LifeKeeper can protect the pluggable database (“PDB”) as well as the Oracle database server provided that the Oracle database supports the Oracle Multitenant architecture and protects the container database (“CDB”),
Checking CDB and PDB
- Oracle resources must be created to protect the PDB. Also, the protected Oracle resource must be a CDB. You can check whether it is a CDB or not after connecting to the database using the following command.
SQL> select CDB from V$DATABASE;
- To protect the PDB, the PDB must be mounted inside the CDB. You can check whether the PDB is mounted by using the following command after connecting to the database.
SQL> show pdbs;
Creating Oracle PDB Resources
- From the LifeKeeper GUI menu, select Edit, then select Server. From the drop-down menu, select Create Resource Hierarchy.
A dialog box appears displaying all the recognized Recovery Kits installed in the cluster in a dropdown list. Select Oracle Pluggable Database from the dropdown list. Click Next to proceed to the next dialog box.
Note: If the Back button is active in a dialog box, you can return to the previous dialog box by clicking it. This is especially useful when you encounter errors and need to correct the information you entered earlier.
At any stage of the hierarchy creation process, clicking Cancel will cancel the entire creation process.
- You will be prompted to enter the following information. If the Back button is active in a dialog box, you can return to the previous dialog box. This is useful when you encounter errors and need to correct the information you entered earlier. You can click Cancel at any time to cancel the entire creation process.
Server | Select the LifeKeeper server on which Oracle PDB is created. |
ORACLE_SID | Specify the SID of the protected Oracle database. |
Oracle PDBs | Specify the PDB to protect. This field allows multiple selections. |
PDB Tag | A unique tag name for the new Oracle PDB resource on the primary server. The default tag name is “pdb-<ORACLE_SID>”. You can also use another unique tag name. You can use letters, numbers, and the special symbols (“:”, “-“, “_”, “.”, “/”) for tag names. |
- Click Next. Create Resource Wizard appears and the Oracle PDB resource hierarchy is created. LifeKeeper verifies the input data. If a problem is detected, an error message appears in the information box.
- A message saying that the Oracle PDB resource hierarchy has been successfully created and that the hierarchy must be extended to another server in the cluster to provide failover protection is displayed. Click Next.
- Click Continue. The Pre-extend Wizard is launched. See Step 2 in “Extending the Oracle PDB Resource Hierarchy” for details on extending the resource hierarchy to another server.
Extending Oracle PDB Resources
- Select Extend Resource Hierarchy from Resource in the Edit menu. The Pre-Extend Wizard is displayed. If you are not familiar with advanced operations, click Next. If you understand the default values for extending the LifeKeeper resource hierarchy and do not need to enter and confirm them, click Accept Defaults.
- Enter the following details in the Pre-Extend Wizard.
Note: The first two fields appear only when you start the operations from Extend in the Edit menu.
Template Server | Select the server where the Oracle PDB resource is currently in service. |
Tag to Extend | Select the Oracle PDB resource to extend. |
Target Server | Enter or select the target server. |
Template Priority | Select or enter a template priority. This is the priority of the Oracle PDB hierarchy which has currently been in service on the server. You can use any unused number between 1 and 999 for the priority, with lower numbers having higher priority (number 1 is the highest priority). During the extension process, priorities that are already in use by another system cannot be specified for this hierarchy. SIOS recommends the default value. Note: This field appears only when you extend the hierarchy for the first time. |
Target Priority | This is the relative priority which is owned by the newly extending Oracle PDB hierarchy over the equivalent hierarchies on other servers. Any unused priority number between 1 and 999 is available and indicates the server’s priority for the resource cascading failover sequence. Note that LifeKeeper assigns “1” by default to the server on which the hierarchy was created. The priorities do not need to be consecutive but two servers cannot have the same priority for a particular resource. |
- When the pre-extending checking is successful message is displayed, click Next.
- Depending on the hierarchy to extend, a series of information boxes will be displayed showing the resource tags to be extended (some cannot be edited).
- Confirm that the tag name is correct in Extend Wizard and click Extend.
- When the message “Hierarchy extend operations completed” is displayed, click Next Server if you want to extend the hierarchy to another server, or click Finish.
- When the message “Hierarchy Verification Finished” is displayed, click Done.
Changing the PDB to Protect
After creating the hierarchy, change the PDB to protect using the following steps.
- From the LifeKeeper GUI, right-click the Oracle PDB resource hierarchy and select Change Protection PDB.
- Select the PDB you want to protect (you can select more than one PDB).
- Click Next to change the settings.
- Click Done to finish.
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