Error Messages

This section provides a list of messages that you may encounter while creating and extending an SPS NAS resource hierarchy or removing and restoring a resource. Where appropriate, it provides an additional explanation of the cause of an error and necessary action to resolve the error condition.

Messages from other SPS components are also possible. In these cases, please refer to the Message Catalog which provides a listing of all error codes, including operational, administrative and GUI, that may be encountered while using SIOS Protection Suite for Linux and, where appropriate, provides additional explanation of the cause of the error code and necessary action to resolve the issue. This full listing may be searched for any error code received, or you may go directly to one of the individual Message Catalogs for the appropriate SPS component.

NAS Recovery Kit Error Messages

Error Number
Error Message
107001 Creation of NAS device with tag id <tag id> on server <LifeKeeper server name> failed.
107002 Error getting list of IP addresses for NFS server device <NFS server name> on server <LifeKeeper server name>.
107003 Error attempting to find active address to NFS server <NFS server name> on server <LifeKeeper server name>.
107004 Error in format of device ID <resource device>.

Cannot bring NAS resource <tag id> in service on server <LifeKeeper server name>.

Action: After correcting the problem, try bringing the resource in service manually.

107006 create: Device not specified.
107007 Null Device returned by getId on <LifeKeeper server name>.
107008 Cannot open /etc/mtab file on <LifeKeeper server name>.

Illogical settings for NAS defaults on <LifeKeeper server name>. Using defaults of 120 for LKNFSTIMEOUT and 5 for LKNFSSYSCALLTO.

Action: Reset NAS default values so that three times the value for LKNFSSYSCALLTO plus 5 is less than the value of LKNFSTIMEOUT.


Error: detected conflict in expected tag name <tag id> on target machine <LifeKeeper server name>.

Action:Delete the conflicting resource and re-extend the hierarchy.

107011 Error: mkdir of “/tmp/nas_mntpt.2915” on “mouse” failed: “permission denied”.

Error: Exported file system <NFS exported file system name> cannot be accessed on <server name>.

Possible causes:

- The LifeKeeper node is not in the exported system list on the NFS server, or,

- The exported system list has contradictory entries that are not displayed by the showmount command. (i.e. if exported system list exports a file system to both the world and to specific systems, showmount will report only the specific systems).

Action: Fix the exported file system access problem and re- extend the hierarchy.


Error: Mount authorization check for “ export” on “fred” appears to be hung. Exiting.

Action: Fix the access problem and re-extend the hierarchy.


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