The properties panel displays the properties of the server or resource that is selected in the status table. The properties panel has the same functionality as the server properties dialog or the resource properties dialog, plus a context-sensitive toolbar to provide fast access to commonly used commands. The caption at the top of this panel is server_name if a server is selected, or server_name: resource_name if a resource is selected.

The context-sensitive toolbars displayed in the properties panel are the server context toolbar and the resource context toolbar. Server or resource toolbars may also be customized. For more information on customized toolbars, see the corresponding application recovery kit documentation.

The buttons at the bottom of the properties panel function as follows:

  • The
Apply button applies any changes that have been made to editable properties on the panel. This button is only enabled if you have changed an editable property.
  • The
Reset button queries the server for the current values of all properties, clearing any changes that you may have made. This button is always enabled.
  • The
Help button displays context-sensitive help for the properties panel. This button is always enabled.

You increase or decrease the size of the properties panel by sliding the separator at the left of the panel to the left or right. If you want to open or close this panel, use the Properties Panel checkbox on the View Menu.


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