Make the 50 GB disk attached to the cluster node available in Windows Disk Management. The configuration is as follows.

New Simple Volume Wizard
Simple volume size Specify the same value as the maximum disk space
Assign the following drive letter D
File system NTFS
Allocation unit size Default
Volume label New Volume
Perform a quick format check
Enable file and folder compression uncheck

The above settings can also be configured by running the following command in PowerShell for administrators.

  • Set the variable to the number of the disk corresponding to the attached Block Volume (Boot Volume corresponds to the C drive, and the number is 0. In this example this is the first Block Volume attached, so specify 1).
    PS > $diskNumber = 1
  • Bring the disk online
    PS > Set-Disk $diskNumber -isOffline $false
  • Initialize the disk
    PS > Initialize-Disk -Number $diskNumber -PartitionStyle "GPT"
  • Create a partition
    PS > New-Partition -DiskNumber $diskNumber -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter "D"
  • Format
    PS > Format-Volume -DriveLetter $driveLetter -FileSystem "NTFS" -NewFileSystemLabel "New Volume" -Force


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