Follow the steps below to configure SAP on SPS.

Step 1. Test the Deployment

To connect to the SPS-L nodes, you need to connect to Windows jumpbox. To connect to a Windows machine, you need to connect to remote desktop terminal.

In AWS console, select the windows jumpbox node that was created, click on Actions and click on Connect. You can now download remote desktop program to connect. You will also need to decrypt the password that will need to be used to login to the machine.

Once you are connected to Windows machine, we suggest you download Putty and VNC Viewer. Download them from these sites.

You can now use Putty to connect to the private IP address of each node, as well as VNC Viewer to connect to the node using the same private IP address. Note that the nodes are not accessible outside the windows jumpbox, but the nodes should be able to access the internet using the NAT gateway. (Note: If there are issues with the NAT gateway, make sure to check the security group rules/main route).

Once you have connected to one of the nodes, you can su to root using the password you created in the template earlier, and run the program vncserver. This will allow you to connect using VNC Viewer to that node in a graphical interface.

Code snippet for installing VNC Server
Run as root the command vncserver with the following options:

Enter password and repeat for confirmation
Set Read-Only password to No

Optionally edit /root/.vnc/config and add
vncserver -kill:1

Access to VNC is ipv4:5901 where 5901 is the port number specified.

Right click on the desktop and click on Open Terminal, and enter the command /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkGUIapp, that will connect to the LifeKeeper GUI. Login using root and password setup previously. You will see the 2 nodes connected.

Now that you have reached this point, basic LifeKeeper 2 node is setup. Proceed with SAP installation and protection of SAP services using LifeKeeper.

Step 2. Configure Virtual IP

Now that SAP has been setup on the node, you can continue to setup LifeKeeper protecting SAP services and filesystems.

Amazon AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) setup

The AWS command line interface (cli) needs to be installed on each node. For details, please refer to AWS Command Line Interface Installation. All the EC2 instances must be able to access Amazon EC2 services endpoints using the protocols HTTP and HTTPS. In order to obtain metadata of Amazon EC2 instance, it is necessary to have an access to IP address using the HTTP protocol.

In order for LifeKeeper to operate AWS, an IAM user or IAM role with the following access privilege is required. Please configure an EC2 IAM role or configure AWS CLI appropriately so that it can be accessed from root user of the EC2 instance.

  • ec2:DisassociateAddress
  • ec2:DescribeAddresses
  • ec2:AssociateAddress
  • ec2:DescribeRouteTables
  • ec2:ReplaceRoute

Create the virtual IP resource

Determine the IP address. The IP address should be an IP address outside the CIDR block range of the current IP of the nodes. The IP address should be placed in the VPC route table for the node.

Note in the following diagram we placed the ip address of and associated it to one of the nodes, using the eni- network adapter.

Edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper and set NOBCASTPING=1 to disable broadcast ping before continuing.

Click the green plus icon to create a new resource:

Follow the wizard to create the IP resource with these selections:

Extend the IP resource with these selections:

The cluster will now look like this, with both Mirror and IP resources created:

Step 3. Setup SAP

Download the SAP software and setup on the node. You can access the SAP marketplace to download SAP software on each node.

There are a number of choices to setup SAP. The decision to implement one would depend on various factors, such as cost, experience and RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability) factors.

Each configuration has advantages and disadvantages. We recommend that you work with SAP experts at your site, or you engage with SIOS Professional Services to determine the best fit for your environment.

Note: Future documentation will detail installation for HANA, all-in-one, using EFS (AWS Elastic File System) and Cloudwatch. There are also planned automated installation quick start scripts and using SAP Landscape Manager (LaMa) to manage the installation.


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