This operation can be started from the Edit menu or initiated automatically upon completing the Create Resource Hierarchy option, in which case you should refer to Step 2 below.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Resource then Extend Resource Hierarchy. The Pre-Extend Wizard appears. If you are unfamiliar with the Extend operation, click Next.
  1. The Pre-Extend Wizard will prompt you to enter the following information. Note: The first two fields appear only if you initiated the Extend from the Edit menu.
  1. After receiving the message that the pre-extend checks were successful, click Next.
Backup Priority Enter a number between 1 and 999 to specify the template server’s priority in the cascading failover sequence for this resource. A lower number means a higher priority. SIOS Protection Suite assigns the number “1” to the server on which the hierarchy was created. No two servers can have the same priority for a given resource.
  1. Click Extend.


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