When storage is selected for the Quorum mode and aws_s3 for QWK_STORAGE_TYPE in the Quorum/Witness function provided by LifeKeeper, Amazon S3-compatible object storage can be used.


All of the following requirements must be satisfied:

  1. Object storage can be accessed via the AWS CLI
    1. The endpoint must be specified in the Quorum/Witness parameter QWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_.
  2. Object storage has strong consistency
    Based on the Amazon S3 Strong Consistency.
  3. Object storage has sufficient availability
    Based on the “S3 Standard”, a standard class of Amazon S3 that guarantees 99.9% availability.
  4. Object storage becomes inaccessible when isolated by AZ or region
    In most cases, it should be able to be located in a region other than the one in which the cluster node is located.

Verified Platforms

The following are platforms providing qualified object storage.

  • None for now


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