Create the following instance.

Instance Setting Value (Region/Zone)

Name Region Zone
client asia-northeast1 asia-northeast1-a

Instance Setting Value (Machine configuration・Boot disk)

Machine Configuration Boot disk
Machine family Series Machine type Operating system Version Size
General-purpose N1 n1-standard-1(1 vCPU、3.75GB memory) Windows Server Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 50

Instance Setting Value (Networking)

Networking Tag Host name
client,allow-login client.internal

Instance Setting Value (Network interface)

Network Interface
Network Subnet work Primary Internal IP Custom ephemeral IP address External IP IP forwarding
client-vpc client-public( Ephemeral(Custom) Ephemeral Off
  1. Perform the same steps described in Creating a VM instance to create a new VM instance within another VPC.
  2. Perform the same steps described in Creating Passwords for VMs.


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