Core Parameters List

The table below lists and explains names and meanings of the Core parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file.

Parameter Name Meaning Setting Value Default Value When to Apply Notes
LK_SERV_ENV An environment where LifeKeeper runs. String Determined by the value selected in setup. As required (takes effect immediately) Do NOT change this value manually. If you want to change this value, please re-run setup script and select an appreciate value.
LCMPORT TCP port number used for inter-node communication. Integer value 0 or between 1024 – 65535 0 (LifeKeeper will automatically determine the port number) LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper). This parameter is used to avoid the following issue. Please do not change the default value of 0 under normal circumstances.

Communication Failure when LDAP or Active Directory is Unreliable

WARNING: this value must be the same value set on all nodes.
FS_KERNEL_RETRIES The maximum number of times that the forceumount script, after exhausting all attempts to kill processes accessing the file system via SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals, will continue to attempt to unmount the file system. These unmount attempts occur every three seconds until the maximum number of attempts is exceeded. Integers 60 In an LDAP or Active Directory environment where these services are not reliably responding to requests the LCM communication may stop unexpectedly.
FS_UMOUNT_RETRIES The maximum number of times that the forceumount script will attempt to use a SIGTERM signal to kill all processes currently accessing the file system which is being unmounted. If this number of attempts is exceeded, the forceumount script will attempt at most three times to kill the processes using a SIGKILL signal. Integers 1 As required (takes effect immediately)
REMOTETIMEOUT Number of seconds between when a process sends a request through the “lcdsendremote” function to another machine before it expects a response. If no response is received in this time interval, the function will try an alternate path if available. Integers 900 LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper)
The default action to take during machine failover processing when failover confirmation is configured. The default action is only taken when no manual response is received from the administrator within the timeout period (see CONFIRMSOTO).

0: proceed with failover

1: block the failover
0 As required (takes effect immediately) See the Confirm Failover and Block Resource Failover Settings.

The time in seconds to wait for administrator action when failover confirmation is configured. When the timeout period expires the default action for CONFIMRSODEF is taken. Otherwise, the administrator action is taken.

Integers 600 As required (takes effect immediately)
Machine failover processing will be delayed until administrator confirmation is received or the timeout period expires.
See the Confirm Failover and Block Resource Failover Settings.
Number of seconds between verifying that a reserved device is still reserved by the local system. If the device is not reserved then the system will halt and reboot.

Integers 5 LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper)
SCSIERROR Determines the action to take when a SCSI device cannot be opened, accessed, or another SCSI error occurs (e.g., timeout). event: LifeKeeper’s core should be informed that a device needs to be switched over to a backup system

halt: The system should immediately be halted and rebooted to avoid data corruption
event LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper) SCSIERROR does not override the action taken in the case of a lost SCSI reservation
- a halt is always performed in that case.
LKCHECKINTERVAL Application health monitoring wait time (in seconds) between checks. Set to zero to disable health monitoring. Integers (0, 1 and over) 120 LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper) Changed setup must be set up again when LifeKeeper is upgraded because the set up is overwritten to the original default at the time.
FILESYSFULLWARN The file system full threshold at which time warning messages will start appearing in the LifeKeeper log. Setting to 0 will disable monitoring. Integers 90 As required (takes effect immediately)
FILESYSFULLERROR The file system full threshold at which time error messages will start appearing in the LifeKeeper log. Additionally the LKROOT/events/filesys/diskfull/notify script will be called when this threshold is reached.

Setting to 0 will disable monitoring.

Integers 95 As required (takes effect immediately)
LK_TRAP_MGR One or more network managers (separated by commas) to receive SNMP traps. No traps are sent if this variable is not set. String (not set) As required (takes effect immediately) This value can be configured using /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lk_configsnmp. Do not include spaces in the value. Especially when specifying more than one network managers, please make sure not to include spaces before and after the comma.
LK_NOTIFY_ALIAS Email address or address list used to receive notification messages when certain events occur in a LifeKeeper cluster. A null value indicates no notification will occur. The expected format is:


- no notification is sent


- mail sent to user1 at domain1


- mail sent to user1 and user2 at domain1

String (not set) As required (takes effect immediately) This value can be configured using /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/ lk_confignotifyalias.
LKSYSLOGTAG Tag for syslog. String LifeKeeper LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper)
LKSYSLOGSELECTOR Level for syslog. user, daemon, local0, local1, …or local7 local6 LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper)
LCMHBEATTIME The interval, in seconds, used to send heartbeats signal Failing to receive the LCM signal, which includes heartbeat signal, from another server within the interval time is determined as heartbeat stop. Integers 5 LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper) If a value is 0, it will be set to the default. For detailed information, refer to Tuning the LifeKeeper Heartbeat; in SIOS Technical Documentation.
LCMNUMHBEATS Number of consecutive missed heartbeats to mark a communication path down. In the real implemented system, it is not the number, but LCMHBEATTIME x LCMNUMHBEATS seconds missing communication is determined as communication path disconnection. Integers 3 LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper) If a value is 0, it will be set to the default. For detailed information, refer to Tuning the LifeKeeper Heartbeat in SIOS Technical Documentation.
LC_MESSAGES Changes the language environment. String C LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper) When changing the value, be aware that it may adversely affect the way LifeKeeper operates. The side effects depend on whether or not message catalogs are installed for various languages and utilities and if they produce text output that LifeKeeper does not expect.
GUI_WEB_PORT Specifies the port to use for LifeKeeper Management Web servers (lkGUI). Integers 81 Restarting steeleye-lighttpd To reboot steeleye-lighttpd:

/opt/LifeKeeper/sbin/sv restart

API_SSL_PORT Specifies the port used for the LifeKeeper API. Integers 778 Restarting steeleye-lighttpd To reboot steeleye-lighttpd:

/opt/LifeKeeper/sbin/sv restart

LOGMGR_LOGLEVEL Specifies the log level of Generic Applications. LK_INFO or LK_ERROR LK_ERROR LifeKeeper startup or restarting the lk_logmgr process (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper)
RESERVATIONS The RESERVATIONS parameter determines the method used to issue SCSI reserve and release commands. SCSI reservations are used to perform I/O fencing to ensure that one and only one system can access the data in a cluster. The valid settings are:

ioctl: Use ioctl commands in the SCSI mid-layer driver to issue reserve and release commands.

none: The lkscsid daemon will only perform health monitoring for shared SCSI devices. It will not maintain the SCSI reservation. This requires another method of I/O fencing to be configured to assure the reliability of the data in a cluster. This setting is only supported by LifeKeeper on a restricted set of configurations and devices.

With this setting, I/O fencing must be configured in a different manner to ensure the reliability of the data in the cluster. This setting is supported by LifeKeeper only for a limited set of configurations and devices.
ioctl LifeKeeper startup (takes effect when you restart LifeKeeper)
STANDBY_NODE_WRITE_PROTECTION When reservations are set to disabled (RESERVATIONS=none), this function disables writes from the standby node to the shared storage.

To enable this function, SNHC and SNHC_DISKCHECK must also be enabled. See Standby Node Health Check Parameters List for details.
enable As required (takes effect immediately) See STANDBY NODE WRITE PROTECTION Feature for details.


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