The Recovery Kit for EC2 Message Catalog below contains listings of all messages that may be encountered while utilizing the Recovery Kit for EC2.

The Combined Message Catalog provides a listing of all messages that may be encountered while using LifeKeeper for Linux and, where appropriate, provides additional explanation of the cause of the errors and necessary action to resolve the error condition. This full listing may be searched for any error code received,

Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.

Code Severity Message Cause/Action
129100 FATAL Failed to load instance from LifeKeeper.

Cause: An invalid resource tag or ID was specified.

Action: Check that the tag or ID is valid and re-run the command.

129103 FATAL No resource matches tag \"$self->{'tag'}\".

Cause: An invalid resource tag was specified.

Action: Check the tag and re-run the command.

129104 FATAL An error occurred setting LifeKeeper resource information

Cause: An internal error has occurred in LifeKeeper.

129110 ERROR Could not get the Elastic Network Interface ID for $dev

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129111 ERROR Failed to get Allocation ID of Elastic IP \"$elasticIp\".

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129113 ERROR Failed to get my instance ID.

Cause: The EC2 instance metadata access failed.

Action: Check the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129114 ERROR Failed to get ENI ID.

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129116 ERROR Failed to associate Elastic IP \"$self->{'EIP'}\" on \"$self->{'DEV'}\".

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129118 WARN $self->{'EIP'} is not associated with any instance.

Cause: The Elastic IP is not associated with any instance.

Action: LifeKeeper will try to fix the issue by calling the EC2 API to associate the Elastic IP. Check adjacent log messages for more details.

129119 WARN $self->{'EIP'} is associated with another instance.

Cause: The Elastic IP is associated with another instance.

Action: LifeKeeper will try to fix the issue by calling the EC2 API to associate the Elastic IP. Check adjacent log messages for more details.

129120 ERROR Failed to recover Elastic IP.

Cause: The EC2 API call failed to associate the Elastic IP.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129121 ERROR Recovery process ended but Elastic IP is not associated with this instance. Please check AWS console.

Cause: The EC2 API call failed to associate the Elastic IP.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129122 ERROR Error creating resource \"$target_tag\" with return code of \"$err\".

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource instance on the server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

129123 ERROR Failed to get ENI ID.

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129124 WARN $self->{'EIP'} is associated with another network interface.

Cause: The Elastic IP is associated with the proper instance, but the wrong ENI.

Action: LifeKeeper will try to fix the issue by calling the EC2 API to associate the Elastic IP. Check adjacent log messages for more details.

129125 ERROR Link check failed for interface \'$dev\'.

Cause: The requested interface is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present.

Action: Check the network interface and bring the link up.

129126 ERROR Link check failed for interface \'$dev\'. Reason: down slave.

Cause: The requested interface is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present.

Action: Check the network interface and bring the link up.

129127 ERROR Link check failed for interface \’$dev\’.

Cause: The call to "nmcli connection show —active" did not return that $dev was active.

129129 WARN The link for network interface \'$self->{'DEV'}\' is down. Attempting to bring the link up.

Cause: The requested interface is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present.

Action: LifeKeeper will try to fix the issue by bringing the link up and associating the Elastic IP with the interface. Check adjacent log messages for more details.

129130 ERROR Failed to modify \"$opt_t\" to end pint URL \"$endpoint\".
129137 ERROR The link for network interface \'$self->{'DEV'}\' is still down.

Cause: LifeKeeper could not bring the link up.

Action: Ensure the interface is enabled and up. Check adjacent log messages for more details.

129139 WARN The link for network interface \'$self->{'DEV'}\' is down.

Cause: The requested interface is showing 'NO-CARRIER' indicating that no link is present.

Action: Check the network interface and bring the link up.

129140 ERROR Could not get ENI ID for $self->{IP}.

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129142 ERROR Failed to update route table

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129143 ERROR You must have exactly one IP address resource as the parent of the RouteTable EC2 resource. Please reconfigure your resource hierarchy.

Cause: The Route Table EC2 resource must have one and only one IP resource as a parent.

Action: Repair the resource hierarchy as necessary.

129144 ERROR $func called with invalid timeout: $timeout

Cause: An invalid timeout value was specified in the /etc/default/LifeKeeper file.

Action: Verify all EC2_*_TIMEOUT settings are valid in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

129145 ERROR $func action timed out after $timeout seconds

Cause: The action did not complete within the timeout period.

Action: Consider increasing the EC2_*_TIMEOUT value for the given action (in /etc/default/LifeKeeper).

129146 ERROR failed to run $func with timeout: $@

Cause: This is an internal error.

129148 ERROR Amazon describe-route-tables call failed (err=%s)(output=%s
It is recommended to confirm the following. ————— Verify that you’re running the most recent AWS CLI version -> Make sure that you’re using the most recent version of the AWS CLI. Unable to locate credentials -> Verify that the AWS CLI is installed and configured correctly. An error occurred (UnauthorizedOperation) and (AuthFailure) -> Make sure that the AWS IAM role or IAM user has the correct permissions to run the relevant commands. -> Make sure that the time on your Linux or Windows instance is correct. The instance’s UTC time should match to AWS UTC time. (The time zone setting is irrelevant.) -> Make sure that you’re using the correct Amazon Simple Token Service (AWS STS) token format. -> Make sure that you’re using the correct credentials to make the API call. If there are multiple sets of credentials on the instance, credential precedence might affect which credentials the instance uses to make the API call. Verify which set of credentials you’re using by running the aws sts get-caller-identity command. An error occurred (ExpiredToken) -> Temporary credentials expire at the time interval specified during creation. If the credentials for your IAM role are expired, obtain a new STS token by assuming a new IAM role. If your error does not match the above errors, you can get more information by using the following on the command line. (It is the same with the command line and the current error, add the ‘– –debug’ option.) # [Execute the AWS command + option] – –debug

Cause: Failed to call the AWS CLI command.

Action: Check your environment by referring to the displayed troubleshooting information.

129150 ERROR Elastic IP \"$elasticIp\" is associated with another instance.

Cause: The Elastic IP is not associated with the proper instance.

Action: LifeKeeper will try to fix the issue by calling the EC2 API to associate the Elastic IP. Check adjacent log messages for more details.

129151 ERROR Could not get the Association ID for Elastic IP \"$elasticIp\".

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129152 ERROR Failed to disassociate Elastic IP \"$self->{'EIP'}\" on \"$self->{'DEV'}\".

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129153 ERROR Failed to disassociate Elastic IP \"$elasticIp\", (err=%s)(output=%s

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129154 ERROR Amazon describe-addresses call failed (err=%s)(output=%s

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129155 ERROR Amazon describe-address call failed (err=%s)(output=%s

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129157 ERROR failed to get metadata of "$item"

Cause: Failed to retrieve metadata from IMDS.

Action: Check the IMDS error logged just before this message in /var/log/lifekeeper.log.

129159 ERROR Amazon associate-address call failed (err=%s)(output=%s

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129160 ERROR Amazon describe-addresses call failed (err=%s)(output=%s

Cause: The EC2 API call failed, possibly due to a network issue.

Action: Check the network and the Amazon console and retry the operation.

129161 ERROR Error deleting resource \"$otherTag\" on \"$otherSys\" with return code of \"$err\".

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to delete the resource instance on the server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

129162 ERROR Could not getRouteTablesByIP
129163 ERROR Could not getRouteTablesByIP
129164 ERROR [$SUBJECT event] mail returned $err
129165 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
129167 ERROR snmptrap returned $err for Trap 180
129168 ERROR COMMAND OUTPUT: cat /tmp/err$$
129170 ERROR This resource is in the old format. Please update.
129171 ERROR Error disabling sourceDest checks with return code of \"$ret\".
129172 ERROR Failed to lookup IP from resource $self->{'tag'}.
129173 ERROR Failed to lookup device GUID for IP resource $iptag.
129174 ERROR Could not find eni_id for device GUID $dev.
129175 ERROR Failed to disable sourceDestChecks. (err=%s)(output=%s
129176 ERROR Failed to disable sourceDestChecks for $eni_id. (err=%s)(output=%s
129177 ERROR Error disabling sourceDest checks with return code of \"$ret\".
129178 ERROR Failed to disable sourceDestChecks for $eni_id. (err=%s)(output=%s
129180 ERROR Elastic Network Interface $eni sourceDestChecks are enabled.
129181 WARN WARNING Failed to find IP resources since EC2 resource is extended first. Skipping sourceDestChecks.
129182 WARN WARNING SourceDestCheck was skipped because Amazon describe-network-interface-attribute call failed. Please check if ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute and ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute are granted.
129184 WARN Successfully disassociated Elastic IP \"$self->{‘EIP’}\" on \"$self->{‘DEV’}\", but this Elastic IP is associated with the other instance or the other ENI (NIC).
129185 WARN $self->{‘EIP’} is not associated because of the anything error.
129186 WARN WARNING Failed to find IP resources since EC2 resource is extended first. Skipping sourceDestChecks.
129403 ERROR END failed create of $TAG due to a $sig signal

Cause: The create process was interrupted by a signal.

129409 ERROR The IP resource $IP_RES is not \"ISP\".

Cause: The IP resource is not in service.

Action: Bring the resource in service and retry the operation.

129410 ERROR Could not find IP resource $IP_RES

Cause: Ensure that the IP resource exists and retry the operation.

129412 ERROR EC2 resource $ID is already protected

Cause: A resource with the specified ID already exists.

Action: Make sure to clean up any remnants of an old resource before re-creating a new resource.

129416 ERROR Error creating resource \"$TAG\" with return code of \"$lcderror\".

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource instance.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

129418 ERROR Dependency creation between \"$IP_RES\" and \"$TAG\" failed with return code of \"$lcderror\".

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource dependency.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

129420 ERROR In-service failed for tag \"$TAG\".

Cause: LifeKeeper could not bring the resource instance into service.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

129423 ERROR Could not get ENI ID for $dev.
129425 ERROR Failed to update route table
129426 ERROR In-service (dummy) failed for tag \"$TAG\".
129800 ERROR canextend checks failed for \"$self->{‘tag’}\" (err=$ret

Cause: The pre-extend checks failed for the target server.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

129801 ERROR canextend checks failed for \"$self->{‘tag’}\". EC2_HOME \"$self->{EC2_HOME}\" does not exist on $me.


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