First navigate to the WebSphere MQ Resource Properties Panel or the Resource Context Menu described above. Then click on Command Server Protection Configuration icon or menu item. The following dialog will appear:
Select Full Control of the command server component of the WebSphere MQ queue manager to have LifeKeeper start, stop, monitor and attempt to recover and to then fail over if the recovery attempt is unsuccessful.
Select Minimal Control of the command server component of the WebSphere MQ queue manager to have LifeKeeper only start and stop but not monitor or attempt any recovery.
See above table for more details. Once the protection control is selected, click Next. You will be asked if you want to change the setting of the command server protection from its current setting to the new setting; click Continue to make the change on all nodes in the cluster.
Command Line
To set the LifeKeeper Command Server Protection Configuration via the command line, use the following command:
/opt/LifeKeeper/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/mqseries/bin/mq_modqmgrparam -c -s -i TEST.QM -p CMDSERVERPROTECTION -v LEVEL
where LEVEL is Full or Minimal.
This will set (-s) the LifeKeeper Command Server Protection Configuration (-p) on each node in the cluster (-c) to LEVEL (-v) for queue manager TEST.QM (-i).
Note: You can use either the queue manager name (-i) or the LifeKeeper TAG (-t) name.
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