Change the Restart_Program parameter to Start_Program for the enqueue server and enqueue replicator processes (in the ASCS and ERS instance profiles, respectively) to prevent the sapstart utility from automatically restarting them. Also change the entry ‘Autostart = 1’ to ‘Autostart = 0’ in both instance profiles to prevent each instance from being automatically restarted when the system reboots.
Before performing the following steps, identify the locations of the active ASCS and ERS instance profiles. This can be found from the /usr/sap/sapservices file by looking at the path of the file provided to sapstartsrv as the ‘pf=’ parameter:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /usr/sap/SID/ASCS00/exe/sapstartsrv
pf= /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_ASCS00_sap1 -D -u SIDadm
LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /usr/sap/SID/ERS10/exe/sapstartsrv
pf= /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_ERS10_sap2 -D -u SIDadm
In this example, the active ASCS instance profile is located at /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_ASCS00_sap1 and the active ERS instance profile is located at /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_ERS10_sap2.
- Edit the ASCS instance profile as follows:
a. Change ‘Autostart = 1’ to ‘Autostart = 0’, or manually add the line ‘Autostart = 0’.
b. The exact format of the line in the profile that starts the enqueue server process will vary depending on whether version 1 or 2 of the Standalone Enqueue Server Framework is being used. Modify the profile according to the following table:
Restart_Program_01 = local $(_EN) pf=$(_PF) | Start_Program_01 = local $(_EN) pf=$(_PF) |
Restart_Program_01 = local $(_ES2) pf=$(_PF) | Start_Program_01 = local $(_ES2) pf=$(_PF) |
Restart_Program_01 = local $(_ENQ) pf=$(_PF) | Start_Program_01 = local $(_ENQ) pf=$(_PF) |
- Verify that all entries are correct and save the changes to the ASCS instance profile.
- Edit the ERS instance profile as follows:
a. Change ‘Autostart = 1’ to ‘Autostart = 0’, or manually add the line ‘Autostart = 0’.
b. The exact format of the line in the profile that starts the enqueue replicator process will vary depending on whether version 1 or 2 of the Standalone Enqueue Server Framework is being used. Modify the profile according to the following table:
Restart_Program_00 = local $(_ER) pf=$(_PFL) NR=$(SCSID) | Start_Program_00 = local $(_ER) pf=$(_PFL) NR=$(SCSID) |
Restart_Program_00 = local $(_ER2) pf=$(_PF) | Start_Program_00 = local $(_ER2) pf=$(_PF) |
Restart_Program_00 = local $(_ENQR) pf=$(_PF) | Start_Program_00 = local $(_ENQR) pf=$(_PF) |
- Verify that all entries are correct and save the changes to the ERS instance profile.
- SIOS recommends restarting the system to ensure the updated profile is read and no caching is in effect.
- SIOS also recommends to always verify changes in a test environment before applying to production workload.
- The entries ‘Autostart = 0’ and ‘Start_Program_xx …’ must be on separate lines in each instance profile.
- The numbers xx in the Start_Program_xx or Restart_Program_xx entries may be different on your system. They do not need to be changed to match the numbers given in this solution.
- In a Java-based or dual stack Java+ABAP deployment there will be an SCS central services instance. In this case, steps 1-3 also need to be performed for the SCS instance.
- See SAP Note 768727 (Automatic restart functions in sapstart for processes) for more details on the differences between Start_Program and Restart_Program.
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