It is necessary to enable/disable each functionality and configure the value for the Standby Node Health Check. These settings can be customized in the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file.

Parameter Description Value to Set Default Value When to Apply Notes
SNHC Enables the overall functionality of the Standby Node Health Check. To enable, set this parameter to 1; it is disabled by default. SNHC_XX for individual functions must be enabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 When lkcheck is started After setting, restart lkcheck.
See Standby Node Health Check for details.
SNHC_CPUCHECK Enables CPU monitoring with Node Monitoring. To enable, set this parameter to 1; it is disabled by default.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 Anytime
SNHC_CPUCHECK_THRESHOLD Specifies the threshold for CPU utilization that is considered to be abnormal in CPU monitoring. If not specified, 99 is used. Integer value between 10 and 99 99 Anytime If not configured, users are prompted to configure with an ERROR message in the log.
SNHC_CPUCHECK_TIME Specifies the number of consecutive times that CPU utilization must be over the threshold (SNHC_CPUCHECK_THRESHOLD) to be considered an error. If not specified, 1 is used. Integer value between 1 and 100 1 Anytime If not configured, users are prompted to configure with an ERROR message in the log.
SNHC_MEMCHECK Enables memory monitoring with Node Monitoring. To enable, set this parameter to 1; it is disabled by default.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 Anytime
SNHC_MEMCHECK_THRESHOLD Specifies the threshold for memory utilization that is considered to be abnormal in memory monitoring. If not specified, 99 is used. Integer value between 10 and 99 99 Anytime If not configured, users are prompted to configure with an ERROR message in the log.
SNHC_MEMCHECK_TIME Specifies the number of consecutive times that memory utilization must be over the threshold (SNHC_MEMCHECK_THRESHOLD) to be considered an error. If not specified, 1 is used. Integer value between 1 and 100 1 Anytime If not configured, users are prompted to configure with an ERROR message in the log.
SNHC_IPCHECK Enables OSU resource monitoring for IP resources. It is disabled by default.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 Anytime
SNHC_IPCHECK_SLEEPTIME Specifies the wait time to check the link after starting the NIC, when the relevant NIC is down during OSU monitoring for IP resources. If the NIC was down before monitoring, the NIC will be left down after monitoring. Wait time (sec) 1 Anytime
SNHC_DISKCHECK Enables OSU resource monitoring for DMMP resources. It is disabled by default.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 Anytime


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