Reinitialization is necessary for any changes to the cluster made after initial quorum configuration.
Examples of this include:

  • adding or removing cluster nodes

  • adding or removing commpaths between cluster nodes participating in quorum

  • changing quorum parameter values in the %LKROOT%\Etc\default\LifeKeeper configuration file

  • switching from one quorum mode to a different one

Please reinitialize according to the following steps:

  1. Execute the %LKROOT%\Bin\qwk_storage_exit command on all nodes.

  2. Make all necessary cluster configuration changes.
    If removing a cluster node, delete communication paths between the node that is being deleted and all the other nodes.
    If adding a cluster node, create communication paths between the node that is being added and all the other nodes.
    If changing storage, make sure the intended paths are reachable from all nodes in the cluster.

  3. Modify the quorum parameters in the %LKROOT%\Etc\default\LifeKeeper configuration file on all nodes.

  4. Execute the %LKROOT%\Bin\qwk_storage_init command on all nodes.


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