LifeKeeper for Linux Core
Resource Hierarchy Creation menu may show uninstalled resource types
Symptom: Resource types may continue to appear as choices in the LKWMC “Create Resource Hierarchy” operation after the corresponding recovery kit has been uninstalled.
Solution: Restart LifeKeeper in order to update the list of available resource types.
Multipath Recovery Kit (HDLM)
Operations involving the Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (HDLM) Recovery Kit are not supported in the current version of the LKWMC. This recovery kit will be supported in a future release.
(*NEC iStorage StoragePathSavior Recovery Kit is not supported and will not be supported in a future release.)
Single Server Protection for Linux
Operations using LifeKeeper Single Server Protection for Linux are not supported in the current version of the LKWMC. These will be supported in a future release.
Postfix Recovery Kit
Operations using the Postfix Recovery Kit are not supported in LKWMC and will not be supported in a future release.
Samba Recovery Kit
Operations using the Samba Recovery Kit are not supported in LKWMC and will not be supported in a future release.
Modifying the GUI Server and REST API Server Ports
Due to a defect of LKWMC v1.1.0, the GUI Server and REST API ports cannot be changed in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.
As a workaround, configure the desired ports via the following command instead of configuring them in /etc/default/LifeKeeper. Restart the REST API Server and the GUI Server services once the ports have been configured via systemd environment variables.
# systemctl set-environment WEBUI_PORT=<TCP port number of the GUI server> RESTAPI_PORT=<TCP port number of the REST API server>
# systemctl restart lifekeeper-api lifekeeper-wmc
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