There are two types of load balancers in OCI, but in this document we will use a network load balancer. The IP address of this network load balancer will also be used as the virtual IP address to be set later, which will be the access point for the protected service.

  1. Select > Networking > Load balancers.
  1. Select sios20-c under the Compartment and click Create load balancer.
  1. Select a network load balancer in accordance with the load balancer (Layer-4) used on the other platform.
  1. The displayed form consists of four pages: ① Add details, ② Configure listener, ③ Choose backends, and ④ Review and create. Enter the following values on each page and click Next on each page.

① Add details

Item Value
Load balancer name sios20-nlb
Choose visibility type Private
Allow IPv6 address assignment Disabled
Choose networking
Virtual cloud network sios20-vcn
Subnet sios20-subnet2
Use network security groups to control traffic Enabled

② Configure listener

Item Value
Listener name sios20-nlb-listener
Specify the type of traffic your listener handles TCP
Ingress traffic port Specify the port

*1 : Specify the port to be used for communication with the application. In this guide, specify 1521 for Oracle and 5432 for PostgreSQL.

③ Choose backends

Item Value
Backend set name sios20-nlb-backendset
Source/destination header (IP, port)
preservation (network load balancer)
Select backends
Add by compute instance Instance IP Address Port Weight
sios20-node1 (*1) 1
sios20-node2 (*1) 1
Preserve source IP Enabled (cannot be changed)
Specify health check policy
Protocol TCP
Port 12345
Items other than above Leave all as default

*1 : Specify the port to be used for communication with the application. In this guide, specify 1521 for Oracle and 5432 for PostgreSQL.

  1. After reviewing the contents on the page ④ Review and create, click Create network load balancer.

When an NLB is created, IP is automatically assigned according to the configured subnet. (You cannot assign a static IP by yourself.)
From now on, [] will be used for the automatically assigned IP in this document.

The resource has now been created on the OCI.


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