Source/destination checking must be disabled for each AWS EC2 instance on which an EC2 Recovery Kit resource will be created.
*Note: These manual steps are not required in LifeKeeper for Linux v9.6.0 and later as source/destination checking is automatically disabled on each server by the EC2 Recovery Kit when creating or extending LifeKeeper EC2 resources. In order to allow the EC2 Recovery Kit to automatically disable source/destination checks, ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute and ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute permissions must be added to the IAM roles for the EC2 instances.
In the AWS Console, navigate to Services → EC2 → Instances. Right click the EC2 instance for which you would like to disable source/destination checks, select Networking, then click Change source/destination check.
In the resulting dialog, click the check box next to Stop and click Save to update the settings for the instance.
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