The steps for upgrading from the Generic Application Kit for Load Balancer Health Checks are described in the sample configuration example below.

Existing Gen LB resource Resource name: GenLB
port : 12345
message : None (Empty)
Parent resource name: gen1
Child resource name: /disk1, ip-
LB Health Check resource after migration Resource name: lbhc-12345
port : 12345
message: None (Empty)
Parent resource name: gen1
Child resource name: /disk1, ip-
Extended server node2

Upgrading LifeKeeper

  1. Upgrade LifeKeeper to the latest version on all nodes in the cluster (see Upgrading LifeKeeper for details).
  1. Back up your LifeKeeper configuration in case you need to restore your resource hierarchy to its previous configuration. Include /opt/LifeKeeper/bin in your PATH.

lkbackup -c --cluster

Delete Dependency

Delete dependencies before deleting Gen LB.

lkcli dependency delete --parent gen1 --child GenLB

lkcli dependency delete --parent GenLB --child /disk1

lkcli dependency delete --parent GenLB --child ip-

Delete Gen LB

Delete GenLB after bringing it out of service on the Gen LB active node.

lkcli resource remove --tag GenLB

lkcli resource delete --tag GenLB

Create an LB Health Check Resource

lkcli resource create lbhc --tag lbhc-12345 --port 12345

lkcli resource extend lbhc --tag lbhc-12345 --dest node2

Recreate Dependencies

lkcli dependency create --parent lbhc-12345 --child /disk1

lkcli dependency create --parent lbhc-12345 --child ip-

lkcli dependency create --parent gen1 --child lbhc-12345


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