After you have completed the necessary setup tasks outlined in the LifeKeeper for Windows Installation Guide, use the following steps to define the SQL Server hierarchy to protect your database(s).

  1. From the LifeKeeper GUI menu, select Edit then Server. From the menu, select Create Resource Hierarchy.
  1. The Create Protected Application dialog box will display. Select the Primary and Backup servers from the pull-down list. Select Next to continue.
  1. The dialog box will appear with a drop down list box displaying all recognized recovery kits installed within the cluster. Select MS SQL Server and click Next.
  1. You will be prompted to enter the following information. When the Back button is active in any of the dialog boxes, you can go back to the previous dialog box. This is helpful should you encounter an error requiring you to correct previously entered information. You may click Cancel at any time to cancel the entire creation process.
Field Tips
Select Microsoft SQL Server Instance Select the instance of Microsoft SQL Server you wish to place under LifeKeeper for Windows protection.

LifeKeeper for Windows will read the configuration data for this instance and pull the associated volumes into the hierarchy.

Enter Microsoft SQL Administrative User Name Enter the administrative user name that is used for Microsoft SQL on this server. This user account must include SA permissions to the master database.
Enter Password Enter the administrative password for the user account just entered.
Verify Current Locations Displays the current location of database files. If any of the detected files for the specified instance to be protected by LifeKeeper for Windows are located on the System Drive (c:), they will be highlighted in the table displayed on the screen.
The following fields only appear if an existing database needs to be relocated.
Select Destination for Database Relocation When database migration is required, specify the volume destination to relocate affected databases.
Verify the Move Operation Verify the location and confirm the intent to move the specified databases.
Relocating the Databases An action window displays showing the progress of the databases being relocated during the move operation.
Select Optional Services for Protection Select optional SQL services to be protected in this hierarchy. The list includes only those services eligible for LifeKeeper for Windows protection.
Protected IP Address Select an IP address to protect with this instance. IP Address is not required if only named pipes are used (though this is NOT recommended).
Named Pipe Alias Named Pipe Alias
Microsoft SQL Server Resource Name Enter a unique tag name, or you can accept the default tag name offered by LifeKeeper for Windows.

Note: The tag name must consist of printable ASCII characters.

  1. After you click Create, the Wizard will create your SQL resource. LifeKeeper for Windows will validate the data entered. If LifeKeeper for Windows detects a problem, an error message will appear in the information box.
  1. Another information box will appear indicating that you have successfully created a SQL resource hierarchy, and you must Extend that hierarchy to another server in your cluster in order to achieve failover protection. Click Next.
  1. After you click Continue, LifeKeeper for Windows will launch the Pre-Extend Wizard.


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