Now that the standby system is prepared, perform a switch back (return) of the IP resource and volume resource to the active system.

  1. Log in to sios20lknode02 as SIOS20\lkadmin.
  1. Refer to the procedure for switchover of the standby node and ensure that the IP resource and the volume resource become active on the active node (sios20lknode01).

See Preparing to Install Oracle on a Standby System for details.

  1. Start all Oracle services in Computer Management on the active node (sios20lknode01).


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Jason Aw wrote: Jan 10, 2022

According to a partner who did testing, and I was online with him doing it, he was not able to get the Oracle service up again when switching back to active, the database could not be mounted.

He was only able to get the primary Oracle service up and running again by restoring the backup files for the Oracle control file and the DBF files, that were backed-up as per this step -

I think you may want to test the procedure again and update this page, if restoring the files from the "/app/bak" folder is necessary.