In order to upgrade from Standalone Enqueue Server version 1 to Standalone Enqueue Server version 2, first ensure that your SAP kernel version supports ENSAv2 then complete the following steps:

  1. Set the following parameters in the default profile (typically located at /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL). These parameters must be the same for all instances:

    • enq/enable=TRUE
      enq/serverhost=<ASCS instance host>
      enq/serverinst=<ASCS instance number>
  1. In the ASCS instance profile (typically located at /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_ASCS<No>_<VIP>), set the following parameters:

      Execute_01 = local rm -f $(_ENQ)
      Execute_02 = local ln -s -f $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/enq_server$(FT_EXE)
      Start_Program_01 = local $(_ENQ) pf=$(_PF)

    Note: The number used for the Execute_* and the Start_Program_* parameters should be the first number not yet used for that parameter in this profile.
  1. After setting the parameters in the default and ASCS instance profiles, restart the SAP Start Service for the ASCS instance by running the following command (replacing <sid> with your lower-case SAP SID and <SID> with your upper-case SAP SID):
    • su - <sid>adm -c “sapcontrol -nr <ASCS Inst#> -function RestartService <SID>”
  1. On all cluster nodes that the ASCS resource has been extended to, edit the file /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/appsuite/resources/sap/INFO_<ASCS Tag> and ensure that SAPENQ_VERSION=2. This may require you to add the line “SAPENQ_VERSION=2” if the INFO file does not yet contain a value for SAPENQ_VERSION.
  1. Restart the SAP system. Once the ASCS instance is restarted, it will be using the enq_server (ENSAv2) process instead of the enserver (ENSAv1) process. This can be verified by right-clicking the ASCS resource in LifeKeeper and selecting Properties…

Note: The Enqueue Replication Status on your system will not show Active until you have also completed the upgrade from ERSv1 to ERSv2 for the corresponding ERS resource. See Upgrading from ERSv1 to ERSv2 for more information.


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