Install the SAP DB /MaxDB software on all servers in the cluster using identical parameters/settings. Refer to the SAP DB Installation Guide for details. The following are additional recommendations to ensure that SPS will work with SAP DB / MaxDB:

  • A non-root system user (OS User) must exist on all servers as follows:
  • This OS User should be designated as the owner of the SAP DB / MaxDB software installation and subdirectories or have adequate permissions on the software installation path and subdirectories as required to manage a database instance.

  • This OS User must have authority to use the DBMCLI and x_server utilities. The OS User must be able to start and stop the vserver using the x_server commands.

  • The OS User name should contain alpha-numeric characters only.

  • The User ID and Group ID of this OS User must be identical on all servers.
  • The SAP DB / MaxDB client software packages must be installed. These packages must include the SAP DB / MaxDB DBMCLI client utility, and the SAP DB / MaxDB x_server utility.
  • Each SPS server containing an SAP DB resource hierarchy must have identical service entries in the /etc/services file for the SAP DB instance.


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