In order to upgrade from Standalone Enqueue Server version 1 to Standalone Enqueue Server version 2, first ensure that your SAP kernel version supports ENSAv2 then complete the following steps:
- Set the following parameters in the default profile (typically located at /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL). These parameters must be the same for all instances:
enq/serverhost=<ASCS instance host>
enq/serverinst=<ASCS instance number>
- In the ASCS instance profile (typically located at /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_ASCS<No>_<VIP>), set the following parameters:
Execute_01 = local rm -f $(_ENQ)
Execute_02 = local ln -s -f $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/enq_server$(FT_EXE)
Start_Program_01 = local $(_ENQ) pf=$(_PF)
Note: The number used for the Execute_* and the Start_Program_* parameters should be the first number not yet used for that parameter in this profile.
- After setting the parameters in the default and ASCS instance profiles, restart the SAP Start Service for the ASCS instance by running the following command (replacing <sid> with your lower-case SAP SID and <SID> with your upper-case SAP SID):
- su - <sid>adm -c “sapcontrol -nr <ASCS Inst#> -function RestartService <SID>”
- On all cluster nodes that the ASCS resource has been extended to, edit the file /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/appsuite/resources/sap/INFO_<ASCS Tag> and ensure that SAPENQ_VERSION=2. This may require you to add the line “SAPENQ_VERSION=2” if the INFO file does not yet contain a value for SAPENQ_VERSION.
- Restart the SAP system. Once the ASCS instance is restarted, it will be using the enq_server (ENSAv2) process instead of the enserver (ENSAv1) process. This can be verified by right-clicking the ASCS resource in LifeKeeper and selecting Properties…
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