To upgrade from a previous version of the SAP Recovery Kit, perform the following steps.

  1. Prior to upgrading, please review the Plan Your Configuration topic to make sure you understand all the implications of the new software.

Note: If running a version prior to SAP Netweaver 7.3, the SAPHOST agent will need to be installed. See the Important Note in the Plan Your Configuration topic for more information.

It is recommended that you take a snapshot of your current hierarchy.

  1. Follow the instructions in the “Upgrading SPS” topic in the SPS for Linux Installation Guide.

A backup will be performed of the existing hierarchy. The upgrade will then destroy the old hierarchy and recreate the new hierarchy. If there is a failure, see In Case of Failure below.

  1. At the end of the upgrade, stop and restart the LifeKeeper GUI in order to load the updated GUI client.

The LifeKeeper GUI server caches pages, so a restart is needed for it to refresh the new pages. As root, enter the command “lkGUIserver restart“ which should stop and restart the GUI server. Exit all clients before attemtping such a restart.

Note: Restarting your entire LifeKeeper system is not necessary, but it would be advisable in a production setting to schedule some down time and go through an orderly system preparation time even though testing has not required a system recycle.

  1. Log in to the LifeKeeper UI, note the hierarchy and make sure the hierarchy is correct.

In Case of Failure

It is possible to retry the upgrade. The upgrade script is kept intact in /tmp directory (lkcreatesaptmp). This is a temporary file that is used during the upgrade. The commands are written here and can be executed to create the hierarchy.

If there is a failure, an error or you suspect the hierarchy is not correct, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Stop LifeKeeper using /etc/init.d/lifekeeper stop-nofailover
  1. Remove the new rpm “rpm -e steeleye-lkSAP”.
  1. Install the old rpm “rpm -i steeleye-lkSAP-6.2.0-5.noarch.rpm”.
  1. Restore the old hierarchy using lkbackup -x
  1. Restart LifeKeeper.
  1. Contact SIOS Support for help. Prior to contacting Support, please have on hand the logs, the previous snapshot of the hierarchy, the hierarchy that was created and failed and the error messages received during the upgrade.


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