRMSG Can not access canextend for scsi/$DeviceResType resources on machine \"$TargetSysName\

Cause: The target system is missing some required components.

Action: Ensure that the target system has all the correct kits installed and licensed.

124110 ERROR $ERRMSG Either filesystem \"$TemplateLKId\" is not mounted on \"$TemplateSysName\" or filesystem is not shareable with \"$TargetSysName\

Cause: The filesystem isn’t in service on the template system or doesn’t meet the requirements for extending to the target system.

Action: Make sure the resource is in service on the template system and review the product documentation regarding the requirements for extending filesystems.

124111 ERROR $ERRMSG File system type \"${FSType}\" is not supported by the kernel currently running on \"${TargetSysName}\

Cause: The filesystem’s type cannot be mounted on the target system due to lack of kernel support.

Action: Ensure that the target system has all its kernel modules configured correctly before extending the resource.

124112 ERROR must specify machine name containing primary hierarchy

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the creFShier operation.

Action: If this error happens during normal operation, please contact Support.

124113 ERROR