The DataKeeper GUI cannot connect to the target server in a cluster if server Login Accounts and Passwords are different on each server.

Error Message

An Error Code 1326 will appear in the Application log (Note: The Error Code may also be a 2 with Event ID 0):

SteelEye.Dialogs.AddServerWindow: Failed to connect to server: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to (error_code = 1326) at SteelEye.DAO.Impl.DataReplication.ClientLibrarySDRService.throwIfNonZero(UInt32 errorCode, String message) at SteelEye.DAO.Impl.DataReplication.ClientLibrarySDRService.getServiceInfo(String serverName) at SteelEye.DAO.Impl.DataReplication.CachingSDRService.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__0() at SteelEye.DAO.Impl.DataReplication.Cacher`1.fetch(String typekey, String datakey, Fetcher fetcher) at SteelEye.DAO.Impl.DataReplication.CachingSDRService.getServiceInfo(String serverName) at SteelEye.DataKeeper.SDR.SDRDataKeeperService.ConnectToServer(String serverName) at SteelEye.Dialogs.AddServerWindow.<>c__DisplayClass4.b__0(Object s, DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

net helpmsg 1326 shows:

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password


The Service Account User Names and Passwords being used to start DataKeeper are the same on both servers and the firewalls are disabled on the servers; however, the Passwords used to log in to the servers themselves are different.

Suggested Action

The DataKeeper GUI uses the server Login ID and Password; therefore, the User Name and Password used to log in to the servers themselves must be the same on each server and must have administrator privileges.


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