As discussed in Create an Oracle Database (non-PDB), the name of Oracle Instance to protect is ORCL.
1. In the LifeKeeper User Interface, define a new resource. Select to start the Create Resource Wizard (on node-a). Select “Oracle Database” as the Recovery Kit.
- Enter the following values. Select the default values.
Switchback Type | intelligent |
Server | node-a |
Oracle SID | ORCL |
Username | <Leave blank> |
Oracle Listener | LSNR.LISTENER1 |
Database Tag | ORCL |
- The wizard reviews the values. Once this is complete, click “Next >” to continue.
- The next step is the “Pre-Extend Wizard”. Select the default values.
Switchback Type | intelligent |
Template Priority | 1 |
Target Priority | 10 |
Once the ‘Pre-Extend Wizard’ checks pass, click ‘Next’ to continue.
- On the “Extend database/oracle Resource” wizard, the first choice is selecting the Database Tag. Confirm the default value and click “Extend”.
- Once the Extend Wizard configures the Oracle resource, click “Finish”.
- The Hierarchy is now checked and complete, click “Done”.
- Return to the LifeKeeper GUI. The “orcl” resource depends on the /datakeeper resource and LSNR.LISTENER as shown below.
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