Hardware Requirements
Primary and Secondary Servers
- Systems must meet the minimum requirements for the Linux distribution to be used during the evaluation.
- 512MB RAM minimum; 1GB RAM recommended.
- 2GB of available hard disk space recommended.
- Multiple Network Interface Cards (NIC’s) are recommended.
- Configure one or more additional partitions to be used for data replication. On the primary server, these will become the source partitions. On the secondary server(s), these will become the target partitions. In this evaluation example we will be replicating MySQL data (which will be a partition mounted at /var/lib/mysql)
- For replicated partitions, a target partition’s size must equal to or larger than the size of its source partition.
- The system ( / ) and boot (/boot) partitions are not eligible for replication.
This system is not required but is recommended for testing the cluster environment.
- A standard linux terminal running the MySQL client can be used to test the configuration.
Software Requirements
Primary Server and Secondary Server
- Linux Distribution x86_64, AMD 64:
º RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 (5.4+ recommended) or 6.x
º CentOS Linux 5 (5.4+ recommended) or 6.x
º Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (5.4+ recommended), 6.3, 6.4 (
º SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 or 11 (11 recommended)
º See Linux Release Notes for a full list of supported Operating Systems
º # /etc/init.d/iptables off
º # chkconfig iptables off
º See
º Edit /etc/selinux/config<
º Set SELINUX=disabled (note: permissive mode is also acceptable)
º localhost.localdomain and localhost are the only entries that can be on
º Create a separate entry for your hostname with a static address
º SPS for Linux now leverages the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) provided in the Linux Standard Base (LSB).
º Users are identified and authenticated against the system’s PAM configuration. Privilege levels are determined from group membership as provided through PAM.
º In order to access the GUI, a user must be a member in one of the three LifeKeeper groups: lkadmin, lkoper or lkguest.
º See the following URL for more information on this topic:
See Configuring GUI Users for more information.
Network Requirements
For your evaluation, we recommend configuring your machines similarly to the following example.
LinuxPrimary and LinuxSecondary are multi-homed, between two LAN segments (the second NIC in each server could even be connected via a cross-over cable if a second physical network is not available). The second NIC is optional in this configuration, but highly recommended in production environments to avoid a single point of failure.
In this example evaluation scenario we will be leveraging local, replicated storage.
Primary Server and Secondary Servers
- Configure the Host file with entries for all LifeKeeper protected servers. This is typically /etc/hosts.
Example: LinuxPrimary LinuxSecondary
- See your Network Administrator to obtain an unused IP Address to be used as the switchable IP Address. This switchable IP Address will be created later in the configuration process.
- Public Network connection(s) configured with:
º Static IP address
º Correct subnet mask
º Correct gateway address
º Correct DNS server address(es)
- Private Network connection(s) configured with:
º Static IP address (on a different subnet from the public network)
º Correct network mask
º No gateway IP address
º No DNS server addresses
Must be able to communicate on the same subnet/network as the servers Public interface addresses. In our example, this is the network.
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