The following are the most commonly requested networking related solutions.
LifeKeeper GUI Running Slow
When should I use the Interface metric for a specific NIC?
For LifeKeeper GUIs that are performing slowly (and/or showing question marks for resource state), execute the following:
- Close the LifeKeeper on all nodes in your cluster
- Insure the binding order of network interfaces reflect the public 1st in the order, and the private 2nd on both servers
- This can be located at Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center\Change adapter settings\Advanced\Advanced Setting . . .
- In your Advanced TCIP/IP Settings, uncheck/Removed Automatic Metric setting on all network interfaces using Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Then select the Interface metric.Example:
- Public = 10
- Private = 20
- NIC 3 = 30 and so on and so forth
Apply the same values to the other nodes in your cluster.
Note: This also applies for NICs that are disabled but still have TCPIP binded to the NIC
After changing the interface metrics you must kill the lkGUIserver.exe process and it will restart using the new metric settings. To perform this tasks execute the following:
- From an elevated/Administrator command prompt
- cd c:\lk\bin
- To locate the lkGUIserver.exe type tasklist |findstr lkGUIs
- Once located you’ll see a process id and that needs to be terminated
- Type “kill {process ID}
- Verify that a new process has been launched by re-running tasklist |findstr lkGUIs which will reflect the new process ID
Then, you can restart the LifeKeeper GUI app and you should see a difference in the performance when launched.
Failure to Assign SIOS DataKeeper TCP/UDP Ports
Failure to assign the SIOS DataKeeper TCP/UDP ports could result in:
- a “Failed to Create” error message when attempting to create a new mirror in the DataKeeper UI
- a “Status = 995” error message when attempting to create a mirror using the emcmd . createmirror command
Please ensure these are enabled.
See Verifying Server Specifications for more information.
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