As discussed in Create an Oracle Database (non-PDB), the name of Oracle Instance to protect is ORCL.

1. In the LifeKeeper User Interface, define a new resource. Select to start the Create Resource Wizard (on node-a). Select “Oracle Database” as the Recovery Kit.

  1. Enter the following values. Select the default values.
Switchback Type intelligent
Server node-a
Username <Leave blank>
Oracle Listener LSNR.LISTENER1
Database Tag ORCL
  1. The wizard reviews the values. Once this is complete, click “Next >” to continue.

  1. The next step is the “Pre-Extend Wizard”. Select the default values.

Switchback Type intelligent
Template Priority 1
Target Priority 10

Once the ‘Pre-Extend Wizard’ checks pass, click ‘Next’ to continue.

  1. On the “Extend database/oracle Resource” wizard, the first choice is selecting the Database Tag. Confirm the default value and click “Extend”.

  1. Once the Extend Wizard configures the Oracle resource, click “Finish”.

  1. The Hierarchy is now checked and complete, click “Done”.

  1. Return to the LifeKeeper GUI. The “orcl” resource depends on the /datakeeper resource and LSNR.LISTENER as shown below.


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