This section provides a list of messages that you may encounter while creating and extending a LifeKeeper VMDK resource hierarchy or removing and restoring a resource. Where appropriate, it provides an additional explanation of the cause of an error and necessary action to resolve the error condition.

Messages from other LifeKeeper components are also possible. In these cases, refer to the appropriate LifeKeeper component documentation.

The messages are grouped into the following topics:

  • Common error message
  • Creating a hierarchy
  • Extending a hierarchy
  • Deleting, restoring, recovering a hierarchy

Common Error Message

Error Number
Error Message
000002 Usage error
000010 Error getting resource information
000011 Both Tag and ID name not specified
000019 Resource not found on local server
000022 END failed hierarchy <tag name> in service on server <server name>
000026 END failed ACTION for <tag name> on server <server name> due to <signal> signal

Creating a Hierarchy

Error Number
Error Message
000012 Usage error
000013 Error getting resource information
000014 Resource with either matching tag <tag name> or ID exists
000015 ins_create failed on server <server name>
000018 Error creating resource <tag name> on server <server name>
000021 Removing resource instance <tag name> from server <server name> due to an error during creation
000023 Error bringing resource <tag name> in service on server <server name>
000024 Failed resource creation of resource <tag name> on server <server name>
000027 Removing file system dependency from <parent tag> to <child tag> on server <server name> due to an error during creation
000028 Removing file system hierarchy <filesys tag> created by <parent tag> on server <server name> due to an error during creation
000029 Switchback type mismatch between parent <parent tag> and child <child tag> on server <server name>

Action: Switchback type mismatch can cause unexpected behavior. You can eliminate this by manually changing the switchback type using the ins_setas command.
000030 create: tag name not specified


extend: tag name not specified

Extending a Hierarchy

Error Number
Error Message
000003 Template resource <tag name> on server <server name> does not exist 
000004 Template resource <tag name> cannot be extended to server <server name> because it already exists there 
000005 Cannot access canextend script on server <server name>
000006 Cannot access extend script <path to extend> on server <server name>
000007 Cannot access depstoextend script <path to depstoexend> on server <server name>
000008 Cannot extend resource <tag name> to server <server name>
000009 Either <templatesys> or <templatetag> argument missing
000014 Resource with either matching tag <tag name> or ID exists
000015 ins_create failed on server <server name>
000018 Error creating resource <tag name> on server <server name>
000025 END failed resource extension of <tag name> on server <server name> due to a "<signal>" signal - backing out changes made to server
000030 create: tag name not specified


extend: tag name not specified


Error Number
Error Message
000023 Error bringing resource <tag name> in service on server <server name>

Resource Monitoring

Error Number
Error Message
000001 Calling sendevent for resource <tag name> on server <server name>


VMDK Recovery Kit

Error Number
Error Message
137000 PowerShell is not installed.
137001 PowerCLI is not installed.
137002 A valid network interface was not found.
137003 Attaching VMDK $vmdkfile.
137004 VMDK already attached.
137005 Failed to attach VMDK.
137006 Attach success.
137008 Detaching VMDK $vmdkfile.
137009 VMDK Already detached.
137010 Failed to detach VMDK.
137011 Detach success.
137012 Restarting VMDK status checker daemon.
137016 Stopping VMDK status checker daemon.
137020 Failed to execute VMDK status checker daemon.
137026 Flushing $dev.
137027 Skipping flush for $dev.
137030 Disk not specified.
137031 Cannot get disk uuid for $Disk. Please check your ESXi settings.
137032 PowerCLI failed. %s
137034 Cannot bring VMDK resource \”%s\” in service on server \”%s\”.
137035 Error detected conflict in expected tag name \”%s\” on target machine \”%s\”.
137036 Template resource \”%s\” on server \”%s\” does not exist.
137037 This system is not a VMware guest.
137038 Unable to find shared device on \”%s\” for \”%s\”.
137039 Unable to find SCSI controller on \”%s\” for \”%s\”.
137050 Failed to connect to ESXi server $addr.
137051 There is no ESXi server connected.
137055 Cannot determine ESXi VM ID because multiple network interfaces were found with the MAC address $MAC_ADDR.
137056 Failed to $action VMDK $VMDK_FILENAME. Retrying $action in $wait_sec milliseconds.
137057 Usable SCSI controller not found.
137058 Cannot find VMDK with ID $UUID.
137059 This guest has snapshots present.
137060 The VMDK with ID $UUID cannot be attached to this guest.
137061 The virtual storage controller has an incompatible sharing mode configured.
137062 VMDK_TIMER too short. Using default value.
137063 Calling sendevent for resource `”$Tag`” on server `”$me`”“
137064 skip quickcheck for `”$Tag`” on server `”$me`”, sendevent pending.
137065 sendevent issued for tag `”$Tag`” has not finished, halt server `”$me`”
137066 skip quickcheck for `”$Tag`” on server `”$me`”, sendevent pending.
137068 The VMDK detection failed. Retry count exceeded.
137070 Connect failed.
137071 Get-LocalVM failed.
137072 The VMDK is remote detached. This server has lost ownership.
137073 The VMDK quickCheck daemon has been stopped.
137074 VMDK_RETRY too small. Using default value.
137075 Cannot find virtual SCSI controller $CONTROLLER.
137076 The virtual storage controller has an incompatible sharing mode configured.
137077 Cannot find VM with MAC address $MAC_ADDR.
137078 Cannot find VM with MAC address $MAC_ADDR.
137100 Re-reading partition table on %s.
137101 Partition information not defined for %s on %s. Retry.
137102 Partition information not defined for %s on %s.
137103 Resource %s is OSF, Skip flushing buffers.
137104 Flushing buffers on %s.
137105 Device not specified.
137106 Cannot get device uuid for $Device. Please check your ESXi settings.
137107 %s is not shareable with any machine.
137109 Creating dependency \”%s\”-\”%s\” on machine \”%s\”.
137110 Dependency \”%s\”-\”%s\” on machine \”%s\” exists.
137111 Failed to create dependency \”%s\”-\”%s\” on machine \”%s\”.
137112 Cannot bring VMDKP resource \”%s\” in service on server \”%s\”.
137113 detected conflict in expected tag name \”%s\” on target machine \”%s\”.


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