VPC Network Peering List

Name VPC network Peered VPC network VPC network name
lk-peer01 lk-vpc In project XXX client-vpc
lk-peer02 client-vpc lk-vpc
  1. From the Navigation menu, click VPC network > VPC network peering and select CREATE PEERING CONNECTION.

  1. Configure as shown below and click CREATE.
    Enter the name.
    VPC network: VPC source. (”lk-vpc”)
    Peered VPC network: In project xxxx
    VPC network name: Created VPC (”client-vpc”)

Note: If either or both “lk-vpc” and “client-vpc” use public IP addresses (IP addresses outside the private IP range defined in RFC1918), both “Import subnet routes with public IP” and “Export subnet routes with public IP” must be enabled.

  1. Repeat the same steps to create another VPC network peering (lk-peer02).
  1. The following two VPC peering have been created. Make sure that both have an Active status.


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