Create the following three VM instances.

Instance List

Name Region Zone Use
lk-node01 asia-northeast1 asia-northeast1-b primary node
lk-node02 asia-northeast1-c secondary node
lk-client asia-northeast1-a client node
  1. From the navigation menu, select Compute Engine > VM instances.


  1. Enter the name and select the region and zone for each instance.
  1. The machine configuration and boot disk for the VM instances are as follows.
Name Machine configurations Boot disk
Machine family Series Machine type Operating system Version Size
lk-node01 General-purpose N1 n1-standard-1(1 vCPU、3.75GB memory) Windows Server Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 50

Under the Machine configuration, select the Machine family, Series and Machine type.

Click Change in the Boot disk section.

Select the operating system and the version, change the size and click Select.

  1. Configure an additional disk and network settings. Select Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy and click disks.

Additional disk, networking tag and host name are as follows:

Name Additional disk Networking
Name Size Networking tag Host name
lk-node01 lk-node01-disk01 30 lk-node lk-node01.internal
lk-node02 lk-node02-disk01 lk-node02.internal
lk-client None client,allow-login lk-client.internal
  1. Add disk to configure DataKeeper mirroring. Click Add new disk under Additional disks.

Enter the additional disk name, change the size (GB) to 30 and click Done.

  1. Select Networking and enter the network tag and hostname.

  1. The network interface configurations are as follows.
Name Network interface
Network Sub network Primary internal IP Custom ephemeral IP address External IP IP forwarding
lk-node01 lk-vpc lk-private( Ephemeral(custom) l0.0.101.11 none Off
lk-client lk-public( Ephemeral

To modify the default network interface, edit default.

Select the created VPC and subnet and select Ephemeral (custom) for Primary internal IP and enter the internal IP address (the private IP address). Configure the external IP and IP forwarding and click Done.

  1. After completing the VM instance configuration, click Create to create the VM instance.

  1. Repeat the same steps for all VM instances.
  1. Three VM instances are created.


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