Before creating a QSP resource for a Windows service, make sure that the service is running on the primary LifeKeeper system.

Create a resource by following the steps below:

  1. In the LifeKeeper GUI, click on the Create Resource Hierarchy button (button marked with a green plus).

  1. Choose the primary server and the backup server. In this example, the primary server is LK01 and the backup server is LK02.

  1. Select “Quick Service Protection”.

  1. Choose the service that will need to be protected. The services listed will only show running services. If a service is not shown in this list, start it before protecting it.

  1. Enter a value for Startup timeout. The Startup timeout is the maximum amount that will be used to start the service during the restore process. The default is 0 which allows the service as much time as it needs to start. In this example, the Startup timeout will be 0.

  1. Enter a value for Shutdown timeout. The Shutdown timeout is the maximum amount that will be used to stop the service during the remove process. The default is 0 which allows the service as much time as it needs to stop. In this example, the Shutdown timeout will be 0.

  1. Choose whether local recovery will be attempted. In this example, the local recovery will be enabled as default.

  1. Enter the tag name. In this example, the tag name is QSP.0.

  1. Click the “Create Instance” button.

  1. When the following screen appears, click “Next” to proceed to the extension to the backup server.

  1. A pre-extend check is performed and the following screen is displayed. Click “Next”.

  1. The resource tag name will be displayed. Click “Next”.

  1. Enter the backup priority. In this example, the backup priority will be 10 as default. Click the “Extend” button.

  1. LifeKeeper will begin to expand the resource. When complete, the screen will look like this. Click “Finish”.


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