Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.

Code Severity Message Cause/Action
136002 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments provided to the SAP HANA create script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: <Resource Tag> <SAP SID> <HDB Instance> [Switchback Type] [Virtual IP Resource Tag]

136003 ERROR END failed create of resource $tag on server $me with return value of $errcode.

Cause: Failure during SAP HANA resource creation.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA System Replication is fully configured and enabled on both the primary and secondary replication sites and reattempt the resource creation operation.

136005 ERROR An unknown error has occurred in utility rlslocks on server $me. View the LifeKeeper logs for details and retry the operation.

Cause: Failure of the LifeKeeper rlslocks utility during SAP HANA resource creation.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource creation operation.

136006 ERROR END failed create of resource $tag on server $me with signal $sig.

Cause: Failure during SAP HANA resource creation due to a signal.

Action: Review the LifeKeeper log file for details.

136008 ERROR An unknown error has occurred in utility getlocks on server $me. View the LifeKeeper logs for details and retry the operation.

Cause: Failure of the LifeKeeper getlocks utility during SAP HANA resource creation.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource creation operation.

136009 ERROR The SAP HANA product was not found in the directory $obj->{‘UTIL_PATH’} on server $me.

Cause: Required SAP HANA binaries could not be located during resource creation.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is correctly installed and configured on all servers in the cluster.

136010 ERROR Failed to create resource as id $id already exists on system $me.

Cause: A LifeKeeper resource with the given ID already exists on the system.

Action: Check whether the SAP HANA database is already protected by LifeKeeper.

136011 ERROR Failed to create new tag $tag for SAP HANA resource on $me.

Cause: The provided SAP HANA resource tag is already in use by another LifeKeeper resource and the LifeKeeper newtag utility failed to create a new tag.

Action: Choose a different tag name for the SAP HANA resource.

136012 ERROR Failed creation of resource with $tag on system $me.

Cause: Failed to create the given SAP HANA resource in LifeKeeper.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource creation operation.

136014 ERROR Failed to create resource dependency for parent $tag and child $virtual_ip_tag.

Cause: Failed to create a dependency between the SAP HANA resource and its dependent virtual IP resource.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource creation operation.

136015 ERROR The info field for resource $tag could not be successfully generated using values [SID: $info_sid, Instance: $info_instance, Replication Mode: $info_repl_mode, Site Name: $info_site_name, Operation Mode: $info_oper_mode]. Please verify that SAP HANA System Replication is fully configured and enabled on both the primary and secondary systems before creating the SAP HANA resource.

Cause: An invalid value was found when creating the SAP HANA resource info field.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is properly installed and configured and that SAP HANA System Replication is fully configured and enabled on all servers in the cluster.

136016 ERROR The selected server $me is not the primary/source system for SAP HANA System Replication for the selected SID $sid and HDB instance $instance. Please select ‘Cancel’ and start this action on the primary/source HANA System Replication system.

Cause: Resource creation is initiated on a secondary system in HANA System Replication.

Action: Initiate the create action on a primary system in HANA System Replication.

136031 ERROR END failed extend of resource $target_tag on server $me with return value of $err_code.

Cause: Failure during SAP HANA resource extension.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource extension operation.

136033 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments provided to the SAP HANA extend script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: <Template System> <Template Tag> <Switchback Type> <Target Tag>

136035 ERROR Template resource $template_tag on server $template_sys does not exist.

Cause: The template SAP HANA resource to be extended does not exist on the template server.

Action: Verify that the SAP HANA resource that is being extended exists on the template server.

136036 ERROR Resource with matching id $target_id already exists on server $me for App $app_type and Type $res_type.

Cause: An SAP HANA resource with the same LifeKeeper ID already exists on the target system.

Action: Check whether the SAP HANA database is already protected by LifeKeeper on the target server.

136037 ERROR Resource with matching tag $target_tag already exists on server $me for App $app_type and Type $res_type

Cause: An SAP HANA resource with the same LifeKeeper resource tag already exists on the target server.

Action: Check whether the SAP HANA database is already protected by LifeKeeper on the target server.

136039 ERROR Error creating resource $target_tag on system $me.

Cause: Failed to create an equivalent SAP HANA resource on the target server.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource extension operation.

136040 ERROR The target tag ($target_tag) and template tag ($template_tag) must be the same.

Cause: Resource tag name used on primary system is different than resource tag name used on secondary system. Both must be same.

Action: While resource creation use same name as primary system tag and secondary system tag.

136045 ERROR Cannot extend resource $template_tag to server $me.

Cause: The SAP HANA canextend script indicates that the resource cannot be extended to the given target system.

Action: Resolve any issues found in the LifeKeeper log file and reattempt the resource extension operation.

136047 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments provided to the SAP HANA canextend script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: <Template System> <Template Tag>

136048 ERROR Resource $template_tag does not exist on server $template_sys.

Cause: The template SAP HANA resource to be extended does not exist on the template server.

Action: Verify that the SAP HANA resource that is being extended exists on the template server.

136049 ERROR The system user $hana_user does not exist on server $me.

Cause: The SAP Administrative User for the SAP HANA database does not exist on the given server.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is properly installed and configured.

136050 ERROR The user id for user $hana_user ($template_uid) on template server $template_sys is not the same as user id ($uid) on target server $me.

Cause: The user ID for the SAP Administrative User differs between the template and target servers.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is properly installed and configured on all servers in the cluster.

136051 ERROR The group id for user $hana_user ($template_gid) on template server $template_sys is not the same as group id ($gid) on target server $me.

Cause: The group ID for the SAP Administrative User differs between the template and target servers.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is properly installed and configured on all servers in the cluster.

136052 ERROR The home directory for user $hana_user ($template_home) on template server $template_sys is not the same as home directory ($user_home) on target server $me.

Cause: The home directory for the SAP Administrative User differs between the template and target servers.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is properly installed and configured on all servers in the cluster.

136053 ERROR The SAP HANA instance $instance does not exist for $sid on server $me.

Cause: Installation directories for the given SAP HANA database instance could not be located.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA is properly installed and configured on all servers in the cluster.

136055 ERROR The SAP HANA site name $target_obj->{‘site_name’} on server $me must be different from site name $template_obj->{‘site_name’} on $template_obj->{‘sys’}.

Cause: The SAP HANA System Replication site name is the same on both the primary and secondary servers.

Action: Stop the SAP HANA database on the secondary server and use the hdbnsutil utility to re-register the secondary replication site using a different site name.

136056 ERROR Unable to obtain SAP HANA System Replication parameters for database $instance on server $me. Please verify that SAP HANA System Replication is enabled and properly configured and that the database instance is running on all servers in the cluster.

Cause: SAP HANA System Replication parameters could not be determined for the database on the given system.

Action: Verify that SAP HANA System Replication is enabled and properly configured and that the database is running on all servers in the cluster.

136083 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments in the SAP HANA delete script.

Action: Provide both a valid HANA LifeKeeper resource tag name and resource ID. Usage: delete -t <tag> -i <id> [-U]

136160 ERROR Unable to create SAP HANA object. The SID and instance for the SAP HANA database must be provided.

Cause: Either the SAP SID or the SAP HANA instance name were missing while trying to create an SAP HANA object.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136161 ERROR Unable to create SAP HANA object. Resource system name and tag name must be provided.

Cause: Either the system name or resource tag name were missing while trying to create an SAP HANA object.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136162 ERROR Could not find any information regarding resource $tag on $sys.

Cause: Failed to obtain information about the SAP HANA resource with the given tag.

Action: Verify that a SAP HANA resource with the given tag exists on the given server.

136168 ERROR Unable to check status of SAP Host Agent on server $self->{‘sys’}. Command \”$curr_cmd\” returned exit code $ret.

Cause: Failed to determine the status of the SAP Host Agent processes on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP Host Agent trace files (e.g., dev_saphostexec) for more details.

136174 ERROR Unable to create SAP HANA object. The SID, instance, or one of the SAP HANA system replication values is missing.

Cause: Either the SAP SID, the SAP HANA instance name, or one of the SAP HANA System Replication values were missing while trying to create an SAP HANA object.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136178 ERROR Attempt to register server $node as the secondary SAP HANA System Replication site for database $self->{‘instance’} failed with exit code $ret.

Cause: Failed to register the given server as the secondary SAP HANA System Replication site for the given database.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files (e.g., nameserver_<hostname> for more details.

136182 ERROR Failed to $flg_action flag \”${HANA_FLAG_DATA_OUT_OF_SYNC}_$eqv_tag{$sys}\” on server $sys.

Cause: Failed to create or remove the !HANA_DATA_OUT_OF_SYNC_<tag> flag on the given server.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136190 ERROR Failed to start SAP Host Agent processes on server $self->{‘sys’}. Command \”$hostagent_cmd\” returned $ret.

Cause: Failed to start the SAP Host Agent processes on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP Host Agent trace files (e.g., dev_saphostexec) for more details.

136191 ERROR Failed to start SAP OS Collector process on server $self->{‘sys’}. Command \”$oscol_cmd\” returned $ret.

Cause: Failed to start the SAP OS Collector process on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP OS Collector trace files (e.g., dev_coll) for more details.

136193 ERROR Takeover of SAP HANA System Replication for SAP HANA database $self->{‘instance’} failed on server $node with exit code $ret.

Cause: Failed to register the given server as primary master for the given database in SAP HANA System Replication.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files (e.g., nameserver_<hostname> for more details.

136197 ERROR Update of resource info field for $eqv_tag{$sys} on $sys failed with exit code $setinfo_ret. Current info: [$info]. Attempted new info: [$new_info].

Cause: Failed to update the info field for the given resource on the given server.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136202 EMERG Failed to disable Autostart for SAP HANA instance $self->{‘instance’} on server $sys with exit code $remexec_ret. Please manually set \“Autostart = 0\” in the instance profile $profile on $sys.

Cause: The value of the Autostart parameter could not be modified in the given HDB instance profile on the given server.

Action: Edit the HDB instance profile manually and set “Autostart = 0”.

136205 ERROR Failed start of SAP Start Service for SAP HANA database $instance on server $sys.

Cause: Failed to start SAP Start Service for the given SAP HANA database.

Action: Inspect the SAP Start Service trace files (e.g., sapstartsrv.log) for more details.

136208 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to determine the SAP HANA System Replication mode for database $rem_obj->{‘instance’} on server $rem_obj->{‘sys’} while attempting to identify the previous primary replication site. Please resolve the issue and bring the SAP HANA resource in-service on the system where the database should be registered as primary master.

Cause: Failed to determine the SAP HANA System Replication mode on the given server. As a result, the previous primary replication site could not be identified.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136210 ERROR Failed start of SAP Start Service for SAP HANA database $rem_obj->{‘instance’} on server $rem_obj->{‘sys’}. Unable to stop the database on the server where it is currently registered as primary master.

Cause: Failed to start SAP Start Service for the given SAP HANA database on the given server. As a result, the database could not be stopped on the current primary SAP HANA System Replication site.

Action: Inspect the SAP Start Service trace files (e.g., sapstartsrv.log) for more details.

136212 ERROR Failed stop of SAP HANA database $rem_obj->{‘instance’} on server $rem_obj->{‘sys’} where it is currently registered as primary master.

Cause: Failed to stop the given SAP HANA database on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files and LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136217 ERROR Failed start of SAP HANA database $instance on server $sys.

Cause: Failed to start the given SAP HANA database on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files and LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136220 ERROR Unable to register $sys as a secondary SAP HANA System Replication site for database $instance. The host name of the current primary replication site was not provided.

Cause: The host name of the current primary SAP HANA System Replication site was not provided when attempting to register a secondary replication site.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136233 EMERG WARNING: A temporary communication failure has occurred between servers $self->{‘sys’} and $rem_obj->{‘sys’}. Manual intervention is required in order to minimize the risk of data loss. To resolve this situation, please take one of the following resource hierarchies out of service: $self->{‘tag’} on $self->{‘sys’} or $rem_obj->{‘tag’} on $rem_obj->{‘sys’}. The server that the resource hierarchy is taken out of service on will become the secondary SAP HANA System Replication site.

Cause: A temporary communication failure has caused the given equivalent HANA resources to both be brought in-service at the same time on their respective host servers.

Action: Take the entire HANA resource hierarchy out of service on the server which should become the secondary replication site. Once the database has been stopped on that server, LifeKeeper will automatically register it as a secondary replication site during the next quickCheck cycle.

136234 EMERG WARNING: SAP HANA database $self->{‘instance’} is running and registered as primary master on both $self->{‘sys’} and $rem_obj->{‘sys’}. Manual intervention is required in order to minimize the risk of data loss. To resolve this situation, please leave resource $self->{‘tag’} in-service on $self->{‘sys’} and stop database $self->{‘instance’} on $rem_obj->{‘sys’} by running the command \‘su – $rem_obj->{‘sid_admin’} -c \“sapcontrol -nr $rem_obj->{‘instance_number’} -function Stop\”\’ on that server. Once stopped, it will become the secondary SAP HANA System Replication site.

Cause: The given SAP HANA database is running and registered as primary master on two cluster servers concurrently.

Action: Use the command provided in the message to stop the database on the standby server. Once the database is stopped, LifeKeeper will automatically register the standby server as a secondary replication site.

136238 ERROR Unable to create SAP HANA object. Resource system name and tag name must be provided.

Cause: Either the server name or the resource tag name were missing while trying to create an SAP HANA object.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136239 ERROR Failed start of SAP Start Service for SAP HANA database $obj->{‘instance’} on server $obj->{‘sys’}. Unable to determine status of the database on $obj->{‘sys’}.

Cause: Failed to start SAP Start Service for the given SAP HANA database on the given server. As a result, the status of the database could not be determined.

Action: Inspect the SAP Start Service trace files (e.g., sapstartsrv.log) for more details.

136263 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments in the SAP HANA resource restore script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: -t <Resource Tag> -i <Resource ID>

136265 ERROR Error getting resource information for $tag on server $me.

Cause: Failed to obtain information about the given SAP HANA resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that a SAP HANA resource with the given tag exists on the given server.

136266 ERROR The resource $tag protecting SAP HANA database $instance is not in sync. To protect the data LifeKeeper will not restore the resource on $me. Please restore the resource on the previous source server to allow the resync to complete.

Cause: SAP HANA System Replication was not in sync before attempting to bring the database resource in-service on the backup server.

Action: Bring the SAP HANA resource in-service on the previous primary server and allow the resynchronization to complete.

136275 ERROR Failed to determine SAP HANA System Replication mode for database $instance on server $me.

Cause: Failed to determine the SAP HANA System Replication mode for the given database on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files (e.g., nameserver_<hostname> and the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136351 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments in the SAP HANA resource quickCheck script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: -t <Resource Tag> -i <Resource ID>

136353 ERROR Error getting resource information for $tag.

Cause: Failed to obtain information about the given SAP HANA resource.

Action: Verify that a SAP HANA resource with the given tag exists on the given server.

136354 EMERG The replication mode of the SAP HANA database $instance corresponding to resource $tag was modified outside of LifeKeeper and is no longer registered as primary master on server $me. Please bring the SAP HANA resource in-service on the server where the database should be registered as primary master. Resource monitoring for $tag will be suspended until the issue is resolved.

Cause: The SAP HANA System Replication mode for the given database was modified outside of LifeKeeper.

Action: Bring the SAP HANA resource in-service on the server where it should be registered as primary master.

136363 EMERG LifeKeeper was unable to determine the SAP HANA System Replication mode for database $instance corresponding to resource $tag on server $me. Resource monitoring for $tag will be suspended until the issue is resolved.

Cause: Failed to determine the SAP HANA System Replication mode on the given server.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136450 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments provided to the SAP HANA remove script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: <Template Tag> <Template Id>

136454 ERROR Error getting resource information for $tag.

Cause: Failed to obtain information about the given SAP HANA resource.

Action: Verify that a SAP HANA resource with the given tag exists on the given server.

136456 ERROR Failed start of SAP Start Service for SAP HANA database $instance on server $me.

Cause: Failed to start SAP Start Service for the given SAP HANA database.

Action: Inspect the SAP Start Service trace files (e.g., sapstartsrv.log) for more details.

136550 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments in the HANA resource recover script.

Action: Provide both a valid HANA LifeKeeper resource tag name and resource ID. Usage: recover -d <tag> -n <id>

136555 ERROR Error getting resource information for $tag on server $me.

Cause: Failed to obtain information about the given HANA resource on the given server.

Action: Verify that the server is online, LifeKeeper is running, and the HANA resource exists.

136556 EMERG The replication mode of the SAP HANA database $instance corresponding to resource $tag was modified outside of LifeKeeper and is no longer registered as primary master on server $me. Please bring the SAP HANA resource in-service on the server where the database should be registered as primary master. Resource monitoring for $tag will be suspended until the issue is resolved.

Cause: The SAP HANA System Replication mode for the given database was modified outside of LifeKeeper.

Action: Bring the SAP HANA resource in-service on the server where it should be registered as primary master.

136558 EMERG LifeKeeper was unable to determine the SAP HANA System Replication mode for database $instance corresponding to resource $tag on server $me. Resource monitoring for $tag will be suspended until the issue is resolved.

Cause: The SAP HANA System Replication mode could not be determined for the given database on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files and LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136559 ERROR Resource $tag is no longer ISP on server $me. Exiting $cmd for $tag.

Cause: The given SAP HANA resource is no longer ISP on the given server.

Action: Inspect the LifeKeeper log file for more details.

136650 ERROR Usage: $usage

Cause: Invalid arguments provided to the SAP HANA hana_stop_all_dbs script.

Action: Please provide appropriate arguments in the form: hana_stop_all_dbs -t <tag>

136654 ERROR Error getting resource information for $tag.

Cause: Failed to obtain information about the given SAP HANA resource.

Action: Verify that a SAP HANA resource with the given tag exists on the given server.

136658 ERROR Failed start of SAP Start Service for SAP HANA database $x->{‘instance’} on server $x->{‘sys’}. Could not determine status of SAP HANA DB on $x->{‘sys’}.

Cause: Failed to start SAP Start Service for the given SAP HANA database.

Action: Inspect the SAP Start Service trace files (e.g., sapstartsrv.log) for more details.

136661 ERROR Failed stop of SAP HANA database $x->{‘instance’} on server $x->{‘sys’}.

Cause: Failed to stop the given SAP HANA database on the given server.

Action: Inspect the SAP HANA trace files and LifeKeeper log file for more details.


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