Use Control F to search for a specific error code.

Code Severity Message Cause Action
0 Error SDRDataKeeperService: Mirror creation failed, rolling back the job endpoint.
0 Warning SDRDataKeeperService: Resolving split brain. WMSSVR:E is to become the source with WMSSVR1:E as its target
0 Warning DataReplication.Cacher: Item fetch failed, updating the cache time for key ‘volumeinfo.MACHINE.FQDN.vol-J’
0 Warning DataReplication.Cacher: Item fetch failed, updating the cache time for key ‘’
0 Error CompleteMirrorPairsWindow: Failed to create the relationship. This is an invalid configuration and is not supported. This is a message from the JOB relationship checker in the GUI. Before creating the mirror, we look at the number of relationships that will be in the job and it must match the number of systems in the job
Example: 2 systems = 1 relationship,
3 systems = 3 relationships, 4 systems = 6 relationships,
0 Error SDR.StateUpdater: Failed to get volume information from server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 2) 2
0 Error SDR.StateUpdater: Failed to get compression, bwlimit, and/or target infos information from server ‘MACHINE’: System.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 2) 2
0 Error DataKeeperSnapIn: Failed to show modal dialogSystem.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —-> System.ApplicationException: Volume operation failed (error_code = 2) 2
0 Error NewMirror.NewMirrorWizard: Failed to create the mirror or prompt to complete mirror pairsSystem.ApplicationException: Volume operation failed (error_code = 5) 5
0 Error SDR.StateUpdater: Failed to get volume information from server ‘MACHINE’: System.ApplicationException: getVolumeInfo(…) failed (error_code = 15) 15
0 Error ResolveSplitbrainsWindow: Failed to launch resolve splitbrains windowSystem.ApplicationException: Volume operation failed (error_code = 22) 22
0 Warning SDR.Mirror: The post-pause unlock request failed: System.ApplicationException: Volume operation failed (error_code = 22) 22
0 Error NewMirror.NewMirrorWizard: Failed to create the mirror and/or complete mirror pair informationSystem.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 33)  33 Verify that the “Distributed Link Tracking Client” service is stopped and startup type is set to “Manual”. 
0 Error ClientLibrarySDRService: Connectivity test failed for server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 53) 53
0 Error DataReplication.ClientLibrarySDRService: Failed to get the state/pre-lock the target volume (probably due to an inaccessible target system from here): SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Failed to open a connection to (error_code = 53) 53 Verify Client for Microsoft Networks is checked
0 Warning SDR.SDRDataKeeperService: Reconnecting previously connected server, at startup, failed: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Failed to open a connection to (error_code = 53) 53
0 Error StateUpdater: Failed to get compression, bwlimit, and/or target information for volume ‘N’ from server ‘WINSUPB’: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Failed to open a connection to WINSUPB (error_code = 53 53
0 Error StateUpdater: Failed to get volume information from server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 53) 53 Verify Client for Microsoft Networks is checked
0 Error StateUpdater: Failed to get compresstion, bwlimit, and/or target infos information from server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNoLongerAvailableException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 64) 64
0 Error StateUpdater: Failed to get volume information from server ‘MACHINE’: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNoLongerAvailableException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE (error_code = 64) 64
0 Error StateUpdater: Failed to get volume information from server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’: System.ApplicationException: getVolumeInfo(…) failed (error_code = 232) 232
0 Error SDRDataKeeperService: Unexpected error in update loop (legacy job generation pass): System.ApplicationException: Volume operation failed (error_code = 234) 234
0 Error NewMirror.NewMirrorWizard: Failed to create the mirror and/or complete mirror pair informationSystem.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 995) 995 995 is typically related to a port or firewall issue netstat -an (make sure both systems are listening on port 9999) Check to make sure you can ping by Name and FQDN from each system to each system Check firewall config
0 Error NewMirror.NewMirrorWizard: Failed to create the mirror or prompt to complete mirror pairs.System.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 995) 995
0 Error SDRDataKeeperService: Mirror creation failed: System.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 995) 995 Check SYS log on SRC and TRG for a port/firewall issue associated with the drive letter. i.e. Vol.K = Port 10010
0 Error NewMirror.NewMirrorWizard: Failed to create the mirror or prompt to complete mirror pairsSystem.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 1225) 1225 Look for corresponding event in Sys Log, perhaps about dispatch port connect (0xC0000236) – Event ID 168 Also, look for Event ID 200 (see if CLEARSWITCHOVER FLAG is set)
0 Error ResolveSplitbrainsWindow: Failed to launch resolve splitbrains windowSystem.ApplicationException: Mirror operation failed (error_code = 1235) 1235
0 Error 1265 The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you. Network issue where system cannot find the ;Domain Controller.
0 Error SteelEye.Dialogs.AddServerWindow: Failed to connect to server: MACHINE.FQDNSystem.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 1326) 1326 1326 is Domain Security related. Check if systems are in WorkGroup or Domain. Make sure domain names can be resolved by DNS. Check permissions
0 Warning SteelEye.Dialogs.NewMirror.NewMirrorSource: Failed to go to next wizard pageSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. FAILED TO GET NEXT WIZARD PANE
0 Error SDRDataKeeperService: Mirror creation failed, rolling back the job endpoint. MIRROR CREATION FAILED, ROLLING BACK THE JOB ENDPOINT
0 Warning SteelEye.Views.JobView: Failed to update after selected target changedSystem.InvalidOperationException: The following operation is not valid because the class View has shut down: Clear. OPERATION NOT VALID
0 Error JobListView: Failed to handle right button upSystem.InvalidOperationException: ShowContextMenu requires that an item be selected. RIGHT BUTTON
0 Warning SDR.SDRDataKeeperService: Resolving split brain. MACHINE.FQDN:F is to become the source with MACHINE.FQDN:F as its target SPLIT BRAIN
0 Warning DataReplication.ClientLibrarySDRService: Extended volume info not available for volume ‘M’ on server ‘WINSUPA.QATEST.COM’ Extended Volume Info not available
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’ (via MACHINE) looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE (error_code = 2) 2
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘DEV-LRX3-12.DEVELOPMENT.SCHQ.SECIOUS.COM’ (via DEV-LRX3-12.DEVELOPMENT.SCHQ.SECIOUS.COM) looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to DEV-LRX3-12.DEVELOPMENT.SCHQ.SECIOUS.COM (error_code = 51) 51
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’ (via MACHINE.FQDN) looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 53) 53
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’ (via MACHINE.FQDN) looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: SteelEye.DAO.DataReplication.Exception.ServiceNoLongerAvailableException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 64) 64
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘WMS1’ (via looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to (error_code = 1229) 1229
1053 Warning StateUpdater: Server ‘007IT-NAS-TW2’ (via looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to (error_code = 1231) 1231
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’ (via MACHINE.FQDN) looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE.FQDN (error_code = 1326) 1326
1053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’ (via MACHINE.FQDN) looks dead! Setting it’s flag and ignoring until we check again. Error: System.ApplicationException: Failed to open a connection to MACHINE (error_code = 1450) 1450
2053 Warning SDR.StateUpdater: Server ‘MACHINE.FQDN’ (via MACHINE.FQDN) has come back to life! COME BACK TO LIFE!


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