Error Message
Master process of postfix is not running The master process of Postfix is not running. Please check the Postfix error log.
Failed in a check by postfix command Postfix command check option has failed. Please check the Postfix configuration file or Postfix environment.
Couldn’t start postfix resource The Postfix resource could not start. Please check the Postfix error log.
Failed in a stop process by kill command The kill command failed to stop Postfix. Please check the Postfix error log.
PID <pid> does not exist. postfix may have already stopped The Postfix pid does not exist. Please check the Postfix error log and Postfix processes. The Postfix process may have been stopped and then restarted and assigned another pid.
Check script was not able to be connected to a socket (vip:port) The check script was not able to connect to the socket for service. Please check the Postfix configuration file and the Postfix owner.
Execute files (postfix or postconf command) is not an executable file The files postfix or postconf does not exist or are not executable. The files are located in the executable path that was specified when the resource was created. Please check these files.
Configuration files ( or does not exist The Postfix configuration files or does not exist or is not readable. The files and located in the configuration path that was specified when the resource was created. Please check these files.
The postfix owner <owner name> does not exist The Postfix owner does not exist. Please check the Postfix configuration and Postfix owner.
The postdrop group id does not match and attribute of queue directory The postdrop group id does not match the group id associates with the files in the mail queue directory. Please check the Postfix configuration file.


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