If you wish to administer SIOS Protection Suite from a system outside your cluster, you must use the web client. This is possible for remote systems running any operating system. SIOS Protection Suite for Windows cannot manage both Linux and Windows servers in a single session, but it can manage either Windows or Linux systems no matter what OS it is running on. Whichever type of server OS you first connect to will determine the type of OS you can manage in that session. If you need to simultaneously manage both Linux and Windows servers, you will need to open up two browser windows, one for each.
The remote system’s browser must provide JRE 1.8.0_101 support. Refer to the SIOS Protection Suite for Windows Release Notes for information on the supported platforms and browsers for the SIOS Protection Suite web client. The following sections explain steps for configuring the web browser on a remote system.
Follow the procedure below to run the SIOS Protection Suite web client.
- Open the URL http://<server name>:81 for the SIOS Protection Suite web page (where /<server name> is the name of the SIOS Protection Suite server). The web page contains the SIOS Protection Suite splash screen and applet.
When you run the web client for the first time, if you are using Internet Explorer and your system does not have the required Java plug-in, you will be automatically taken to the appropriate web site for downloading the plug-in. See the Java Upgrade topic for steps to upgrade.
You should close and restart your browser after installing the plug-in and whenever plug-in properties are changed. Thus you will need to enter the SIOS Protection Suite server’s URL again as stated above.
When the web page is opened, the following actions take place:
the splash screen is displayed
the applet is loaded
the Java Virtual Machine is started
some server files are downloaded
the applet is initialized
Depending upon your network and system configuration, these actions may take up to 20 seconds. Typically, browsers provide some minimal status as the applet is loading and initializing.
Note: You may receive a Java Plug-In Security Warning stating “Unable to verify the certificate – code will be treated as unsigned.” Click OK.
Next, a Start button should appear in the applet area at the bottom of the splash screen. If the splash screen does not display a Start button or you suspect that the applet failed to load and initialize, refer to the GUI Network-Related Troubleshooting section in this guide.
- Click Start. The SIOS Protection Suite web client appears and the Cluster Connect dialog is automatically displayed. Enter the Server Name you wish to connect to followed by the login and password. Once a Server Name has been entered and connection to the cluster established, the GUI window appears.
Note: Some browsers add “Warning: Applet Window” to windows and dialogs created by an applet. This is normal and should be ignored.
Configuring the Browser Security Level
In order to run the SIOS Protection Suite web client, you may need to modify your browser security settings. Follow the procedures below.
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer will likely automatically put your SIOS Protection Suite servers in the Local intranet zone. If not, you should manually add all SIOS Protection Suite servers to the Local intranet zone as follows:
- From the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
- Click the Security tab.
- Select Local intranet zone.
- Click Sites.
- Click Advanced.
- Enter the server name(s) and port number(s) for all SIOS Protection Suite server(s)to which you wish to connect (for instance: http://server1:81), clicking Add after each.
- Click OK until you’re done.
Mozilla Firefox
- From the Tools menu, select Options.
- In the Options dialog box, click the Content Category.
- Select the “Enable Java” and “Enable Java Script” options.
- Click OK.
You should close and restart your browser after installing the plug-in and whenever plug-in properties are changed. Thus you will need to enter the SIOS Protection Suite server’s URL again as stated above.