Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.
Code | Severity | Message | Cause/Action |
126105 | ERROR | script not specified – $PTH is a directory | Cause: The specified script path is a directory. Action: Correct the path of the script. |
126110 | ERROR | script $PTH does not exist | Cause: The specified script path does not exist. Action: Correct the path of the script. |
126115 | ERROR | script $PTH is a zero length file | Cause: The specified script is an empty file. Action: Correct the script’s file path and check the contents inside the script. |
126117 | ERROR | script $PTH is not executable | Cause: The specified script is not executable. Action: Correct the script’s file path, check the contents inside the script file and make sure it has the proper execute permissions. |
126125 | ERROR | required template machine name is null | Cause: The input template machine name is null. Action: Correct the input template machine name. |
126130 | ERROR | required template resource tag name is null | Cause: The input template resource {tag} is null. Action: Correct the input template resource tag name. |
126135 | ERROR | Unable to generate a new tag | Cause: Failed to generate a new tag as the same as the template tag name on the target node using the "newtag" script during the extension. The tag name is already existing. Action: Avoid using duplicate tag name on the same node and check the log for detail. |
126140 | ERROR | Unable to generate a new tag | Cause: Failed to generate a new tag as input target tag name on the target node using the "newtag" script during the extension. The tag name is already existing. Action: Avoid using duplicate tag name on the same node and check log for detail. |
126145 | ERROR | Unable to generate a new id | |
126150 | ERROR | unable to remote copy template \"$_lscript\" script file | Cause: Failed to remote copy template script file. The cause may be due to the non-existence/availability of template script file on template node or any transaction failure during "lcdrcp" process. Action: Check the existence/availability of template script and the connection to template node. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126155 | ERROR | failed to create resource instance on \"$TargetSysName\ | Cause: Failed to create resource instance using "ins_create". Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126160 | ERROR | failed to set resource instance state for \"$TargetTagName\" on \"$TargetSysName\ | Cause: Failed to set resource instance state using "ins_setstate" during GenApp resource extension. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126170 | ERROR | getlocks failure | Cause: Failed to get the administrative lock when creating a resource hierarchy. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126175 | ERROR | instance create failed | Cause: Failed to create a GenApp instance using "appins". Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126180 | ERROR | unable to set state to OSU | Cause: Failed to set resource instance state using "ins_setstate" during GenApp resource creation. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126190 | ERROR | resource restore has failed | Cause: Failed to restore GenApp resource. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126200 | ERROR | create application hierarchy rlslocks failure | Cause: Failed to release lock after GenApp resource created. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126210 | ERROR | copy $ltype script $lscript failure | Cause: Failed to copy user provided script to appropriate GenApp directory during resource creation. Action: Check the existence/availability of user provided script and the GenApp directory as well. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126215 | ERROR | no $ltype script specified | Cause: Missing user defined script during GenApp resource creation. Action: Check the input action script and run resource creation again. |
126220 | ERROR | no machine name specified | Cause: Missing specified machine name during GenApp resource creation. Failed to copy specified user script due to missing the input for machine name. Action: Check the input for machine name and run resource creation again. |
126225 | ERROR | no resource tag specified | Cause: Missing specified tag name during resource creation. Action: Check the input for source tag name and run resource creation again. |
126230 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Script was terminated for unknown reason | Cause: Failed to extend GenApp resource due to unknown reason. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126235 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Required template machine name is null | Cause: Missing the input for template machine name during GenApp resource extension. Action: Check the input for template machine name and do the resource extension again. |
126240 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Required template resource tag name is null | Cause: Missing the input for template resource tag name during GenApp resource extension. Action: Check the input for template resource tag name and do the resource extension again. |
126245 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Can not access extend for $AppType/$ResType resources on machine \"$TargetSysName\ | Cause: Failed to locate "extend" script during GenApp resource extension on target node. Action: Check the existence/availability of "extend" script and do GenApp resource extension again. |
126250 | ERROR | create application failure – ins_list failed | Cause: Failed when calling "ins_list" during GenApp resource creation. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126255 | ERROR | create application failure – unable to generate a new tag | Cause: Failed to generate a new tag during the GenApp resource creation. Action: Avoid using duplicate tag name on the same node. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126260 | ERROR | create application failure – unable to create a new id | |
126270 | ERROR | create application failure – ins_create failed | Cause: Failed using "ins_create" to create GenApp instance. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126275 | ERROR | create application failure – copy_actions failed | Cause: Failed using "copy_actions" to copy user specified template script file. Action: Check the existence/availability of template script. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126290 | ERROR | Unable to obtain tag for resource with id $ID | Cause: Failed to fetch GenApp resource tag name by input ID during recovery. Action: Check the correctness of input ID and existance/availability of GenApp resource in LCD. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126300 | ERROR | generic application recover script for $TAG was not found or was not executable | Cause: Failed to locate the user defined script for GenApp resource during recovery. Action: Check the existence/availability of the user defined script and do the GenApp recovery process again. |
126310 | ERROR | -t flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource restore. Action: Check the input for resource tag name and do resource restore again. |
126315 | ERROR | -i flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource internal id during GenApp resource restore. Action: Check the input for resource internal id and do resource restore again. |
126327 | ERROR | END timeout restore of \"$TAG\" (forcibly terminating) | |
126335 | ERROR | restore script \"$LCDAS/$APP_RESTOREDIR/$TAG\" was not found or is not executable | Cause: Failed to locate the user defined script for GenApp resource during restore. Action: Check the existence/availability of the user defined script and do the GenApp restore process again. |
126340 | ERROR | -t flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource remove. Action: Check the input for resource tag name and do resource remove again. |
126345 | ERROR | -i flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource internal id during GenApp resource remove. Action: Check the input for resource internal id and do resource remove again. |
126357 | ERROR | END timeout remove of \"$TAG\" (forcibly terminating) | |
126365 | ERROR | remove script \"$LCDAS/$APP_REMOVEDIR/$TAG\" was not found or was not executable | Cause: Failed to locate the user defined script for GenApp resource during remove. Action: Check the existence/availability of the user defined script and do the GenApp remove process again. |
126375 | ERROR | Script has hung checking \"$tag\". Forcibly terminating. | Cause: The "quickCheck" Script will be forcibly terminated for GenApp resource with tag name {tag} due to a waiting time over the user defined timeout. Action: Check the GenApp resource performance and restart quickChecking. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126380 | ERROR | Usage error: no tag specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource quickCheck. Action: Check the input for resource tag name and retry resource quickCheck. |
126385 | ERROR | Internal error: ins_list failed on $tag. | Cause: Failed using "ins_list" to fetch the GenApp resource information by input tag name during the quickCheck process. Action: Correct the input tag name and do the quickCheck process again. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126390 | FATAL | Failed to fork process to execute $userscript: $! | Cause: Failed to fork process to execute user defined "quickCheck" script during the GenApp resource "quickCheck" process. Action: Check the existency/availability of the user defined "quickCheck" script and do the "quickCheck" process again. |
126391 | ERROR | quickCheck has failed for \"$tag\". Starting recovery. | Cause: The GenApp resource with tag name {tag} is determined to be failed by using the user defined health monitoring script – "quickCheck" and the recovery process will be initiated. Action: Check the performance of the GenApp resource when local recovery finished. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126392 | WARN | ${convtag}_TIMEOUT: This parameter is old. This parameter will not be supported soon. | |
126400 | ERROR | -t flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource deletion process. Action: Check the input for resource tag name and do resource deletion process again. |
126405 | ERROR | -i flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource internal id during GenApp resource deletion process. Action: Check the input for resource internal id and do resource deletion process again. |
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