1. Ensure that the Oracle resource hierarchy is active on the active node (lk-node01).

  1. Use the virtual IP address to connect to the database from lk-client and run a simple SQL statement.
C:\> sqlplus sys/XXXXXXXX@ as sysdba
SQL> select instance_name from v$instance ;
SQL> select sys_context(‘USERENV’,‘SERVER_HOST’) from dual ;

  1. Right-click on the ORCL resource for the standby node (lk-node02) and select In Service. The ORCL resource will switch over to the standby node.

  1. Once the switchover is complete, the following screen will be displayed.

  1. Use the virtual IP address to connect to the database from lk-client.

  1. Now we have verified that the client can connect to the database using the same IP address (virtual IP address) before and after the switchover.


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