1. Select Azure Home > Virtual machines > +Add and enter the values according to the following table.
Virtual machine
Subscription Your subscription ID This is the subscription ID issued when subscribing to Azure services.

*Note 1
Resource group sios20rg
Instance details
Virtual machine name Active node: sios20lknode01
Standby node: sios20lknode02
Region (Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia
Availability Options
  • If Availability Zone, then lknode01 should be in Zone 1, lknode02 should be in Zone 2.

  • If Availability Set:
    lknode01: Fault Domain 1, Update Domain 1
    lknode02: Fault Domain 2, Update Domain 2
“Availability Zone” is preferred, “Availability Set” is sufficient.
Availability Set sios20lkcluster Created using the (create new) functionality when active.
When in standby, references previously created item.
Availability Zone
(Configure only when Availability zone is selected in the Availability options)
1 (active)

2 (standby)
Select different Availability zones for the active and standby nodes

lknode01 and lknode02 should be in different Availability Zones (for example, lknode01 in zone 1, lknode02 in zone 2).
Image Windows Server 2019 Datacenter *Note 2
Azure Spot instance No (default)
Size Standard B2ms 2/8g/4
*Note 3 *Note 4
Administrator account
Username lkadmin
Inbound port rules
Public inbound ports Allow selected ports
Select inbound ports RDP (3389)
Would you like to use an existing Windows Server license? No If you have a separate Windows license, change this to Yes.

*Note 1: If your LifeKeeper for Windows nodes are not going to be part of a Windows Domain, the Virtual Machine names should not contain any lower-case letters.

*Note 2: Select an OS version supported by LifeKeeper. The OS versions supported by LifeKeeper are listed in the Support Matrix for each version.

*Note 3: Make sure to select an instance size for which the Availability Set is available. Availability Set is not available for some instance sizes.

*Note 4: Be sure to select an instance size for which load balancing rules can be used. Load-balancing rules are not available for some instance sizes.

  1. After confirming your input, click Next: Disks.

  1. Configure the disks as follows.
Disk options
OS Disk type Premium SSD (default)
Data disks
NAME Active Node: sios20lknode01_DataDisk_0
Standby Node: sios20lknode02_DataDisk_0
Created via (create and attach a new disk)
Source type None (empty disk) (default)
Size 30 GB Configure per the diagram below
Disk type Premium SSD
Encryption type (Default) Encryption at-rest with a platform-managed key
Enable shared disk No

(Create and attach a new disk)

(Change size)

  1. Click Next: Networking.

  1. Enter the following details.

Connect the first subnet you created (sios20sub1) to the virtual machine. With this, one network interface is connected. (The second network interface will be created and connected after the virtual machine is created.)

Virtual network sios20vnet
Subnet sios20sub1( *Note 1
Public IP Name SIOS20LKNODE01-ip(active)
Created using the (create new) functionality

*Note 2

You must click the OK button after completing setup
SKU Standard(When the Availability zone is selected)
Basic(When the Availability set is selected)
Assignment Static
Routing preference Microsoft network
Availability zone
(Configure only when Standard is selected for SKU)
Zone 1(active)
Zone 2(standby)
NIC network security group Basic
Public inbound ports Allow selected ports
Select inbound ports RDP (3389)
Accelerated networking Off (default)
Place this virtual machine behind an existing load balancing solution? Off (default)

*Note 1: Connect the first subnet (sios20sub1) created in the previous step to the virtual machine.

*Note 2: In this procedure the Public IP is set in order to allow access to each cluster node via the Internet.

  1. Click Next: Management, Next: Advanced, Next: Tags, and then Next: Review+create.

  1. Verify that the settings are correct and click Create.

The virtual machine is created and deployed. Wait until the message “Your deployment is complete.” is displayed.

  1. After creating a standby VM, open Azure Home > Virtual machines > virtual machine name > Availability + scaling. Clicking on the Availability set name displays the Fault Domain of the virtual machine belonging to the Availability set. Make sure that the Fault Domain of the standby VM is different from that of the active VM. If a standby VM is in the same fault domain, recreate it.

  1. Temporarily suspend the virtual machine in order to change the network settings. In Azure Home > Virtual machines, select the virtual machine you just created and click Stop.

  1. Go to Azure Home > Virtual machines > Virtual machine name > Networking, click the first interface name.

  1. Open IP configurations in the left pane and click ipconfig1.

  1. Change the IP address assignment mode and IP address as shown in the table below and click Save at the top of the screen to save your settings.
Public IP address Enabled
Assignment Static
IP address Active node:
Standby node:

  1. Next, add a second network interface.
  1. From Azure Home > Virtual machines > Virtual machine name > Networking > click Attach network interface, then click Create network interface.

  1. Configure the network interface according to the following table and click Create.
Create network interface
Subscription Your subscription ID This is the subscription ID issued when subscribing to Azure services. (immutable)
Resource group sios20rg
Location Southeast Asia
Name Active node sios20lknode01-nic2
Standby node: sios20lknode02-nic2
Virtual network sios20vnet (Cannot be changed
Subnet sios20sub2 ( *Note
NIC Network security group None
Private IP address assignment Static
Private IP address Active node:
Standby node:
Private IP address (IPv6) No
Accelerated networking Disabled

*Note: Configure the first subnet (sios20sub2) created in the previous step for the virtual machine.

  1. Once a message indicates that the Create process is completed, go to Azure Home > Virtual machines > Virtual machine name > Networking, click on Attach network interface again, then select the NIC you just created, and click OK.

  1. Make sure that two interfaces are attached.

  1. Perform the steps in this section (Creating Cluster Nodes (Active and standby nodes)) for both the active node and standby node. Once both are created, start the two virtual machines and proceed to Creating Clients.


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