特定のエラーコードを検索するには、 Control + F を使用してください。

1 情報 The SteelEye DataKeeper driver version 7.0 has started successfully.
2 エラー The SIOS DataKeeper driver could not be started since the system is running an unsupported version of the operating system.
Required OS Version: %t%2.%3 Build %4
Current OS Version: %t%5.%6 Build %7
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ターゲットにデータを書き込めません データパケットをターゲットに正常に送信できず、応答を受信できません。 
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ソースがボリュームの書き込みを完了できませんでした 一時的に書き込み要求を非同期キューに追加できません。非ページメモリが一時的に不足しています。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. 非同期書き込みキューでHigh Waterの値に達しました 非同期キューの書き込み数がHigh Waterの値に達しました。ミラーを一時停止して再同期する必要があります。通常、ソースボリュームでの書き込みアクティビティのピーク時に発生します。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ミラーが削除されました ミラーが削除されました。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. 起動時にミラー状態のミラー ソースシステムの起動時の通常のメッセージ
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. 起動時にミラーの再同期が保留状態になっています 通常、元のソースシステムに障害が発生した場合に発生します。元のターゲットシステムは、元のソースがダウンしている間、ミラーの新しいソースになります。元のソースシステムが復旧すると、元のターゲットシステムがソースになっていることがわかります。元のソースシステムが新しいターゲットになります。部分的な再同期が実行されます。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. 非同期書き込みキューでLow Waterの値に達しました High Waterの値に達したため、または非ページメモリを使い果たしたためにミラーが一時停止した場合、非同期キューのすべてのエントリが解放されると、ミラー状態は一時停止状態から再同期状態(RESYNC)に遷移し、部分再同期が開始されます。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ターゲットと再接続した後に再同期します ソースとターゲットが切断された後に再接続するときの通常のメッセージ。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. 自動部分再同期の開始
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ターゲットビットマップのマージに失敗しました
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. 再同期の失敗
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ターゲットにパケット要求を送信できません ターゲットボリュームへの書き込み要求の送信に関する問題。
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ターゲットと再接続した後に再同期します
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ターゲットスレッドを開始できません – ミラーはソースモード
16 警告 The mirrored state of a Source volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
17 エラー An invalid attempt was made to change the state of a Source volume. The volume will remain in state %3.
18 エラー A partition that is currently involved in a mirror has been modified.
As a result, the mirror will be broken.
Volume Device: %t%1
Volume Letter: %t%2
Current State: %t%3
In the future, please break all mirrors on a physical disk before
re-partitioning that disk in order to ensure the integrity of data
on the mirrored volumes.
19 警告 The driver has determined that the file system is invalid.
20 警告 The mirrored state of a Target volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
20 警告 The mirrored state of a Target volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
20 警告 The mirrored state of a Target volume has been changed. ミラーが削除され、ターゲットは残っていません
20 警告 The mirrored state of a Target volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
20 警告 The mirrored state of a Target volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
21 警告 The mirror role of the volume has been changed. ミラーの再同期
22 警告 Unable to connect to the target machine for this volume. ミラーの再同期
23 警告 The mirror role of the volume has been changed. ミラーが作成されました Create Mirrorコマンドの結果、システムはミラーのソースになりました。
23 警告 The mirror role of the volume has been changed. ミラーが作成されました Create Mirrorコマンドの結果、システムはミラーのソースになりました。
23 警告 The mirror role of the volume has been changed. ミラーが削除され、ターゲットは残っていません Delete Mirrorコマンドの結果、システムはミラーのソースではなくなりました。
23 警告 The mirror role of the volume has been changed. ミラーが作成されました Create Mirrorコマンドの結果、システムはミラーのターゲットになりました。
23 警告 The mirror role of the volume has been changed. ミラーが削除され、ターゲットは残っていません Delete Mirrorコマンドの結果、システムはミラーのターゲットではなくなりました。
33 エラー Unable to connect to the target machine for this volume. イベント167 に関連 – ターゲットボリュームをロックできません(分散リンクトラッキングサービス、ファイアウォールを確認してください)
34 エラー An error occurred while writing a connection header to the target. The will be broken.
The error code above is a driver status value.
35 警告 Writes to this volume will no longer be mirrored to the target. The mirror will be broken.
37 エラー A write to the local (source) disk has failed.
38 エラー A write to the local (source) disk has been cancelled.
Cancelling of writes is not supported for mirrored drives.
39 エラー The DataKeeper driver failed to queue a volume write.
40 エラー Cannot create a mirror on the drive where persistent bitmap files are stored.
Mirror creation has been terminated. To create a mirror on this volume, change the BitmapBaseDir value in the ExtMirr driver Parameters
registry key to use a different drive, and reboot.
48 警告 The mirror has been deleted.
49 警告 The mirror has been deleted. However, since the delete was performed during a mirror resynchronization, or before a previously-interrupted resynchronizaion was ever completed, the contents of the volume may be corrupted. ソースボリュームとターゲットボリュームが同期していません。 再同期中にミラーが削除された場合、ターゲットボリューム上のデータは正常な状態ではない可能性があります。ターゲットボリュームを再フォーマットしてください。
50 警告 The mirror has been commanded to failover.
58 エラー An error occurred while writing a keep-alive packet over the network. エラーコード 0×102 ターゲットシステムへの一時的なネットワークの中断 – 情報のみ - 対応不要
59 エラー An error occurred while writing a keep-alive packet over
the network. The mirror will be BROKEN.
64 エラー An error occurred while writing a keep-alive packet over
the network. The mirror will be PAUSED.
65 エラー An error occurred while writing data to the target over the
network. The mirror will be BROKEN.
66 エラー An error occurred while writing data to the target over the
network. The mirror will be PAUSED.
67 エラー An error occurred while attempting to read the response from the target
machine over the network. The mirror will be broken.
68 エラー The target machine has reported an error in writing the sent data to
its disk. The mirror will be broken.
69 警告 A network error occured while transmitting data to the target machine.
An attempt will be made to reconnect with the target system without
losing any mirrored write. The mirror will not be broken at this time.
70 エラー There was an error after attempting to reconnect to the target system.
The mirror will be broken.
71 情報 Successfully recovered from a network failure.
72 エラー Error creating a volume named pipe.
73 エラー Error connecting to the existing volume named pipe,
although the Target Control Thread is alive. The
EM service will attempt to restart the volume pipe.
96 情報 A mirror resynchronization has begun.
97 情報 The mirror resynchronization has completed successfully.
98 警告 During Resynchronization, a large number of passes to update the mirror has been made due to incoming writes. In order to ensure that the resynchronization will complete soon, please stop all write access to the volume. これは、ソースボリュームに絶えず書き込みプロセスがある場合に発生することがあります。少量の書き込みのみであっても、DKがビットマップファイルを通じて1つパスを作成するとすぐに、より多くのビットがダーティとマークされ、別のパスが必要になります。
99 情報 The mirror resynchronization has failed.
100 エラー The mirror resynchronization has been aborted due to
a mirror state change.
101 エラー The mirror resynchronization has been aborted due to
an error reading a block from the source volume.
128 警告 This volume was not shutdown cleanly. As a result, the mirror could not
be continued.
An automatic mirror resynchronization will be performed to ensure that the
source and target are in sync.
129 警告 The mirror on this volume could not be continued as the
volume was not in None state at the time of a system shutdown.
An automatic mirror resynchronization will be performed to ensure that the
source and target are in sync.
130 警告 A continue of the mirror on this volume could not be performed as the
volume was not in None state. This could be due to writes received during
boot before a connection could be made to the target machine.
An automatic mirror resynchronization will be performed to ensure that the
source and target are in sync.
131 警告 SIOS DataKeeper was told to continue a mirror on this volume during a
system boot, but the registry value ““AutoResyncOnBoot”“ was set to 2. This
indicates that the volume should always be resynchronized in the event of
a system reboot.
As a result, an automatic mirror resynchronization will be performed to
ensure that the source and target are in sync.
132 警告 SIOS Datakeeper was told to continue a mirror on this volume, but the
registry value ““AutoResyncOnContinue”“ was set to 2. This indicates that
the volume should always be resynchronized when continued.
As a result, an automatic mirror resynchronization will be performed to
ensure that the source and target are in sync.
133 情報 The mirroring of this volume will be continued.
134 情報 The mirroring of this volume will be continued.
135 情報 A mirror will be created for this volume.
136 警告 A continue of the mirror could not be performed because the target
drive was out of sync with the source.
An automatic mirror resynchronization will be performed to ensure
that the source and target are in sync.
Volume Device: %t%1
137 エラー The target side of the mirror creation has failed. ミラーリング動作を処理するスレッドの作成中にエラーが発生しました。
エラーコード: 0xC0000055
144 警告 The volume could not be locked as requested. ボリュームのロック中にエラーが発生しました。
エラーコード: 0xC0000055
145 エラー The volume could not be opened to lock it. ボリュームを開く際にエラーが発生しました。0xC000022 または 0xC000000D 0xC000000D – ボリュームのセクターサイズが512バイトであることを確認します
146 情報 The volume has been locked as requested ボリュームのロック中にエラーは発生していません ターゲットボリュームをロックするときの標準メッセージ(ミラー作成、ボリュームのロックコマンド)
147 警告 The volume has been unlocked as requested ボリュームのロック解除中にエラーは発生していません ターゲットボリュームのロック解除時の標準メッセージ(ミラーの削除、ターゲットのロック解除コマンド)
148 警告 The volume has not been unlocked as requested ボリュームを開くときにエラーが発生しました。上記のエラーコードはドライバーのステータス値。
エラーコード : 0xC000026E
149 情報 Open handles have been detected on this volume while trying to lock it. EMドライバーは、このボリュームで排他ロックを取得しようとします。このボリュームのハンドルが開いているアプリケーションは、ファイルの破損を報告する場合があります。 ボリュームをターゲットにできるようにロックする最初の試行 – 情報のみ
150 エラー An invalid attempt to establish a mirror occurred. Both systems were found to be Source. This may have been due to all of LifeKeeper’s Comm Paths being disconnected, the reconnected later, or by bringing the mirror into service on each of the systems individually without being able to contact the other system. ミラーは一時停止されているか、現在の非ミラーリング状態のままです。ミラーを再確立するには、ターゲットになるシステムを再起動し、ブート中にソースシステムでミラーを手動で続行します。または、両方のシステムでミラーを削除し、手動で再作成します。 これは、両方のシステムがミラーのソースであると認識している場合のスプリットブレインシナリオです。DK GUIまたはLK GUIを使用して解決します。
151 The target volume could not be accessed/locked during mirror creation.
This could be because other processes have open handles on this volume, or the filesystem is corrupted.
152 情報 During the process of locking the target volume the driver has responded to IOCTL_DISK_IS_WRITABLE with a status code STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED. メディアが書き込み禁止になりました。 起動中のターゲットボリュームの通常のメッセージ
153 警告 The user has deleted the drive letter assignment from a volume that is part of a mirror. Unless the drive letter mapping is re-established, this mirror will not be in a usable state. 現在の役割:ターゲット DataKeeperミラーで現在定義されているボリューム文字は、OSから削除されました。ミラーは機能しなくなります。
154 The DataKeeper driver could not open the registry key.
155 エラー The DataKeeper driver could not query the registry value. ボリュームデバイス:
エラーコード: 0xC0000034
156 情報 Unable to get filesystem info (FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA).
160 情報 BEFORE %t%1
161 情報 AFTER %t%1
162 警告 Unable to allocate storage for RemoteTargetInfo structure.
163 エラー The source system for this mirror has been changed. 前のソース:
164 エラー Unable to allocate storage during mirror creation.
165 情報 Cannot unlock target volume during resync, or until a previously-interrupted resync has been completed. ユーザーが再同期操作中にターゲットボリュームのロックを解除しようとしました。ターゲットボリューム上のデータは潜在的に使用できないため、これは許可されません。再同期を完了させてください。
166 警告 The remote system reports that a different machine is now the
source for its mirror. The local mirror will be paused. To
re-establish the mirror with this system as source, delete the
current active mirror to the remote system, and continue the mirror from
this system.
167 エラー Unable to connect to the volume port 0xC0000055 v7.1.2より前のDKでは、TDIdisconnectの問題があり、この問題はよく見られました。そのシナリオでは、DKはターゲットが応答するのを待ってデッドロックされました。しかし、ソースシステムが認識しない0バイトの応答で、ターゲットは既にソースに応答しています。ターゲットシステムを再起動してください。
167 エラー Unable to connect to the volume port Failed Operation = Connect
0xC0000120 – Port 10011
0xC0000236 – Port 0
0xC000023C – Port 10011
0xC000023D – Port 10011
167 エラー Unable to connect to the volume port Failed Operation = Read
0xC0000120 – Port 10011
0xC000020D – Port 10011
167 エラー Unable to connect to the volume port Failed Operation = Targ Err
Port 0
Port 10004
168 エラー Unable to initialize mirror on the target machine. 失敗した操作:Dispatch
Port Connect:
エラーコード: 0xC0000120
エラーコード: 0xC0000236
ディスパッチポート=9999(デフォルト)。ターゲットを再起動し、ターゲットの9999でポートの競合がないことを確認します。0xC0000236の場合、TARGETでClearSwitchoverのイベントID 200を確認します。
168 エラー Unable to initialize mirror on the target machine. 失敗した操作:Target reports error
エラーコード: 0xC0000236
エラーコード: 0xC0000055
エラーコード: 0xC000100x
0055はセマフォのタイムアウトであり、DKは通常ロックされています… TDIdisconnectの問題で見られた問題です(TDIの切断の問題はDK v7.1.2で解決されました)
168 エラー Unable to initialize mirror on the target machine. 失敗した操作: Named Pipe Connect
エラーコード: 0xC00000BE
168 エラー Unable to initialize mirror on the target machine. 失敗した操作: Read Response
エラーコード: 0xC0000120
168 エラー Unable to initialize mirror on the target machine. 失敗した操作: Named Pipe Connect ターゲット側でイベントID 200を探し、CLEARSWITCHOVER FLAGが設定されているかどうかを確認してください。
169 警告 Unable to create bitmap to track writes on the target volume. This volume will not be able to be unlocked in read-write mode until a successful bitmap creation occurs, following a full or partial resync with the source, or following a reboot.
176 エラー Unable to allocate memory for bitmap – mirror creation has failed
177 エラー Unable to create persistent file for bitmap. The persistent bitmap for this mirror will be marked Invalid. エラーコード 0xC0000022
エラーコード: 0xC000007F
エラーコード: 0xC0000034
178 警告 Unable to delete persistent bitmap file.
179 エラー Unable to create BitmapWrite thread. The persistent bitmap for this mirror will be marked Invalid.
180 エラー The BitmapBaseDir value is not found in the ExtMirr\Parameters registry key, or the value found is not a valid path. Persistent Bitmap file creation will be disabled.
The BitmapBaseDir value should be a REG_SZ value that contains the full path to the directory where persistent bitmaps should be created – normally the Bitmaps directory in the DataKeeper install directory.
181 エラー Unable to set the BitmapFileEnabled flag.
182 エラー Unable to set the BitmapFileValid flag.
183 エラー Unable to read data from the persistent bitmap file.
184 エラー Unable to write data to the persistent bitmap file.
185 エラー Unable to allocate memory to report target dirty bitmap. Mirror will be paused on the source system.
186 エラー Unable to receive target’s dirty bitmap list. エラーコード: 0×102 (ステータスタイムアウト)
エラーコード: 0xC0000240
187 エラー Unable to allocate memory to read bitmap file. The persistent bitmap for this mirror has been marked invalid.
188 エラー Unable to determine sector size or filesystem cluster size for disk where bitmap files are stored. The persistent bitmap for this device cannot be created. Please verify that the BitmapBaseDir registry value in the ExtMirr driver Parameters key is set to the correct path. BitmapBaseDir is currently set to >. CREATEMIRROR中に発生 ユーザーがドメイン管理者権限でログインしていることを確認してください。顧客がローカル管理者権限を持つドメインユーザーである場合、この事象が発生します。ドメイン管理者権限でログインするまで、ビットマップファイルは作成されません。シーケンスはイベント188、177、210です。
189 エラー Failover was detected on this volume. The Persistent Bitmap file was not in a valid state when the system went down, so a full resync will be performed.
192 エラー ending disk write tracking during switchover of volume %2. Remaining mirror creation will require full resync.
196 警告 An attempt to merge the bitmap from a writable target was made, but the bitmap
bitmap file for one or more targets was not valid. Bits cannot be saved – a
full resync to all targets is required after switchover.
197 警告 An attempt to merge the bitmap from a writable target was made, but the target
was not succesfully queried for its bitmap file report, possibly due to a
network failure. A full resync to all targets will be required after
198 警告 The drive letter (2:) was unassigned from the volume containing DataKeeper bitmap files.
199 エラー Mirror creation failed due to an error creating the persistent bitmap file.
200 エラー Target-side mirror creation failed due to the switchover flag being set for this volume (G:). Use the CLEARSWITCHOVER option in EmCmd to clear this flag. このフラグをクリアするには、EmCmdでCLEARSWITCHOVERオプションを使用します。
201 情報
202 情報 The DataKeeper driver has detected that networking is now available.
203 エラー Mirror switchover failed due to the error below. Reason: Unable to lock volume
Reason: Unable to delete mirrors
204 エラー Target Dispatch thread detected a conflict on port 000000000100300001000000CC00A0CD000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. This port may be in use by some other service or application. システムを再起動するか、ディスパッチポート(デフォルトでは9999)でポートの競合があるかどうかを確認します。
205 情報 Creating bitmap file in default location for volume P:\ for target 情報のみ - 対応不要
206 情報 Creating bitmap file on shared volume I:\ for target 情報のみ - 対応不要
207 エラー Unable to determine sector size or filesystem cluster size for shared disk. The persistent bitmap for this volume to the target machine listed below cannot be created.
208 エラー Unable to allocate memory during persistent bitmap file creation. The persistent bitmap for this volume to the target machine listed below cannot be created.
209 エラー The persistent bitmap file for this mirror is invalid, but there was an error creating the shared invalid file. All writes to this volume will be failed until the system is rebooted.
210 エラー There was an error writing to or reading from the persistent bitmap file for this mirror. The persistent bitmap file will not be used.
211 エラー The shared volume is now being used by another system. This system will block access to the volume, and any mirrors that were in place will be deleted.
212 情報 Successfully created new bitmap file for volume I:\ for target
213 情報 Pending multi-target switchover to source for volume I: complete.
214 エラー Ending disk write tracking during switchover of volume %2. Remaining mirror creation will require full resync.
215 エラー Write tracking is off during switchover of volume %2. Creating mirror to target %3 with full resync.
216 情報 Conditional mirror create fails for volume Q due to incorrect role.
217 情報 Correct role for conditional mirror create on volume S
218 Cannot restore mirror for volume %2 on shared target.
219 警告 A full resync of volume I to target IP is needed. FULL RESYNC
220 情報 Resync of volume to target IP starting with 524288 bytes to resync. PARTIAL RESYNC 情報のみ - 対応不要
222 エラー Volume ? is being removed from the system while still part of a mirror
223 警告 Mirror was Paused due to system shutdown; reverting state to Mirroring to
avoid split brain
225 エラー Target volume size is smaller than source.
226 エラー Global bitmap volume %2 has not been detected yet. Mirror source threads may hang if this volume does not exist. Check to make sure that the BitmapBaseDir registry entry specifies a valid volume for storage of bitmaps.
227 エラー Snapshot %3 operation for volume %2 failed with status %4. Disabling snapshot and locking volume.
228 情報 Snapshot successfully enabled for volume %2
229 情報 Snapshot for volume %2 disabled.
230 警告 Request to initiate snapshot on target %2 volume %3 failed. Mirror was not in the mirroring state at the time of the request.
231 警告 “Request to initiate snapshot on target %2 volume %3 failed with status %4.
232 警告 Unable to read Snapshot Device from registry for volume %2.
233 警告 Invalid Snapshot Device registry value for volume %2. Line %3.
234 警告 Cannot enable snapshot for volume %2 – volume size is 0.
235 警告 Cannot enable snapshot for volume %2 – bitmap allocation failed – out of memory.
236 警告 Cannot enable snapshot for volume %2 – snapshot thread creation failed with status %3.
237 警告 While disabling snapshot for volume %2, unable to lock volume (status %3).
238 エラー Volume %2: Mirror role is Source, but no targets found in the registry. Changing role to None and forcing full resync.
239 情報 Wrote the following string to SharedOwner file on volume %2:
240 情報 Read the following string from SharedOwner file on volume %2:
241 警告 Data read from the shared owner file on volume %2 was unexpected – does not appear to be a string.
242 警告 Data to be written to the shared owner file on volume %2 was unexpected – does not appear to be a string.
243 エラー Cannot claim ownership of shared volume %2 – Unable to start the Shared Owner watch thread, status %3.
244 エラー Cannot claim ownership of shared volume %2 – unable to create Shared Owner file, status %3.
245 エラー Cannot claim ownership of shared volume %2 – unable to get our ComputerName, status %3.
246 エラー Cannot claim ownership of shared volume %2 – unable to allocate buffer for shared file I/O, status %3.
247 エラー Failed to read or write Shared Owner file for shared volume %2. Status %3.
248 エラー During volume lock of shared volume %2, failed to initiate thread to modify Shared Owner file, status %3.
249 エラー Unable to unlock shared volume %2, failed to claim shared owner file, status %3.
250 警告 Unable to allocate target sequence tracking array. This is not a major error but may result in a full resync in the event of a failover.
251 情報 Successfully allocated target sequence tracking array.
252 警告 Unable to allocate target sequence tracking list entry. This is not a major error but may result in a full resync to some targets in the event of a failover.
253 エラー An invalid packet payload of type %2 was encountered.
254 エラー A received packet payload goes over the end of the total packet size.
255 エラー The data received in the packet payload was not in the expected form.
256 警告 Received a duplicate packet payload of type %2.
257 警告 Unable to allocate a flush header – this may indicate a memory shortage. It is not a critical DataKeeper error.
258 警告 DataKeeper sequence number tracking encountered a condition that could lead to a full resync.
259 警告 DataKeeper sequence number tracking encountered a condition that could lead to a full resync to the given target.
260 警告 DataKeeper sequence number tracking encountered a condition that requires a full resync.
261 警告 DataKeeper sequence number tracking encountered a condition that requires a full resync to the given target.
262 エラー An invalid response packet was recieved from the target system. A display of the relevant sequence numbers is given below.
263 エラー Unable to set the value for the mirror.
264 エラー The state of this mirror changed to a Non-Mirroring state, but the cluster was not notified within the specified timeout. All pending writes to this volume will be failed, and the volume will be locked.
265 エラー The state of this mirror changed to a Non-Mirroring state, but the attempt to notify the cluster failed. All pending writes to this volume will be failed, and the volume will be locked.
266 警告 An invalid attempt to establish a mirror occurred. The volume on the remote system is now a Target for a different Source system.
267 警告 Mirror create fails for shared volume %2 – ineligible to become a target.
268 警告 Unable to allocate storage for SavedBitmapInfo structure during switchover.
269 警告 Unable to allocate an MDL packet in the current chaining loop (#%2). This may indicate a memory shortage. It is not a critical DataKeeper error.
270 エラー Unable to initialize RemoteTargetInfo structure.
271 エラー Unexpected device removal during mirror initialization – aborting mirror creation.
272 エラー An invalid attempt to establish a mirror occurred. Both systems were found to be Source.
273 エラー Source and target volume sector sizes don’t match.
274 エラー Unexpected device removal – driver was not previously notified to clean up.
275 情報 Initiate switchover to source for volume %2.
276 エラー Switchover to source for volume %2 failed – %3.
277 エラー An invalid attempt to establish a mirror occurred. Both systems were found to be Source.
278 エラー At the last reboot, there were writes on volume %2 which were not tracked in a persistent bitmap. A full resync of this volume is required.
279 情報 Incoming writes are being temporarily blocked in order to allow mirror resync to complete.
280 情報 Resync complete – unblocking writes.
281 エラー The resync unblock timer expired – unblocking writes and terminating resync.



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